654 research outputs found

    TorSH: Obfuscating consumer Internet-of-Things traffic with a collaborative smart-home router network

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    When consumers install Internet-connected smart devices in their homes, metadata arising from the communications between these devices and their cloud-based service providers enables adversaries privy to this traffic to profile users, even when adequate encryption is used. Internet service providers (ISPs) are one potential adversary privy to users’ incom- ing and outgoing Internet traffic and either currently use this insight to assemble and sell consumer advertising profiles or may in the future do so. With existing defenses against such profiling falling short of meeting user preferences and abilities, there is a need for a novel solution that empowers consumers to defend themselves against profiling by ISP-like actors and that is more in tune with their wishes. In this thesis, we present The Onion Router for Smart Homes (TorSH), a network of smart-home routers working collaboratively to defend smart-device traffic from analysis by ISP-like adversaries. We demonstrate that TorSH succeeds in deterring such profiling while preserving smart-device experiences and without encumbering latency-sensitive, non-smart-device experiences like web browsing

    Enhancing data privacy and security in Internet of Things through decentralized models and services

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    exploits a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) blockchain, in order to perform collaborative and dynamic botnet detection by collecting and auditing IoT devices\u2019 network traffic flows as blockchain transactions. Secondly, we take the challenge to decentralize IoT, and design a hybrid blockchain architecture for IoT, by proposing Hybrid-IoT. In Hybrid-IoT, subgroups of IoT devices form PoW blockchains, referred to as PoW sub-blockchains. Connection among the PoW sub-blockchains employs a BFT inter-connector framework. We focus on the PoW sub-blockchains formation, guided by a set of guidelines based on a set of dimensions, metrics and bounds

    SDN-based detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks on smart homes

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    The adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) has proliferated across various domains, where everyday objects like refrigerators and washing machines are now equipped with sensors and connected to the internet. Undeniably, the security of such devices, which were not primarily designed for internet connectivity, is of utmost importance but has been largely neglected. In this paper, we propose a framework for real-time DDoS attack detection and mitigation in SDN-enabled smart home networks. We capture network traffic during regular operations and during DDoS attacks. This captured traffic is used to train several machine learning (ML) models, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithms. These trained models are executed as SDN controller applications and subsequently employed for real-time attack detection. While we utilize ML techniques to protect IoT devices, we propose the use of SNORT, a signature-based detection technique, to secure the SDN controller itself. Real-world experiments demonstrate that without SNORT, the SDN controller goes offline shortly after an attack, resulting in a 100% packet loss. Furthermore, we show that ML algorithms can efficiently classify traffic into benign and attack traffic, with the Decision Tree algorithm outperforming others with an accuracy of 99%
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