1 research outputs found

    Probabilistic and average linear widths of weighted Sobolev spaces on the ball equipped with a Gaussian measure

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    Let Lq,μL_{q,\mu}, 1≤q≤∞1\leq q\leq\infty, denotes the weighted LqL_q space of functions on the unit ball Bd\Bbb B^d with respect to weight (1−∥x∥22)μ−12, μ≥0(1-\|x\|_2^2)^{\mu-\frac12},\,\mu\ge 0, and let W2,μrW_{2,\mu}^r be the weighted Sobolev space on Bd\Bbb B^d with a Gaussian measure ν\nu. We investigate the probabilistic linear (n,δ)(n,\delta)-widths λn,δ(W2,μr,ν,Lq,μ)\lambda_{n,\delta}(W_{2,\mu}^r,\nu,L_{q,\mu}) and the pp-average linear nn-widths λn(a)(W2,μr,μ,Lq,μ)p\lambda_n^{(a)}(W_{2,\mu}^r,\mu,L_{q,\mu})_p, and obtain their asymptotic orders for all 1≤q≤∞1\le q\le \infty and 0<p<∞0<p<\infty