79,968 research outputs found

    Distributed Machine Learning for Wireless Communication Networks: Techniques, Architectures, and Applications

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    Distributed machine learning (DML) techniques, such as federated learning, partitioned learning, and distributed reinforcement learning, have been increasingly applied to wireless communications. This is due to improved capabilities of terminal devices, explosively growing data volume, congestion in the radio interfaces, and increasing concern of data privacy. The unique features of wireless systems, such as large scale, geographically dispersed deployment, user mobility, and massive amount of data, give rise to new challenges in the design of DML techniques. There is a clear gap in the existing literature in that the DML techniques are yet to be systematically reviewed for their applicability to wireless systems. This survey bridges the gap by providing a contemporary and comprehensive survey of DML techniques with a focus on wireless networks. Specifically, we review the latest applications of DML in power control, spectrum management, user association, and edge cloud computing. The optimality, scalability, convergence rate, computation cost, and communication overhead of DML are analyzed. We also discuss the potential adversarial attacks faced by DML applications, and describe state-of-the-art countermeasures to preserve privacy and security. Last but not least, we point out a number of key issues yet to be addressed, and collate potentially interesting and challenging topics for future research

    The Convergence of Machine Learning and Communications

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    The areas of machine learning and communication technology are converging. Today's communications systems generate a huge amount of traffic data, which can help to significantly enhance the design and management of networks and communication components when combined with advanced machine learning methods. Furthermore, recently developed end-to-end training procedures offer new ways to jointly optimize the components of a communication system. Also in many emerging application fields of communication technology, e.g., smart cities or internet of things, machine learning methods are of central importance. This paper gives an overview over the use of machine learning in different areas of communications and discusses two exemplar applications in wireless networking. Furthermore, it identifies promising future research topics and discusses their potential impact.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Securing Connected & Autonomous Vehicles: Challenges Posed by Adversarial Machine Learning and The Way Forward

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    Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) will form the backbone of future next-generation intelligent transportation systems (ITS) providing travel comfort, road safety, along with a number of value-added services. Such a transformation---which will be fuelled by concomitant advances in technologies for machine learning (ML) and wireless communications---will enable a future vehicular ecosystem that is better featured and more efficient. However, there are lurking security problems related to the use of ML in such a critical setting where an incorrect ML decision may not only be a nuisance but can lead to loss of precious lives. In this paper, we present an in-depth overview of the various challenges associated with the application of ML in vehicular networks. In addition, we formulate the ML pipeline of CAVs and present various potential security issues associated with the adoption of ML methods. In particular, we focus on the perspective of adversarial ML attacks on CAVs and outline a solution to defend against adversarial attacks in multiple settings

    A Survey on the Security of Pervasive Online Social Networks (POSNs)

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    Pervasive Online Social Networks (POSNs) are the extensions of Online Social Networks (OSNs) which facilitate connectivity irrespective of the domain and properties of users. POSNs have been accumulated with the convergence of a plethora of social networking platforms with a motivation of bridging their gap. Over the last decade, OSNs have visually perceived an altogether tremendous amount of advancement in terms of the number of users as well as technology enablers. A single OSN is the property of an organization, which ascertains smooth functioning of its accommodations for providing a quality experience to their users. However, with POSNs, multiple OSNs have coalesced through communities, circles, or only properties, which make service-provisioning tedious and arduous to sustain. Especially, challenges become rigorous when the focus is on the security perspective of cross-platform OSNs, which are an integral part of POSNs. Thus, it is of utmost paramountcy to highlight such a requirement and understand the current situation while discussing the available state-of-the-art. With the modernization of OSNs and convergence towards POSNs, it is compulsory to understand the impact and reach of current solutions for enhancing the security of users as well as associated services. This survey understands this requisite and fixates on different sets of studies presented over the last few years and surveys them for their applicability to POSNs...Comment: 39 Pages, 10 Figure

    Deep Learning in Information Security

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    Machine learning has a long tradition of helping to solve complex information security problems that are difficult to solve manually. Machine learning techniques learn models from data representations to solve a task. These data representations are hand-crafted by domain experts. Deep Learning is a sub-field of machine learning, which uses models that are composed of multiple layers. Consequently, representations that are used to solve a task are learned from the data instead of being manually designed. In this survey, we study the use of DL techniques within the domain of information security. We systematically reviewed 77 papers and presented them from a data-centric perspective. This data-centric perspective reflects one of the most crucial advantages of DL techniques -- domain independence. If DL-methods succeed to solve problems on a data type in one domain, they most likely will also succeed on similar data from another domain. Other advantages of DL methods are unrivaled scalability and efficiency, both regarding the number of examples that can be analyzed as well as with respect of dimensionality of the input data. DL methods generally are capable of achieving high-performance and generalize well. However, information security is a domain with unique requirements and challenges. Based on an analysis of our reviewed papers, we point out shortcomings of DL-methods to those requirements and discuss further research opportunities

    Edge Intelligence: The Confluence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence

