2 research outputs found

    Privacy Management System Using Social Networking

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    The worldwide growth of e-services has brought to the forefront the importance of private data management for an organization. However, the advancement of computer and networking technologies has made privacy management very challenging. In this paper, we expose the limitations of existing privacy management systems, and present a privacy management system that exploits social network analysis, which can automatically discover the privacy-related workflow models, and support automated privacy management within an organization.La croissance mondiale des services \ue9lectroniques a mis en lumi\ue8re l'importance de la gestion des donn\ue9es personnelles pour une organisation. Cependant, les avanc\ue9es des technologies informatique et de r\ue9seautage rendent tr\ue8s difficile la gestion des renseignements personnels. Dans cet article, nous exposons les limites des syst\ue8mes existants de gestion des renseignements personnels et pr\ue9sentons un syst\ue8me qui exploite l'analyse de r\ue9seaux sociaux, qui peut automatiquement d\ue9couvrir les mod\ue8les de flux de travail reli\ue9s aux donn\ue9es personnelles et soutenir la gestion automatis\ue9e des renseignements personnels au sein d'une organisation.NRC publication: Ye

    from this report, provided that the source of such material is fully acknowledged. Privacy Management System Using Social Networking

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    Abstract—The worldwide growth of e-services has brought to the forefront the importance of private data management for an organization. However, the advancement of computer and networking technologies has made privacy management very challenging. In this paper, we expose the limitations of existing privacy management systems, and present a privacy management system that exploits social network analysis, which can automatically discover the privacy-related workflow models, and support automated privacy management within an organization. P I