756 research outputs found

    Constructivismo y metodología colaborativa mediada por TIC en educación superior usando webquest

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    The present article presents an experience of educational innovation framed in the constructivist approach and the collaborative methodology conducted with students of the Degree in Primary Education, in the module “ICT Applied to Education”. The experience consisted of making the students competent in the design, creation and evaluation of WebQuests and Scavenger Hunts. To this end, globalising and competence-based strategies were used, with which the students learn, through a work project, to perform specific tasks designed by the teacher and carried out in collaborative groups based on constructivist models from an active learning. In this case, the students are taught what a WebQuest is by using a WebQuest designed by the teacher, who then gives them the task of creating a WebQuest or Scavenger Hunt designed for students in primary education. This experience is structured in three learning phases, as well as an initial evaluation (pretest) and a final evaluation (post-test) to verify the extent of learning of the students. During the process, instruments of self-evaluation, heteroevaluation and coevaluation were used to enhance learning. The results show that the learning of these students increased, both in their didactic competence and in the use of ICT, using an alternative methodology to the traditional one.En este artículo queremos dar a conocer una experiencia de innovación docente enmarcada en el enfoque constructivista y la metodología colaborativa, realizada con alumnos del Grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria en la Asignatura de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación aplicadas a la Educación. Se trata de hacer a los alumnos competentes en el diseño, elaboración y evaluación de Webquest y “caza del tesoro”. Para ello utilizamos, estrategias de aprendizaje globalizador y de tipo competencial, donde los alumnos aprenden, a través de un proyecto de trabajo, a realizar unas determinadas tareas diseñadas por el profesor y llevadas a cabo en grupos colaborativos basado en modelos constructivistas desde un aprendizaje activo. En el caso que nos ocupa se enseña a los estudiantes qué es una Webquest utilizando una Webquest diseñada por la profesora, y que exige en la tarea la realización de una Webquest o “caza del tesoro” dirigida a alumnos de Educación Primaria. Esta experiencia se estructura en 3 fases de aprendizaje, además de una evaluación inicial (pre-test) y otra final (post-test) para verificar el grado de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Durante el proceso también se utilizan instrumentos de autoevaluación, heteroevaluación y coevaluación que favorecen el aprendizaje. Los resultados demuestran el incremento superior del aprendizaje de los estudiantes tanto en su competencia didáctica, como en el uso de las TIC, utilizando una metodología alternativa a la tradicional

    The Use Of WebQLM To Enhance Writing Performance In Argumentative Writing

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    This study focused on the development of a constructivist web-based learning tool known as WebQuest Learning Module or WebQLM and investigated the effects of WebQLM on students’ writing performance and their level of engagement in all the activities in WebQLM. Penyelidikan ini menumpukan kepada pembinaan sebuah alat pembelajaran konstruktivis yang berasaskan web dikenali sebagai Modul Pembelajaran WebQuest atau WebQLM. Penyelidikan ini menyelidik kesan-kesan WebQLM terhadap pencapaian penulisan pelajar dalam penulisan penyanggahan serta tahap penglibatan mereka dalam aktiviti-aktiviti WebQLM

    Information And Communication Technology As A Pedagogical Tool In Teacher Preparation And Higher Education

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    Under the current trend of globalization and economic dynamics, the accountability of our educational systems is being seriously tested. In response to the demands of the future, the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Singapore has wisely proposed several initiatives to promote the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, and to increase the competitiveness of the workforce by emphasizing inquiry-based learning, higher order thinking, and problem solving (i.e., Thinking Schools Learning Nation, Students Effective Engagement and Development). This study asserts that these two goals, rather than being mutually exclusive, are highly related. Research has shown that integrating technology in teaching and learning can have positive influences on higher order thinking, students motivation, inquiry-based learning, attitudes, achievement, and peer interactions in the classrooms (Bennett, 2001; Schofield, 1995)

    Using ICT to promote a campaing in favour of gender equality in the ESL classroom

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    Currently, we are living in a society which is affected by many crucial factors. Firstly, gender equality is an issue introduced in the high schools with the purpose of promoting equality between men and women. In fact, it requires a notion that has to be learnt as soon as possible. Secondly, the integration of ICT in education has implied a new way of teaching and learning that students have adopted for the last few years. Technology evolves extremely quickly so teachers have to be prepared to make a correct use of it using many different resources. On the one hand, inequality between men and women continues being present in our society. It is true that many things in terms of education, jobs, home tasks, etc. have changed, but institutional centres such as high schools have to transmit the knowledge, values, and attitudes that boys and girls are required to have without taking into account their sexes. This means that schools have to provide students the opportunity to strengthen comprehensive development. In other words, educative centres have to deal with a responsible and participative integration of the students not only as learners but also as members of a society.Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y LiteraturaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Using Webquest As A Universal Design For Learning Tool To Enhance Teaching And Learning In Teacher Preparation Programs

