253 research outputs found

    Path ORAM: An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol

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    We present Path ORAM, an extremely simple Oblivious RAM protocol with a small amount of client storage. Partly due to its simplicity, Path ORAM is the most practical ORAM scheme known to date with small client storage. We formally prove that Path ORAM has a O(log N) bandwidth cost for blocks of size B = Omega(log^2 N) bits. For such block sizes, Path ORAM is asymptotically better than the best known ORAM schemes with small client storage. Due to its practicality, Path ORAM has been adopted in the design of secure processors since its proposal

    Towards Practical Oblivious RAM

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    We take an important step forward in making Oblivious RAM (O-RAM) practical. We propose an O-RAM construction achieving an amortized overhead of 20X-35X (for an O-RAM roughly 1 terabyte in size), about 63 times faster than the best existing scheme. On the theoretic front, we propose a fundamentally novel technique for constructing Oblivious RAMs: specifically, we partition a bigger O-RAM into smaller O-RAMs, and employ a background eviction technique to obliviously evict blocks from the client-side cache into a randomly assigned server-side partition. This novel technique is the key to achieving the gains in practical performance

    Data-Oblivious Graph Algorithms in Outsourced External Memory

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    Motivated by privacy preservation for outsourced data, data-oblivious external memory is a computational framework where a client performs computations on data stored at a semi-trusted server in a way that does not reveal her data to the server. This approach facilitates collaboration and reliability over traditional frameworks, and it provides privacy protection, even though the server has full access to the data and he can monitor how it is accessed by the client. The challenge is that even if data is encrypted, the server can learn information based on the client data access pattern; hence, access patterns must also be obfuscated. We investigate privacy-preserving algorithms for outsourced external memory that are based on the use of data-oblivious algorithms, that is, algorithms where each possible sequence of data accesses is independent of the data values. We give new efficient data-oblivious algorithms in the outsourced external memory model for a number of fundamental graph problems. Our results include new data-oblivious external-memory methods for constructing minimum spanning trees, performing various traversals on rooted trees, answering least common ancestor queries on trees, computing biconnected components, and forming open ear decompositions. None of our algorithms make use of constant-time random oracles.Comment: 20 page

    Path ORAM: An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol

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    We present Path ORAM, an extremely simple Oblivious RAM protocol with a small amount of client storage. Partly due to its simplicity, Path ORAM is the most practical ORAM scheme for small client storage known to date. We formally prove that Path ORAM requires log^2 N / log X bandwidth overhead for block size B = X log N. For block sizes bigger than Omega(log^2 N), Path ORAM is asymptotically better than the best known ORAM scheme with small client storage. Due to its practicality, Path ORAM has been adopted in the design of secure processors since its proposal.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant DGE-0946797)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant DGE-1122374)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1314857)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Clean-slate design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts Grant N66001-10-2-4089
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