43 research outputs found

    Identity And Influence Control For Cipher Schema For Defining Strings

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    A Hierarchical Clustering Technique Has Been Proposed To Help Augment Search Semantics And Also To Satisfy Interest In Searching For Fast Encrypted Text In A Big Data Environment. Additionally, We Assess Research Efficiency And Security Under Two Common Threat Models. One Of The Challenges Is That The Relationship Between Documents Will Usually Be Hidden During File Encryption, Which Can Greatly Degrade Search Accuracy Performance. In Addition, The Level Of Data In Data Centers Witnessed Impressive Growth. This Makes It More Difficult To Design Ciphertext Search Diagrams That Can Provide Efficient And Reliable Online Information Retrieval On A Large Amount Of Encrypted Data The Experimental Platform Must Evaluate The Efficiency, Accuracy, And Security Of The Search Classification. The Experiment Result Shows That The Proposed Architecture Not Only Correctly Solves The Search Problem Through Multi-Keyword Ranking, But It Also Makes A Noticeable Difference In Search Efficiency, Ranking Security, As Well As Relevancy Between Retrieved Documents. Within The Research Phase, This Method Can Achieve Straight Line Complexity In The Face Of The Exponential Increase In The Size Of A Document Set. Due To Insufficient Sorting Mechanism, Users Have To Take Some Time To Determine What They Need When Bulk Documents Retain The Keyword For The Query. Therefore, Conservation Techniques Are Used To Perform The Sorting Mechanism. In Order To Validate Search Engine Results, A Structure Known As The Minimum Sub-Hash Tree Has Been Created In This Document. Moreover, The Proposed Method Comes With An Advantage Over The Standard Method Within The Scope Of Privacy And Relevance Of The Recovered Documents

    Secure And Influence Data Exchange Program For Mobile Cloud Computing

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    It is proposed that a hierarchical clustering strategy would help further search semantics to meet the interest in fast chip text search within a large data atmosphere. Furthermore, under two common threat models we analyze productivity and defense. One problem will be that the relationship between records is usually obscured when encrypting the files, which could lead to considerable loss in search accuracy. The data level has also risen rapidly in data centre. The architecture of cipher text search systems, which can efficiently and reliably retrieve data on the Internet, makes it even more complicated. The search performance, accuracy and safety should be tested by an experimental platform. The experiment result shows that the proposed architecture does not only correctly solve the multiple keyword rated searches problem, but also that there is a significant difference in efficiency of search, protection and relevance between the documents retrieved. This approach will achieve a straight-line computational complexity against an exponential growth in record selection during the search process. Due to the inadequate ranking, users must take a long duration to choose what they need while the demand keyword is held in huge papers. In order to check the accuracy of the search engine results, a framework known as the minimum hash sub-tree was built in this text, thus, order-making technology is used to achieve the grading process. In the ranking of privacy and importance of the records, the proposed way comes with an edge to the traditional form

    Pencarian Produk Mall Online Menggunakan Metode Multiple Keywords searching

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    Metode pencarian yang dapat memfokuskan pencarian berdasarkan banyaknya kata kunci yang ditulis, hal ini menghemat waktu dan dapat memasukkan berbagai kata kunci dalam mesin pencari. Banyaknya kata yang ditulis lebih memfokuskan pencarian sehingga lebih maksimal dengan lebih spesifik terhadap produk yang dicari. Multiple keyword searching karena dengan metode tersebut akurasi hasil pencarian ditingkatkan mulai dari kesamaan kata kunci yang masukkan sama dengan yang diinginkan, memberi rangking pada tiap hasil pencarian dari yang sama hingga ke hasil yang berkaitan dan setiap kalimat yang digunakan dipisah menjadi kata tunggal yang telah dibagi untuk masing-masing hasil pencarian misalnya pencarian “Kata Pertama Kedua Ketiga†dari kalimat tersebut terdapat tiga kata maka laporan hasil cari dibagian menjadi tiga hasil dengan masing-masing rangking barang yang sama pada tiap laporannya sehingga sistem akan memberikan rekomendasi barang yang diinginkan. Berdasarkan hasil perancangan aplikasi mall online dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa sistem rekomendasi pencarian produk menggunakan metode Multiple keyword searching pada aplikasi Mall Online dapat ibangun dengan prosedur yang cukup kompleks dengan resiko yang sedang dan mampu meberikan hasil yang baik dengan akurasi  90.9%

    Split keyword fuzzy and synonym search over encrypted cloud data

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    A substitute solution for various organizations of data owners to store their data in the cloud using storage as a service(SaaS). The outsourced sensitive data is encrypted before uploading into the cloud to achieve data privacy. The encrypted data is search based on keywords and retrieve interested files by data user using a lot of traditional Search scheme. Existing search schemes supports exact keyword match or fuzzy keyword search, but synonym based multi-keyword search are not supported. In the real world scenario, cloud users may not know the exact keyword for searching and they might give synonym of the keyword as the input for search instead of exact or fuzzy keyword due to lack of appropriate knowledge of data. In this paper, we describe an efficient search approach for encrypted data called as Split Keyword Fuzzy and Synonym Search (SKFS). Multi-keyword ranked search with accurate keyword and Fuzzy search supports synonym queries are a major contribution of SKFS. The wildcard Technique is used to store the keywords securely within the index tree. Index tree helps to search faster, accurate and low storage cost. Extensive experimental results on real-time data sets shows, the proposed solution is effective and efficient for multi-keyword ranked search and synonym queries Fuzzy based search over encrypted cloud data. © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media, LL