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    Along with the rapid developments in communication technologies and the surge in the use of mobile devices, a brand-new computation paradigm, Edge Computing, is surging in popularity. Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are thriving with the breakthroughs in deep learning and the many improvements in hardware architectures. Billions of data bytes, generated at the network edge, put massive demands on data processing and structural optimization. Thus, there exists a strong demand to integrate Edge Computing and AI, which gives birth to Edge Intelligence. In this paper, we divide Edge Intelligence into AI for edge (Intelligence-enabled Edge Computing) and AI on edge (Artificial Intelligence on Edge). The former focuses on providing more optimal solutions to key problems in Edge Computing with the help of popular and effective AI technologies while the latter studies how to carry out the entire process of building AI models, i.e., model training and inference, on the edge. This paper provides insights into this new inter-disciplinary field from a broader perspective. It discusses the core concepts and the research road-map, which should provide the necessary background for potential future research initiatives in Edge Intelligence.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    A Survey on Mobile Edge Networks: Convergence of Computing, Caching and Communications

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    As the explosive growth of smart devices and the advent of many new applications, traffic volume has been growing exponentially. The traditional centralized network architecture cannot accommodate such user demands due to heavy burden on the backhaul links and long latency. Therefore, new architectures which bring network functions and contents to the network edge are proposed, i.e., mobile edge computing and caching. Mobile edge networks provide cloud computing and caching capabilities at the edge of cellular networks. In this survey, we make an exhaustive review on the state-of-the-art research efforts on mobile edge networks. We first give an overview of mobile edge networks including definition, architecture and advantages. Next, a comprehensive survey of issues on computing, caching and communication techniques at the network edge is presented respectively. The applications and use cases of mobile edge networks are discussed. Subsequently, the key enablers of mobile edge networks such as cloud technology, SDN/NFV and smart devices are discussed. Finally, open research challenges and future directions are presented as well

    A Survey on Software-Defined VANETs: Benefits, Challenges, and Future Directions

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    The evolving of Fifth Generation (5G) networks isbecoming more readily available as a major driver of the growthof new applications and business models. Vehicular Ad hocNetworks (VANETs) and Software Defined Networking (SDN)represent the key enablers of 5G technology with the developmentof next generation intelligent vehicular networks and applica-tions. In recent years, researchers have focused on the integrationof SDN and VANET, and look at different topics related to thearchitecture, the benefits of software-defined VANET servicesand the new functionalities to adapt them. However, securityand robustness of the complete architecture is still questionableand have been largely negleted. Moreover, the deployment andintegration of novel entities and several architectural componentsdrive new security threats and vulnerabilities.In this paper, first we survey the state-of-the-art SDN basedVehicular ad-hoc Network (SDVN) architectures for their net-working infrastructure design, functionalities, benefits, and chal-lenges. Then we discuss these SDVN architectures against majorsecurity threats that violate the key security services such asavailability, confidentiality, authentication, and data integrity.We also propose different countermeasures to these threats.Finally, we discuss the lessons learned with the directions offuture research work towards provisioning stringent security andprivacy solutions in future SDVN architectures. To the best of ourknowledge, this is the first comprehensive work that presents sucha survey and analysis on SDVNs in the era of future generationnetworks (e.g., 5G, and Information centric networking) andapplications (e.g., intelligent transportation system, and IoT-enabled advertising in VANETs).Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Differential Privacy Techniques for Cyber Physical Systems: A Survey

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    Modern cyber physical systems (CPSs) has widely being used in our daily lives because of development of information and communication technologies (ICT).With the provision of CPSs, the security and privacy threats associated to these systems are also increasing. Passive attacks are being used by intruders to get access to private information of CPSs. In order to make CPSs data more secure, certain privacy preservation strategies such as encryption, and k-anonymity have been presented in the past. However, with the advances in CPSs architecture, these techniques also needs certain modifications. Meanwhile, differential privacy emerged as an efficient technique to protect CPSs data privacy. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of differential privacy techniques for CPSs. In particular, we survey the application and implementation of differential privacy in four major applications of CPSs named as energy systems, transportation systems, healthcare and medical systems, and industrial Internet of things (IIoT). Furthermore, we present open issues, challenges, and future research direction for differential privacy techniques for CPSs. This survey can serve as basis for the development of modern differential privacy techniques to address various problems and data privacy scenarios of CPSs.Comment: 46 pages, 12 figure

    White Paper on Critical and Massive Machine Type Communication Towards 6G

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    The society as a whole, and many vertical sectors in particular, is becoming increasingly digitalized. Machine Type Communication (MTC), encompassing its massive and critical aspects, and ubiquitous wireless connectivity are among the main enablers of such digitization at large. The recently introduced 5G New Radio is natively designed to support both aspects of MTC to promote the digital transformation of the society. However, it is evident that some of the more demanding requirements cannot be fully supported by 5G networks. Alongside, further development of the society towards 2030 will give rise to new and more stringent requirements on wireless connectivity in general, and MTC in particular. Driven by the societal trends towards 2030, the next generation (6G) will be an agile and efficient convergent network serving a set of diverse service classes and a wide range of key performance indicators (KPI). This white paper explores the main drivers and requirements of an MTC-optimized 6G network, and discusses the following six key research questions: - Will the main KPIs of 5G continue to be the dominant KPIs in 6G; or will there emerge new key metrics? - How to deliver different E2E service mandates with different KPI requirements considering joint-optimization at the physical up to the application layer? - What are the key enablers towards designing ultra-low power receivers and highly efficient sleep modes? - How to tackle a disruptive rather than incremental joint design of a massively scalable waveform and medium access policy for global MTC connectivity? - How to support new service classes characterizing mission-critical and dependable MTC in 6G? - What are the potential enablers of long term, lightweight and flexible privacy and security schemes considering MTC device requirements?Comment: White paper by http://www.6GFlagship.co