1 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Data Association via Mixture Models for Robust Semantic SLAM

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    Modern robotic systems sense the environment geometrically, through sensors like cameras, lidar, and sonar, as well as semantically, often through visual models learned from data, such as object detectors. We aim to develop robots that can use all of these sources of information for reliable navigation, but each is corrupted by noise. Rather than assume that object detection will eventually achieve near perfect performance across the lifetime of a robot, in this work we represent and cope with the semantic and geometric uncertainty inherent in methods like object detection. Specifically, we model data association ambiguity, which is typically non-Gaussian, in a way that is amenable to solution within the common nonlinear Gaussian formulation of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). We do so by eliminating data association variables from the inference process through max-marginalization, preserving standard Gaussian posterior assumptions. The result is a max-mixture-type model that accounts for multiple data association hypotheses as well as incorrect loop closures. We provide experimental results on indoor and outdoor semantic navigation tasks with noisy odometry and object detection and find that the ability of the proposed approach to represent multiple hypotheses, including the "null" hypothesis, gives substantial robustness advantages in comparison to alternative semantic SLAM approaches.Comment: Authors D. Baxter and E. Schneeweiss contributed equally to this work. Submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 202