    Review on Different Searchable Encryption Schemes for Cloud Computing

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    Heavily available online data and its day to day expansion is need to be focus to store and retrieve it properly. This enforces the data owners tend to store their data into the cloud. This also suggest to handle the data properly and so release the burden of data storage and maintenance. But as the data owner and user, cloud server are not belong to same trusted domain, this may cause the outsourced to the risk. This enforce us to set the policy to avoid such risk factor. This gives us study scope to fine the different techniques to overcome such issue observed by different author. In this paper we try to underline the different solution, its limitation and results they achieved for retrieval of data securely and within less time. Definitely from this we will be able to propose our own solution

    IGSK: Index Generation on Split Keyword for search over cloud data

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    This focuses on encrypted data search, which is a vital means of protecting the privacy of file encryption before outsourcing in cloud computing or, in general, on almost all network-based information systems in which servers cannot be totally reliable. We officially demonstrate that our proposed plan is selectively secure against the selected keyword attack. We've created a single, authoritative, scalable search in an encrypted data plan that supports multiple data users and multiple data collaborators. We differentiate between features and keywords in our design. Keywords are the actual content of the files, while the attributes refer to the attributes of the user. In addition, using proxy encryption and slow file encryption techniques, the proposed plan is more relevant to the cloud outsourcing model and is efficient at eliminating the user. Unlike the existing public key search scheme, our plan can achieve scalability and system improvement at the same time. Unlike a search plan with native file encryption, our plan lets you search for approved, adaptable keywords in arbitrarily structured data. The appearance of complexity is a straight line to the amount of attributes within the system versus the number of authorized users. Thus, the one-to-many license mechanism is best suited for any huge system, for example, cloud. Proposed ABKS-UR plan and verification of the results verification mechanism through a real-world dataset and the complexity of an approximation calculation in relation to the conjugation process


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    This focuses on encrypted data search, crucial encryption files, prior to exit, for example protection protection on cloud computing, or typically in any network system system where the server does not make it completely reliable. We officially submit that our proposed system is secure against attacked keywords. Create a consistent keyword search in the encrypting system that supports multiple number users and multiple information suppliers. We distinguish features and keywords in our configurations. Keywords are the content made by the files, and the attributes refer to the user's attribute. Additionally, using proxy encryption and system error query strategies, the proposed system is better than the cloud removal model and has an effective user effect. Unlike the keyword search plan that has been accepted by the public key, our system can be able to achieve distribution and impartiality at the same time. Unlike the filename search search plan, our system allows search for relevant keywords that can be converted into scheduled data. Continuous difficulties are the precise way of work within the system compared with the number of authorized users. Therefore, one way for exporting is best for any larger system, for example, the cloud. The proposed ABKS-UR program and the verification system verification confirmation using the actual country data collection and the comparisons of rating calculation in relation to the clicking process


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    This focuses on the search for encrypted data, a vital way to protect the privacy protection model to encrypt files before outsourcing in cloud computing, or perhaps in general in virtually any information system. Network where servers are not fully trusted. We officially verify that our proposed plan is selectively safe against the selected keyword attack. We designed a keyword search that was unique and scalable on an encrypted data plan that supports multiple data users and multiple data contributors. We differentiate features and keywords in our design. Keywords are real content of files, while attributes refer to user attributes. In addition, through the use of cryptographic and cryptographic encryption techniques, the proposed plan is more relevant to the cloud outsourcing model and has an effective user wipe. In contrast to the keyword search plan approved through the current public key, the company's plan can achieve system scalability and granule measurement at the same time. It does not look like a search plan with native file encryption, as our plan allows you to search for a keyword that relies on arbitrary data. The search complexity is in a straight line with the number of attributes within the system compared to the number of authorized users. Therefore, the mechanism of delegation from one to many is more suitable for any comprehensive system, for example, the cloud. ABKS-UR's proposed plan and verification of the verification mechanism of the results by the real data set and the complexity of the computational calculations in relation to the matching process


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    This document focuses on the search for encrypted data, a vital way to protect the privacy protection model to encrypt files before outsourcing in cloud computing, or perhaps in general in virtually any information system. Network where servers are not fully trusted. We officially verify that our proposed plan is selectively safe against the selected keyword attack. We designed a keyword search that was unique and scalable on an encrypted data plan that supports multiple data users and multiple data contributors. We differentiate features and keywords in our design. Keywords are real content of files, while attributes refer to user attributes. In addition, through the use of cryptographic and cryptographic encryption techniques, the proposed plan is more relevant to the cloud outsourcing model and has an effective user wipe. In contrast to the keyword search plan approved through the current public key, the company's plan can achieve system scalability and granule measurement at the same time. It does not look like a search plan with native file encryption, as our plan allows you to search for a keyword that relies on arbitrary data. The search complexity is in a straight line with the number of attributes within the system compared to the number of authorized users. Therefore, the mechanism of delegation from one to many is more suitable for any comprehensive system, for example, the cloud. ABKS-UR's proposed plan and verification of the verification mechanism of the results by the real data set and the complexity of the computational calculations in relation to the matching process