6,160 research outputs found

    JTP: An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Within a recently developed low-power ad hoc network system, we present a transport protocol (JTP) whose goal is to reduce power consumption without trading off delivery requirements of applications. JTP has the following features: it is lightweight whereby end-nodes control in-network actions by encoding delivery requirements in packet headers; JTP enables applications to specify a range of reliability requirements, thus allocating the right energy budget to packets; JTP minimizes feedback control traffic from the destination by varying its frequency based on delivery requirements and stability of the network; JTP minimizes energy consumption by implementing in-network caching and increasing the chances that data retransmission requests from destinations "hit" these caches, thus avoiding costly source retransmissions; and JTP fairly allocates bandwidth among flows by backing off the sending rate of a source to account for in-network retransmissions on its behalf. Analysis and extensive simulations demonstrate the energy gains of JTP over one-size-fits-all transport protocols.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (AFRL FA8750-06-C-0199

    Fast Routing Table Construction Using Small Messages

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    We describe a distributed randomized algorithm computing approximate distances and routes that approximate shortest paths. Let n denote the number of nodes in the graph, and let HD denote the hop diameter of the graph, i.e., the diameter of the graph when all edges are considered to have unit weight. Given 0 < eps <= 1/2, our algorithm runs in weak-O(n^(1/2 + eps) + HD) communication rounds using messages of O(log n) bits and guarantees a stretch of O(eps^(-1) log eps^(-1)) with high probability. This is the first distributed algorithm approximating weighted shortest paths that uses small messages and runs in weak-o(n) time (in graphs where HD in weak-o(n)). The time complexity nearly matches the lower bounds of weak-Omega(sqrt(n) + HD) in the small-messages model that hold for stateless routing (where routing decisions do not depend on the traversed path) as well as approximation of the weigthed diameter. Our scheme replaces the original identifiers of the nodes by labels of size O(log eps^(-1) log n). We show that no algorithm that keeps the original identifiers and runs for weak-o(n) rounds can achieve a polylogarithmic approximation ratio. Variations of our techniques yield a number of fast distributed approximation algorithms solving related problems using small messages. Specifically, we present algorithms that run in weak-O(n^(1/2 + eps) + HD) rounds for a given 0 < eps <= 1/2, and solve, with high probability, the following problems: - O(eps^(-1))-approximation for the Generalized Steiner Forest (the running time in this case has an additive weak-O(t^(1 + 2eps)) term, where t is the number of terminals); - O(eps^(-2))-approximation of weighted distances, using node labels of size O(eps^(-1) log n) and weak-O(n^(eps)) bits of memory per node; - O(eps^(-1))-approximation of the weighted diameter; - O(eps^(-3))-approximate shortest paths using the labels 1,...,n.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, extended abstract submitted to STOC'1

    AM-DisCNT: Angular Multi-hop DIStance based Circular Network Transmission Protocol for WSNs

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    The nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) contain limited energy resources, which are needed to transmit data to base station (BS). Routing protocols are designed to reduce the energy consumption. Clustering algorithms are best in this aspect. Such clustering algorithms increase the stability and lifetime of the network. However, every routing protocol is not suitable for heterogeneous environments. AM-DisCNT is proposed and evaluated as a new energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks. AM-DisCNT uses circular deployment for even consumption of energy in entire wireless sensor network. Cluster-head selection is on the basis of energy. Highest energy node becomes CH for that round. Energy is again compared in the next round to check the highest energy node of that round. The simulation results show that AM-DisCNT performs better than the existing heterogeneous protocols on the basis of network lifetime, throughput and stability of the system.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc
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