18 research outputs found

    Interior and closure operators on bounded residuated lattice ordered monoids

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    summary:GMVGMV-algebras endowed with additive closure operators or with its duals-multiplicative interior operators (closure or interior GMVGMV-algebras) were introduced as a non-commutative generalization of topological Boolean algebras. In the paper, the multiplicative interior and additive closure operators on DRlDRl-monoids are introduced as natural generalizations of the multiplicative interior and additive closure operators on GMVGMV-algebras

    Classes of filters in generalizations of commutative fuzzy structures

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    summary:Bounded commutative residuated lattice ordered monoids (Râ„“R\ell -monoids) are a common generalization of BL\mathit {BL}-algebras and Heyting algebras, i.e. algebras of basic fuzzy logic and intuitionistic logic, respectively. In the paper we develop the theory of filters of bounded commutative Râ„“R\ell -monoids

    Some properties of state filters in state residuated lattices

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    summary:We consider properties of state filters of state residuated lattices and prove that for every state filter FF of a state residuated lattice XX: \begin {itemize} \item [(1)] FF is obstinate ⇔\Leftrightarrow L/F≅{0,1}L/F \cong \{0,1\}; \item [(2)] FF is primary ⇔\Leftrightarrow L/FL/F is a state local residuated lattice; \end {itemize} and that every g-state residuated lattice XX is a subdirect product of {X/Pλ}\{X/P_{\lambda } \}, where PλP_{\lambda } is a prime state filter of XX. \endgraf Moreover, we show that the quotient MTL-algebra X/PX/P of a state residuated lattice XX by a state prime filter PP is not always totally ordered, although the quotient MTL-algebra by a prime filter is totally ordered

    Direct product decompositions of bounded commutative residuated â„“\ell-monoids

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    summary:The notion of bounded commutative residuated ℓ\ell -monoid (BCRBCR ℓ\ell -monoid, in short) generalizes both the notions of MVMV-algebra and of BLBL-algebra. Let A¸\c A be a BCRBCR ℓ\ell -monoid; we denote by ℓ(A¸)\ell (\c A) the underlying lattice of A¸\c A. In the present paper we show that each direct product decomposition of ℓ(A¸)\ell (\c A) determines a direct product decomposition of A¸\c A. This yields that any two direct product decompositions of A¸\c A have isomorphic refinements. We consider also the relations between direct product decompositions of A¸\c A and states on A¸\c A