841 research outputs found

    Prospectiva de seguridad de las redes de sensores inalámbricos

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    En las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos (WSN), los nodos son vulnerables a los ataques de seguridad porque están instalados en un entorno difícil, con energía y memoria limitadas, baja capacidad de procesamiento y transmisión de difusión media; por lo tanto, identificar las amenazas, los retos y las soluciones de seguridad y privacidad es un tema candente hoy en día. En este artículo se analizan los trabajos de investigación que se han realizado sobre los mecanismos de seguridad para la protección de las WSN frente a amenazas y ataques, así como las tendencias que surgen en otros países junto con futuras líneas de investigación. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, este análisis se muestra a través de la visualización y estudio de trabajos indexados en bases de datos como IEEE, ACM, Scopus y Springer, con un rango de 7 años como ventana de observación, desde 2013 hasta 2019. Se obtuvieron un total de 4.728 publicaciones, con un alto índice de colaboración entre China e India. La investigación planteó desarrollos, como avances en los principios de seguridad y mecanismos de defensa, que han llevado al diseño de contramedidas en la detección de intrusiones. Por último, los resultados muestran el interés de la comunidad científica y empresarial por el uso de la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje automático (ML) para optimizar las medidas de rendimiento.In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), nodes are vulnerable to security attacks because they are installed in a harsh environment with limited power and memory, low processing power, and medium broadcast transmission. Therefore, identifying threats, challenges, and solutions of security and privacy is a talking topic today. This article analyzes the research work that has been carried out on the security mechanisms for the protection of WSN against threats and attacks, as well as the trends that emerge in other countries combined with future research lines. From the methodological point of view, this analysis is shown through the visualization and study of works indexed in databases such as IEEE, ACM, Scopus, and Springer, with a range of 7 years as an observation window, from 2013 to 2019. A total of 4,728 publications were obtained, with a high rate of collaboration between China and India. The research raised developments, such as advances in security principles and defense mechanisms, which have led to the design of countermeasures in intrusion detection. Finally, the results show the interest of the scientific and business community in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to optimize performance measurements

    Computational intelligence-enabled cybersecurity for the Internet of Things

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    The computational intelligence (CI) based technologies play key roles in campaigning cybersecurity challenges in complex systems such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-physical-systems (CPS), etc. The current IoT is facing increasingly security issues, such as vulnerabilities of IoT systems, malware detection, data security concerns, personal and public physical safety risk, privacy issues, data storage management following the exponential growth of IoT devices. This work aims at investigating the applicability of computational intelligence techniques in cybersecurity for IoT, including CI-enabled cybersecurity and privacy solutions, cyber defense technologies, intrusion detection techniques, and data security in IoT. This paper also attempts to provide new research directions and trends for the increasingly IoT security issues using computational intelligence technologies

    Identifying Authorship Style in Malicious Binaries: Techniques, Challenges & Datasets

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    Attributing a piece of malware to its creator typically requires threat intelligence. Binary attribution increases the level of difficulty as it mostly relies upon the ability to disassemble binaries to identify authorship style. Our survey explores malicious author style and the adversarial techniques used by them to remain anonymous. We examine the adversarial impact on the state-of-the-art methods. We identify key findings and explore the open research challenges. To mitigate the lack of ground truth datasets in this domain, we publish alongside this survey the largest and most diverse meta-information dataset of 15,660 malware labeled to 164 threat actor groups

    Deep Anomaly Detection in Text

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    Deep anomaly detection methods have become increasingly popular in recent years, with methods like Stacked Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders, and Generative Adversarial Networks greatly improving the state-of-the-art. Other methods rely on augmenting classical models (such as the One-Class Support Vector Machine), by learning an appropriate kernel function using Neural Networks. Recent developments in representation learning by self-supervision are proving to be very beneficial in the context of anomaly detection. Inspired by the advancements in anomaly detection using self-supervised learning in the field of computer vision, this thesis aims to develop a method for detecting anomalies by exploiting pretext tasks tailored for text corpora. This approach greatly improves the state-of-the-art on two datasets, 20Newsgroups, and AG News, for both semi-supervised and unsupervised anomaly detection, thus proving the potential for self-supervised anomaly detectors in the field of natural language processing.Comment: M.Sc. thesis, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 202