30,917 research outputs found

    An Algorithm for Learning Shape and Appearance Models without Annotations

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    This paper presents a framework for automatically learning shape and appearance models for medical (and certain other) images. It is based on the idea that having a more accurate shape and appearance model leads to more accurate image registration, which in turn leads to a more accurate shape and appearance model. This leads naturally to an iterative scheme, which is based on a probabilistic generative model that is fit using Gauss-Newton updates within an EM-like framework. It was developed with the aim of enabling distributed privacy-preserving analysis of brain image data, such that shared information (shape and appearance basis functions) may be passed across sites, whereas latent variables that encode individual images remain secure within each site. These latent variables are proposed as features for privacy-preserving data mining applications. The approach is demonstrated qualitatively on the KDEF dataset of 2D face images, showing that it can align images that traditionally require shape and appearance models trained using manually annotated data (manually defined landmarks etc.). It is applied to MNIST dataset of handwritten digits to show its potential for machine learning applications, particularly when training data is limited. The model is able to handle ``missing data'', which allows it to be cross-validated according to how well it can predict left-out voxels. The suitability of the derived features for classifying individuals into patient groups was assessed by applying it to a dataset of over 1,900 segmented T1-weighted MR images, which included images from the COBRE and ABIDE datasets.Comment: 61 pages, 16 figures (some downsampled by a factor of 4), submitted to MedI

    On Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for IoT Objects

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) will be a main data generation infrastructure for achieving better system intelligence. This paper considers the design and implementation of a practical privacy-preserving collaborative learning scheme, in which a curious learning coordinator trains a better machine learning model based on the data samples contributed by a number of IoT objects, while the confidentiality of the raw forms of the training data is protected against the coordinator. Existing distributed machine learning and data encryption approaches incur significant computation and communication overhead, rendering them ill-suited for resource-constrained IoT objects. We study an approach that applies independent Gaussian random projection at each IoT object to obfuscate data and trains a deep neural network at the coordinator based on the projected data from the IoT objects. This approach introduces light computation overhead to the IoT objects and moves most workload to the coordinator that can have sufficient computing resources. Although the independent projections performed by the IoT objects address the potential collusion between the curious coordinator and some compromised IoT objects, they significantly increase the complexity of the projected data. In this paper, we leverage the superior learning capability of deep learning in capturing sophisticated patterns to maintain good learning performance. Extensive comparative evaluation shows that this approach outperforms other lightweight approaches that apply additive noisification for differential privacy and/or support vector machines for learning in the applications with light data pattern complexities.Comment: 12 pages,IOTDI 201
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