22 research outputs found

    Private Stateful Information Retrieval

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    Private information retrieval (PIR) is a fundamental tool for preserving query privacy when accessing outsourced data. All previous PIR constructions have significant costs preventing widespread use. In this work, we present private stateful information retrieval (PSIR), an extension of PIR, allowing clients to be stateful and maintain information between multiple queries. Our design of the PSIR primitive maintains three important properties of PIR: multiple clients may simultaneously query without complex concurrency primitives, query privacy should be maintained if the server colludes with other clients, and new clients should be able to enroll into the system by exclusively interacting with the server. We present a PSIR framework that reduces an online query to performing one single-server PIR on a sub-linear number of database records. All other operations beyond the single-server PIR consist of cryptographic hashes or plaintext operations. In practice, the dominating costs of resources occur due to the public-key operations involved with PIR. By reducing the input database to PIR, we are able to limit expensive computation and avoid transmitting large ciphertexts. We show that various instantiations of PSIR reduce server CPU by up to 10x and online network costs by up to 10x over the previous best PIR construction

    What Storage Access Privacy is Achievable with Small Overhead?

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) and private information retrieval (PIR) are classic cryptographic primitives used to hide the access pattern to data whose storage has been outsourced to an untrusted server. Unfortunately, both primitives require considerable overhead compared to plaintext access. For large-scale storage infrastructure with highly frequent access requests, the degradation in response time and the exorbitant increase in resource costs incurred by either ORAM or PIR prevent their usage. In an ideal scenario, a privacy-preserving storage protocols with small overhead would be implemented for these heavily trafficked storage systems to avoid negatively impacting either performance and/or costs. In this work, we study the problem of the best $\mathit{storage\ access\ privacy}thatisachievablewithonly that is achievable with only \mathit{small\ overhead}overplaintextaccess.Toanswerthisquestion,weconsider over plaintext access. To answer this question, we consider \mathit{differential\ privacy\ access}whichisageneralizationofthe which is a generalization of the \mathit{oblivious\ access}securitynotionthatareconsideredbyORAMandPIR.Quitesurprisingly,wepresentstrongevidencethatconstantoverheadstorageschemesmayonlybeachievedwithprivacybudgetsof security notion that are considered by ORAM and PIR. Quite surprisingly, we present strong evidence that constant overhead storage schemes may only be achieved with privacy budgets of \epsilon = \Omega(\log n).WepresentasymptoticallyoptimalconstructionsfordifferentiallyprivatevariantsofbothORAMandPIRwithprivacybudgets. We present asymptotically optimal constructions for differentially private variants of both ORAM and PIR with privacy budgets \epsilon = \Theta(\log n)withonly with only O(1)overhead.Inaddition,weconsideramorecomplexstorageprimitivecalledkeyvaluestorageinwhichdataisindexedbykeysfromalargeuniverse(asopposedtoconsecutiveintegersinORAMandPIR).Wepresentadifferentiallyprivatekeyvaluestorageschemewith overhead. In addition, we consider a more complex storage primitive called key-value storage in which data is indexed by keys from a large universe (as opposed to consecutive integers in ORAM and PIR). We present a differentially private key-value storage scheme with \epsilon = \Theta(\log n)and and O(\log\log n)$ overhead. This construction uses a new oblivious, two-choice hashing scheme that may be of independent interest.Comment: To appear at PODS'1

    Lower Bounds for Multi-Server Oblivious RAMs

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    In this work, we consider the construction of oblivious RAMs (ORAM) in a setting with multiple servers and the adversary may corrupt a subset of the servers. We present an Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) overhead lower bound for any kk-server ORAM that limits any PPT adversary to distinguishing advantage at most 1/4k1/4k when only one server is corrupted. In other words, if one insists on negligible distinguishing advantage, then multi-server ORAMs cannot be faster than single-server ORAMs even with polynomially many servers of which only one unknown server is corrupted. Our results apply to ORAMs that may err with probability at most 1/1281/128 as well as scenarios where the adversary corrupts larger subsets of servers. We also extend our lower bounds to other important data structures including oblivious stacks, queues, deques, priority queues and search trees

    TreePIR: Sublinear-Time and Polylog-Bandwidth Private Information Retrieval from DDH

