5 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Points-to Analysis for Java

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    Abstract. Probabilistic points-to analysis is an analysis technique for defining the probabilities on the points-to relations in programs. It provides the compiler with some optimization chances such as speculative dead store elimination, speculative redundancy elimination, and speculative code scheduling. Although several static probabilistic points-to analysis techniques have been developed for C language, they cannot be applied directly to Java because they do not handle the classes, objects, inheritances and invocations of virtual methods. In this paper, we propose a context-insensitive and flow-sensitive probabilistic points-to analysis for Java (JPPA) for statically predicting the probability of points-to relations at all program points (i.e., points before or after statements) of a Java program. JPPA first constructs an interprocedural control flow graph (ICFG) for a Java program, whose edges are labeled with the probabilities calculated by an algorithm based on a static branch prediction approach, and then calculates the probabilistic points-to relations of the program based upon the ICFG. We have also developed a tool called Lukewarm to support JPPA and conducted an experiment to compare JPPA with a traditional context-insensitive and flow-sensitive points-to analysis approach. The experimental results show that JPPA is a precise and effective probabilistic points-to analysis technique for Java

    Implementing Andersen Alias Analysis in LLVM

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    Alias Analysis information is a prerequisite for most of the program analysis and the quality of this information can greatly boost up the precision and performance of the program. Many recent works in this area have focused on high precision and scalability, but still they lack an efficient and scalable alias analysis. The inclusion based or Andersen style alias analysis is widely used to compute such information. Andersen alias analysis is flow insensitive which make it highly precise and motivate many modern optimizing compilers to deploy it. In this work, we have improved and implemented the Andersen alias analysis in the latest version of LLVM

    Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis with Strong Updates via Value-Flow Refinement

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    We present a new demand-driven flow- and context-sensitive pointer analysis with strong updates for C programs, called SUPA, that enables computing points-to information via value-flow refinement, in environments with small time and memory budgets such as IDEs. We formulate SUPA by solving a graph reachability problem on an inter-procedural value-flow graph representing a program's def-use chains, which are pre-computed efficiently but over-approximately. To answer a client query (a request for a variable's points-to set), SUPA reasons about the flow of values along the pre-computed def-use chains sparsely (rather than across all program points), by performing only the work necessary for the query (rather than analyzing the whole program). In particular, strong updates are performed to filter out spurious def-use chains through value-flow refinement as long as the total budget is not exhausted. SUPA facilitates efficiency and precision tradeoffs by applying different pointer analyses in a hybrid multi-stage analysis framework. We have implemented SUPA in LLVM (3.5.0) and evaluate it by choosing uninitialized pointer detection as a major client on 18 open-source C programs. As the analysis budget increases, SUPA achieves improved precision, with its single-stage flow-sensitive analysis reaching 97.4% of that achieved by whole-program flow-sensitive analysis by consuming about 0.18 seconds and 65KB of memory per query, on average (with a budget of at most 10000 value-flow edges per query). With context-sensitivity also considered, SUPA's two- stage analysis becomes more precise for some programs but also incurs more analysis times. SUPA is also amenable to parallelization. A parallel implementation of its single-stage flow-sensitive analysis achieves a speedup of up to 6.9x with an average of 3.05x a 8-core machine with respect its sequential version

    Probabilistic Points-to Analysis for Java

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