11,869 research outputs found

    Semantic Graph for Zero-Shot Learning

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    Zero-shot learning aims to classify visual objects without any training data via knowledge transfer between seen and unseen classes. This is typically achieved by exploring a semantic embedding space where the seen and unseen classes can be related. Previous works differ in what embedding space is used and how different classes and a test image can be related. In this paper, we utilize the annotation-free semantic word space for the former and focus on solving the latter issue of modeling relatedness. Specifically, in contrast to previous work which ignores the semantic relationships between seen classes and focus merely on those between seen and unseen classes, in this paper a novel approach based on a semantic graph is proposed to represent the relationships between all the seen and unseen class in a semantic word space. Based on this semantic graph, we design a special absorbing Markov chain process, in which each unseen class is viewed as an absorbing state. After incorporating one test image into the semantic graph, the absorbing probabilities from the test data to each unseen class can be effectively computed; and zero-shot classification can be achieved by finding the class label with the highest absorbing probability. The proposed model has a closed-form solution which is linear with respect to the number of test images. We demonstrate the effectiveness and computational efficiency of the proposed method over the state-of-the-arts on the AwA (animals with attributes) dataset.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Calibrating Knowledge Graphs

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    A knowledge graph model represents a given knowledge graph as a number of vectors. These models are evaluated for several tasks, and one of them is link prediction, which consists of predicting whether new edges are plausible when the model is provided with a partial edge. Calibration is a postprocessing technique that aims to align the predictions of a model with respect to a ground truth. The idea is to make a model more reliable by reducing its confidence for incorrect predictions (overconfidence), and increasing the confidence for correct predictions that are closer to the negative threshold (underconfidence). Calibration for knowledge graph models have been previously studied for the task of triple classification, which is different than link prediction, and assuming closed-world, that is, knowledge that is missing from the graph at hand is incorrect. However, knowledge graphs operate under the open-world assumption such that it is unknown whether missing knowledge is correct or incorrect. In this thesis, we propose open-world calibration of knowledge graph models for link prediction. We rely on strategies to synthetically generate negatives that are expected to have different levels of semantic plausibility. Calibration thus consists of aligning the predictions of the model with these different semantic levels. Nonsensical negatives should be farther away from a positive than semantically plausible negatives. We analyze several scenarios in which calibration based on the sigmoid function can lead to incorrect results when considering distance-based models. We also propose the Jensen-Shannon distance to measure the divergence of the predictions before and after calibration. Our experiments exploit several pre-trained models of nine algorithms over seven datasets. Our results show that many of these pre-trained models are properly calibrated without intervention under the closed-world assumption, but it is not the case for the open-world assumption. Furthermore, Brier scores (the mean squared error before and after calibration) using the closed-world assumption are generally lower and the divergence is higher when using open-world calibration. From these results, we gather that open-world calibration is a harder task than closed-world calibration. Finally, analyzing different measurements related to link prediction accuracy, we propose a combined loss function for calibration that maintains the accuracy of the model
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