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    In Private Information Retrieval (PIR), a client wishes to retrieve the value of an index ii from a public database of NN values without leaking information about the index ii. In their recent seminal work, Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan (EUROCRYPT 2020) introduced the first two-server PIR protocol with sublinear amortized server time and sublinear, O(NlogN)O(\sqrt{N}\log N) bandwidth. In a followup work, Shi et al. (CRYPTO 2021) reduced the bandwidth to polylogarithmic by proposing a construction based on privately puncturable pseudorandom functions, a primitive whose only construction known to date is based on heave cryptographic primitives. Partly because of this, their PIR protocol does not achieve concrete efficiency. In this paper we propose TreePIR, a two-server PIR protocol with sublinear amortized server time and polylogarithmic bandwidth whose security can be based on just the DDH assumption. TreePIR can be partitioned in two phases, both sublinear: The first phase is remarkably simple and only requires pseudorandom generators. The second phase is a single-server PIR protocol on \emph{only} N\sqrt{N} indices, for which we can use the protocol by D\ ottling et al. (CRYPTO 2019) based on DDH, or, for practical purposes, the most concretely efficient single-server PIR protocol. Not only does TreePIR achieve better asymptotics than previous approaches while resting on weaker cryptographic assumptions, but it also outperforms existing two-server PIR protocols in practice. The crux of our protocol is a new cryptographic primitive that we call weak privately puncturable pseudorandom functions, which we believe can have further applications

    Privacy-Preserving Digital Vaccine Passport

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    The global lockdown imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in significant social and economic challenges. In an effort to reopen economies and simultaneously control the spread of the disease, the implementation of contact tracing and digital vaccine passport technologies has been introduced. While contact tracing methods have been extensively studied and scrutinized for security concerns through numerous publications, vaccine passports have not received the same level of attention in terms of defining the problems they address, establishing security requirements, or developing efficient systems. Many of the existing methods employed currently suffer from privacy issues. This work introduces PPass, an advanced digital vaccine passport system that prioritizes user privacy. We begin by outlining the essential security requirements for an ideal vaccine passport system. To address these requirements, we present two efficient constructions that enable PPass to function effectively across various environments while upholding user privacy. By estimating its performance, we demonstrate the practical feasibility of PPass. Our findings suggest that PPass can efficiently verify a passenger’s vaccine passport in just 7 milliseconds, with a modest bandwidth requirement of 480KB

    Single-Server Private Information Retrieval with Sublinear Amortized Time

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    We construct new private-information-retrieval protocols in the single-server setting. Our schemes allow a client to privately fetch a sequence of database records from a server, while the server answers each query in average time sublinear in the database size. Specifically, we introduce the first single-server private-information-retrieval schemes that have sublinear amortized server time, require sublinear additional storage, and allow the client to make her queries adaptively. Our protocols rely only on standard cryptographic assumptions (decision Diffie-Hellman, quadratic residuosity, learning with errors, etc.). They work by having the client first fetch a small hint about the database contents from the server. Generating this hint requires server time linear in the database size. Thereafter, the client can use the hint to make a bounded number of adaptive queries to the server, which the server answers in sub-linear time--yielding sublinear amortized cost. Finally, we give lower bounds proving that our most efficient scheme is optimal with respect to the trade-off it achieves between server online time and client storage

    Vectorized Batch Private Information Retrieval

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    This paper studies Batch Private Information Retrieval (BatchPIR), a variant of private information retrieval (PIR) where the client wants to retrieve multiple entries from the server in one batch. BatchPIR matches the use case of many practical applications and holds the potential for substantial efficiency improvements over PIR in terms of amortized cost per query. Existing BatchPIR schemes have achieved decent computation efficiency but have not been able to improve communication efficiency at all. Using vectorized homomorphic encryption, we present the first BatchPIR protocol that is efficient in both computation and communication for a variety of database configurations. Specifically, to retrieve a batch of 256 entries from a database with one million entries of 256 bytes each, the communication cost of our scheme is 7.5x to 98.5x better than state-of-the-art solutions

    Communication--Computation Trade-offs in PIR

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    We study the computation and communication costs and their possible trade-offs in various constructions for private information retrieval (PIR), including schemes based on homomorphic encryption and the Gentry--Ramzan PIR (ICALP\u2705). We improve over the construction of SealPIR (S&P\u2718) using compression techniques and a new oblivious expansion, which reduce the communication bandwidth by 60% while preserving essentially the same computation cost. We then present MulPIR, a PIR protocol leveraging multiplicative homomorphism to implement the recursion steps in PIR. This eliminates the exponential dependence of PIR communication on the recursion depth due to the ciphertext expansion, at the cost of an increased computational cost for the server. Additionally, MulPIR outputs a regular homomorphic encryption ciphertext, which can be homomorphically post-processed. As a side result, we describe how to do conjunctive and disjunctive PIR queries. On the other end of the communication--computation spectrum, we take a closer look at Gentry--Ramzan PIR, a scheme with asymptotically optimal communication rate. Here, the bottleneck is the server\u27s computation, which we manage to reduce significantly. Our optimizations enable a tunable trade-off between communication and computation, which allows us to reduce server computation by as much as 85%, at the cost of an increased query size. We further show how to efficiently construct PIR for sparse databases. Our constructions support batched queries, as well as symmetric PIR. We implement all of our PIR constructions, and compare their communication and computation overheads with respect to each other for several application scenarios