8 research outputs found

    Fast and Private Computation of Cardinality of Set Intersection and Union

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    In many everyday scenarios, sensitive information must be shared between parties without complete mutual trust. Private set operations are particularly useful to enable sharing information with privacy, as they allow two or more parties to jointly compute operations on their sets (e.g., intersection, union, etc.), such that only the minimum required amount of information is disclosed. In the last few years, the research community has proposed a number of secure and efficient techniques for Private Set Intersection (PSI), however, somewhat less explored is the problem of computing the magnitude, rather than the contents, of the intersection - we denote this problem as Private Set Intersection Cardinality (PSI-CA). This paper explores a few PSI-CA variations and constructs several protocols that are more efficient than the state-of-the-art

    PSKPIR: Symmetric Keyword Private Information Retrieval based on PSI with Payload

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    Symmetric Private Information Retrieval (SPIR) is a protocol that protects privacy during data transmission. However, the existing SPIR focuses only on the privacy of the data to be requested on the server, without considering practical factors such as the payload that may be present during data transmission. This could seriously prevent SPIR from being applied to many complex data scenarios and hinder its further expansion. To solve such problems, we propose a primitive (PSKPIR) for symmetric private keyword information retrieval based on private set intersection (PSI) that supports payload transmission and batch keyword search. Specifically, we combine probe-and-XOR of strings (PaXoS) and Oblivious Programmable PRF (OPPRF) to construct PSI with payload (PSI-Payload) not only satisfies client privacy and server privacy, but also facilitates efficient payload transmission. The client can efficiently generate symmetric keys locally using keywords in the intersection, and receive payloads with matching labels in batches. In addition, we provide security definitions for PSKPIR and use the framework of universal composability (UC) to prove security. Finally, we implement PSKPIR with sublinear communication costs in both LAN and WAN settings. Experimental results show that our payload transfer speed is 10× faster than previous work on sufficiently large data sets

    ASKPIR: Authorized Symmetric Keyword Privacy Information Retrieval Protocol Based on DID

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    Symmetric Private Information Retrieval (SPIR) is a stronger PIR protocol that ensures both client and server privacy. In many cases, the client needs authorization from the data subject before querying data. However, this also means that the server can learn the identity of the data subject. To solve such problems, we propose a new SPIR primitive, called authorized symmetric keyword information retrieval protocol (ASKPIR). Specifically, we designed an efficient DID identification algorithm based on the Pedersen Commitment, which is used to solve the identity management and privacy problems of data subject when data is shared by multiple parties in a distributed environment. Then, we present a novel authorization algorithm combining NIZK proof and DID, which can preserve client privacy. Finally, to improve the efficiency of client retrieval, our protocol constructs PSI-Payload with mqRPMT and OTE so as to support batch keyword searches. In addition, we provide a formal security analysis for the anonymity and unforgeability of the protocol and demonstrate that ASKPIR can achieve malicious security under the UC framework. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the ASKPIR protocol is more efficient than other related works and solves the problem of incompatibility between data subject authorization and client privacy

    Efficient Techniques for Privacy-Preserving Sharing of Sensitive Information

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    The need for privacy-preserving sharing of sensitive information occurs in many different and realistic everyday scenarios, ranging from national security to social networking. A typical setting involves two parties: one seeks information from the other without revealing the interest while the latter is either willing, or compelled, to share only the requested information. This poses two challenges: (1) how to enable sharing such that parties learn no information beyond what they are entitled to, and (2) how to do so efficiently, in real-world practical terms. This paper explores the notion of Privacy-Preserving Sharing of Sensitive Information (PPSSI), and provides a concrete and efficient instantiation, modeled in the context of simple database querying. Proposed approach functions as a privacy shield to protect parties from disclosing more than the required minimum of their respective sensitive information. PPSSI deployment prompts several challenges, which are addressed in this paper. Extensive experimental results attest to the practicality of attained privacy features and show that our approach incurs quite low overhead (e.g., 10% slower than standard MySQL). © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for SSH

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    Public-key authentication in SSH reveals more information about the participants\u27 keys than is necessary. (1) The server can learn a client\u27s entire set of public keys, even keys generated for other servers. (2) The server learns exactly which key the client uses to authenticate, and can further prove this fact to a third party. (3) A client can learn whether the server recognizes public keys belonging to other users. Each of these problems lead to tangible privacy violations for SSH users. In this work we introduce a new public-key authentication method for SSH that reveals essentially the minimum possible amount of information. With our new method, the server learns only whether the client knows the private key for some authorized public key. If multiple keys are authorized, the server does not learn which one the client used. The client cannot learn whether the server recognizes public keys belonging to other users. Unlike traditional SSH authentication, our method is fully deniable. Our new method also makes it harder for a malicious server to intercept first-use SSH connections on a large scale. Our method supports existing SSH keypairs of all standard flavors — RSA, ECDSA, EdDSA. It does not require users to generate new key material. As in traditional SSH authentication, clients and servers can use a mixture of different key flavors in a single authentication session. We integrated our new authentication method into OpenSSH, and found it to be practical and scalable. For a typical client and server with at most 10 ECDSA/EdDSA keys each, our protocol requires 9 kB of communication and 12.4 ms of latency. Even for a client with 20 keys and server with 100 keys, our protocol requires only 12 kB of communication and 26.7 ms of latency

    Privacy-Preserving Policy-Based Information Transfer

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    Abstract. As the global society becomes more interconnected and more privacy-conscious, communication protocols must balance access control with protecting participants ’ privacy. A common current scenario involves an authorized party (client) who needs to retrieve sensitive information held by another party (server) such that: (1) the former only gets the information for which it is duly authorized, (2) the latter does not learn what information information is retrieved. To address this scenario, in this paper, we introduce and explore the concept of Privacy-preserving Policy-based Information Transfer (PPIT). We construct three PPIT schemes based, respectively, on: RSA, Schnorr and IBE techniques. We then investigate various performance improvements and demonstrate the practicality of proposed PPIT schemes.