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    Developed by Dodge (1995), WebQuest is an inquiry-based teaching tool, in which students of all ages and levels participate in an authentic task that use pre-designed, pre-defined internet resources, though other print resources can also be used.  Learners will put the focus on gathering, summarizing, synthesizing, and evaluating the information within clearly defined parameters in order to accomplish an authentic task set by the instructor.  WebQuest takes a problem-solving approach and exhibits a clear structure that guides the learning processes and interactions (Dodge, 2001), and can be used for different subject areas across age levels, from young children to adult learners (Ezell, Klein, Hines, & Hall, 2003).  In teacher preparation, research has shown that WebQuest enhanced problem-solving skills, higher order thinking, motivation, creativity, critical thinking, active learning, connection to authentic contexts (Abu-Elwan, 2007; Allan & Street, 2007; Lim & Hernandez, 2007) and assisted in bridging the theory to practice gap (Lim & Hernandez, 2007).  It should be noted that most studies were conducted on the subject areas of Math, literacy, or science.  In Singapore context, many local teachers still haven’t heard of WebQuest and learned about using WebQuest in their teaching.  Further, few research studies have focused on establishing WebQuest as an evidence-based practice in enhancing teaching and learning or a pedagogy promoting Universal Design for Learning and inquiry based learning.  This research project intends to introduce WebQuest, to be modelled and integrated in a course training special education pre-service teachers (allied educators) in Singapore. Specifically, the following research questions were posed: (1) Does the use of WebQuest in teacher preparation promote special education teachers’ understanding on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in accommodating students with diverse learning needs? (2) Does WebQuest a useful tool to enhance teacher’s higher order thinking, engagement, creativity, and collaborative learning skills? (3) Does the use of WebQuest in teacher preparation foster stronger desires for teachers to integrate ICT in teaching and learn more about WebQuest?  Forty one teacher responded to a survey questionnaire after experiencing WebQuest developed by the course instructor in teacher preparation program.  Teachers also learned about WebQuest as an Universal Design for Learning tool for students with diverse learning needs.  The majoirty of teachers indicated strong favors over WebQuest activities over traditional teacher-directed learning methods.  All participants found WebQuest helpful in accommodating individual differences and learning styles (Agree: 68.3%; Strongly agree: 31.7%).  Forty teachers (N=41) reflected that they used more critical thinking and problem solving skills when they engaged in the WebQuest activities developed by the instructor (39% strongly agree and 56.1% agree).  Thirty nine teachers agreed that they were required to use more creativity when they engaged in the WebQuest activities (24.4% of teachers stronly agree and 68.3% agree). The majority of teachers (26.8% strongly agree and 68.3% agree) felt that they know more about ways to incorporate technology for teaching and learning after experiencing WebQuest in this class.  They also indicated that they would like to use more technology and web resources in teaching in the future after learning about WebQuest (41.5% strongly agree and 53.7% agree)

    Analysis of the implementation of a Webquest for learning English in a secondary school in Spain

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    In this technological era we live in, the educative scenario is changing rapidly and significantly due to the incorporation of the Internet. Therefore, education should pay special attention to society needs considering the information and communication technologies (TICs) essentially in the teaching process in order to make students ready for this changing society. This paper is focused on the implementation, assessment and analysis of a computer-based approach, a WebQuest, in a third year of compulsory secondary education. The didactic unit implemented deals with the different English-speaking countries and their particularities. The new approach has been carried out using in-class sessions together with autonomous work and group work. The purpose of this study is to analyse and discuss students' opinions and reactions towards the use of this new teaching and learning strategy in an English as a Second Language class. In this sense, the study aims at showing whether students 1) gain a higher motivation in learning English, 2) have improved their digital competence and 3) have acquired cultural competence. The results show that the use of new technologies have motivated students towards the teaching and learning of the English subject, improving their digital competence as well as their cultural competence

    WebQuests and the development of the reading skill

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    WebQuests and the development of the reading skill es un TFM modalidad B destinado a investigar la influencia de las WebQuest en la competencia lectora de los alumnos. El trabajo consta de una base teórica, una revisión tanto de la literatura como de los estudios realizados en éste campo, así como una CLILQuest diseñada por mi