5 research outputs found

    Compressive Privacy for a Linear Dynamical System

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    We consider a linear dynamical system in which the state vector consists of both public and private states. One or more sensors make measurements of the state vector and sends information to a fusion center, which performs the final state estimation. To achieve an optimal tradeoff between the utility of estimating the public states and protection of the private states, the measurements at each time step are linearly compressed into a lower dimensional space. Under the centralized setting where all measurements are collected by a single sensor, we propose an optimization problem and an algorithm to find the best compression matrix. Under the decentralized setting where measurements are made separately at multiple sensors, each sensor optimizes its own local compression matrix. We propose methods to separate the overall optimization problem into multiple sub-problems that can be solved locally at each sensor. We consider the cases where there is no message exchange between the sensors; and where each sensor takes turns to transmit messages to the other sensors. Simulations and empirical experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach in allowing the fusion center to estimate the public states with good accuracy while preventing it from estimating the private states accurately

    Arbitrarily Strong Utility-Privacy Tradeoff in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Each agent in a network makes a local observation that is linearly related to a set of public and private parameters. The agents send their observations to a fusion center to allow it to estimate the public parameters. To prevent leakage of the private parameters, each agent first sanitizes its local observation using a local privacy mechanism before transmitting it to the fusion center. We investigate the utility-privacy tradeoff in terms of the Cram\'er-Rao lower bounds for estimating the public and private parameters. We study the class of privacy mechanisms given by linear compression and noise perturbation, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving arbitrarily strong utility-privacy tradeoff in a multi-agent system for both the cases where prior information is available and unavailable, respectively. We also provide a method to find the maximum estimation privacy achievable without compromising the utility and propose an alternating algorithm to optimize the utility-privacy tradeoff in the case where arbitrarily strong utility-privacy tradeoff is not achievable

    On the Relationship Between Inference and Data Privacy in Decentralized IoT Networks

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    In a decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) network, a fusion center receives information from multiple sensors to infer a public hypothesis of interest. To prevent the fusion center from abusing the sensor information, each sensor sanitizes its local observation using a local privacy mapping, which is designed to achieve both inference privacy of a private hypothesis and data privacy of the sensor raw observations. Various inference and data privacy metrics have been proposed in the literature. We introduce the concepts of privacy implication and non-guarantee to study the relationships between these privacy metrics. We propose an optimization framework in which both local differential privacy (data privacy) and information privacy (inference privacy) metrics are incorporated. In the parametric case where sensor observations' distributions are known \emph{a priori}, we propose a two-stage local privacy mapping at each sensor, and show that such an architecture is able to achieve information privacy and local differential privacy to within the predefined budgets. For the nonparametric case where sensor distributions are unknown, we adopt an empirical optimization approach. Simulation and experiment results demonstrate that our proposed approaches allow the fusion center to accurately infer the public hypothesis while protecting both inference and data privacy