17 research outputs found

    Leaderless Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus

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    Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) consensus has recently gained much attention because of its intriguing connection with blockchains. Several state-of-the-art BFT consensus protocols have been proposed in the age of blockchains such as Tendermint [5], Pala [9], Streamlet [8], HotStuff [23], and Fast-HotStuff [17]. These protocols are all leader-based (i.e., protocols run in a series of views, and each view has a delegated node called the leader to coordinate all consensus decisions). To make progress, leader-based BFT protocols usually rely on view synchronization, which is an ad-hoc way of rotating the leader and synchronizing nodes to the same view with the leader for enough overlap time. However, many studies and system implementations show that existing methods of view synchronization are complicated and bug-prone [2], [15], [16], [19]. In this paper, we aim to design a leaderless Byzantine fault tolerant (LBFT) protocol, in which nodes simply compete to propose blocks (containing a batch of clients' requests) without the need of explicit coordination through view synchronization. LBFT also enjoys several other desirable features emphasized recently by the research community, such as the chain structure, pipelining techniques, and advanced cryptography [5], [6], [9], [17], [23]. With these efforts, LBFT can achieve both good performance (e.g., O(n)or O(nlog(n)) message complexity) and prominent simplicity.Comment: 13 page, 4 figure

    BaseSAFE: Baseband SAnitized Fuzzing through Emulation

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    Rogue base stations are an effective attack vector. Cellular basebands represent a critical part of the smartphone's security: they parse large amounts of data even before authentication. They can, therefore, grant an attacker a very stealthy way to gather information about calls placed and even to escalate to the main operating system, over-the-air. In this paper, we discuss a novel cellular fuzzing framework that aims to help security researchers find critical bugs in cellular basebands and similar embedded systems. BaseSAFE allows partial rehosting of cellular basebands for fast instrumented fuzzing off-device, even for closed-source firmware blobs. BaseSAFE's sanitizing drop-in allocator, enables spotting heap-based buffer-overflows quickly. Using our proof-of-concept harness, we fuzzed various parsers of the Nucleus RTOS-based MediaTek cellular baseband that are accessible from rogue base stations. The emulator instrumentation is highly optimized, reaching hundreds of executions per second on each core for our complex test case, around 15k test-cases per second in total. Furthermore, we discuss attack vectors for baseband modems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first use of emulation-based fuzzing for security testing of commercial cellular basebands. Most of the tooling and approaches of BaseSAFE are also applicable for other low-level kernels and firmware. Using BaseSAFE, we were able to find memory corruptions including heap out-of-bounds writes using our proof-of-concept fuzzing harness in the MediaTek cellular baseband. BaseSAFE, the harness, and a large collection of LTE signaling message test cases will be released open-source upon publication of this paper

    Fast Privacy-Preserving Punch Cards

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    Loyalty programs in the form of punch cards that can be redeemed for benefits have long been a ubiquitous element of the consumer landscape. However, their increasingly popular digital equivalents, while providing more convenience and better bookkeeping, pose a considerable privacy risk. This paper introduces a privacy-preserving punch card protocol that allows firms to digitize their loyalty programs without forcing customers to submit to corporate surveillance. We also present a number of extensions that allow our scheme to provide other privacy-preserving customer loyalty features. Compared to the best prior work, we achieve a 14Ă—14\times reduction in the computation and a 11Ă—11\times reduction in the communication required to perform a "hole punch," a 55Ă—55\times reduction in the communication required to redeem a punch card, and a 128Ă—128\times reduction in the computation time required to redeem a card. Much of our performance improvement can be attributed to removing the reliance on pairings or range proofs present in prior work, which has only addressed this problem in the context of more general loyalty systems. By tailoring our scheme to punch cards and related loyalty systems, we demonstrate that we can reduce communication and computation costs by orders of magnitude

    From Symmetric to Asymmetric Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus

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    Consensus is arguably one of the most important notions in distributed computing. Among asynchronous, randomized, and signature-free implementations, the protocols of Most\'efaoui et al. (PODC 2014 and JACM 2015) represent a landmark result, which has been extended later and taken up in practical systems. The protocols achieve optimal resilience and takes, in expectation, only a constant expected number of rounds of quadratic message complexity. Randomization is provided through a common-coin primitive. In traditional consensus protocols, all involved processes adhere to a global, symmetric failure model, typically only defined by bounds on the number of faulty processes. Motivated by applications to blockchains, however, more flexible trust assumptions have recently been considered. In particular, with asymmetric trust, a process is free to choose which other processes it trusts and which ones might collude against it. This paper revisits the optimal asynchronous protocol of Most\'efaoui et al. and shows how to realize it with asymmetric trust. The paper starts by pointing out in detail why some versions of this protocol may violate liveness. Then it proposes a fix for the protocol that does not affect its properties, but lets it regain the simplicity of its original version (PODC 2014). At the same time, the paper shows how to realize randomized signature-free asynchronous Byzantine consensus with asymmetric quorums. This results in an optimal consensus protocol with subjective, asymmetric trust and constant expected running time. It is suitable for applications to blockchains, for instance

    Dynamic proofs of retrievability with low server storage

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    Proofs of Retrievability (PoRs) are protocols which allow a client to store data remotely and to efficiently ensure, via audits, that the entirety of that data is still intact. A dynamic PoR system also supports efficient retrieval and update of any small portion of the data. We propose new, simple protocols for dynamic PoR that are designed for practical efficiency, trading decreased persistent storage for increased server computation, and show in fact that this tradeoff is inherent via a lower bound proof of time-space for any PoR scheme. Notably, ours is the first dynamic PoR which does not require any special encoding of the data stored on the server, meaning it can be trivially composed with any database service or with existing techniques for encryption or redundancy. Our implementation and deployment on Google Cloud Platform demonstrates our solution is scalable: for example, auditing a 1TB file takes just less than 5 minutes and costs less than $0.08 USD. We also present several further enhancements, reducing the amount of client storage, or the communication bandwidth, or allowing public verifiability, wherein any untrusted third party may conduct an audit