14 research outputs found

    Improved Rates for Differentially Private Stochastic Convex Optimization with Heavy-Tailed Data

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    We study stochastic convex optimization with heavy-tailed data under the constraint of differential privacy (DP). Most prior work on this problem is restricted to the case where the loss function is Lipschitz. Instead, as introduced by Wang, Xiao, Devadas, and Xu \cite{WangXDX20}, we study general convex loss functions with the assumption that the distribution of gradients has bounded kk-th moments. We provide improved upper bounds on the excess population risk under concentrated DP for convex and strongly convex loss functions. Along the way, we derive new algorithms for private mean estimation of heavy-tailed distributions, under both pure and concentrated DP. Finally, we prove nearly-matching lower bounds for private stochastic convex optimization with strongly convex losses and mean estimation, showing new separations between pure and concentrated DP

    Mean estimation in the add-remove model of differential privacy

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    Differential privacy is often studied under two different models of neighboring datasets: the add-remove model and the swap model. While the swap model is frequently used in the academic literature to simplify analysis, many practical applications rely on the more conservative add-remove model, where obtaining tight results can be difficult. Here, we study the problem of one-dimensional mean estimation under the add-remove model. We propose a new algorithm and show that it is min-max optimal, achieving the best possible constant in the leading term of the mean squared error for all ϵ\epsilon, and that this constant is the same as the optimal algorithm under the swap model. These results show that the add-remove and swap models give nearly identical errors for mean estimation, even though the add-remove model cannot treat the size of the dataset as public information. We also demonstrate empirically that our proposed algorithm yields at least a factor of two improvement in mean squared error over algorithms frequently used in practice. One of our main technical contributions is a new hour-glass mechanism, which might be of independent interest in other scenarios

    Efficient Private SCO for Heavy-Tailed Data via Clipping

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    We consider stochastic convex optimization for heavy-tailed data with the guarantee of being differentially private (DP). Prior work on this problem is restricted to the gradient descent (GD) method, which is inefficient for large-scale problems. In this paper, we resolve this issue and derive the first high-probability bounds for the private stochastic method with clipping. For general convex problems, we derive excess population risks \Tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/7}\sqrt{\ln\frac{(n \epsilon)^2}{\beta d}}}{(n\epsilon)^{2/7}}\right) and \Tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/7}\ln\frac{(n\epsilon)^2}{\beta d}}{(n\epsilon)^{2/7}}\right) under bounded or unbounded domain assumption, respectively (here nn is the sample size, dd is the dimension of the data, β\beta is the confidence level and ϵ\epsilon is the private level). Then, we extend our analysis to the strongly convex case and non-smooth case (which works for generalized smooth objectives with Ho¨\ddot{\text{o}}lder-continuous gradients). We establish new excess risk bounds without bounded domain assumption. The results above achieve lower excess risks and gradient complexities than existing methods in their corresponding cases. Numerical experiments are conducted to justify the theoretical improvement

    Instance-Specific Asymmetric Sensitivity in Differential Privacy

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    We provide a new algorithmic framework for differentially private estimation of general functions that adapts to the hardness of the underlying dataset. We build upon previous work that gives a paradigm for selecting an output through the exponential mechanism based upon closeness of the inverse to the underlying dataset, termed the inverse sensitivity mechanism. Our framework will slightly modify the closeness metric and instead give a simple and efficient application of the sparse vector technique. While the inverse sensitivity mechanism was shown to be instance optimal, it was only with respect to a class of unbiased mechanisms such that the most likely outcome matches the underlying data. We break this assumption in order to more naturally navigate the bias-variance tradeoff, which will also critically allow for extending our method to unbounded data. In consideration of this tradeoff, we provide strong intuition and empirical validation that our technique will be particularly effective when the distances to the underlying dataset are asymmetric. This asymmetry is inherent to a range of important problems including fundamental statistics such as variance, as well as commonly used machine learning performance metrics for both classification and regression tasks. We efficiently instantiate our method in O(n)O(n) time for these problems and empirically show that our techniques will give substantially improved differentially private estimations

    CoinPress: Practical Private Mean and Covariance Estimation

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    We present simple differentially private estimators for the mean and covariance of multivariate sub-Gaussian data that are accurate at small sample sizes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms both theoretically and empirically using synthetic and real-world datasets---showing that their asymptotic error rates match the state-of-the-art theoretical bounds, and that they concretely outperform all previous methods. Specifically, previous estimators either have weak empirical accuracy at small sample sizes, perform poorly for multivariate data, or require the user to provide strong a priori estimates for the parameters.Comment: Code is available at https://github.com/twistedcubic/coin-pres