24,314 research outputs found

    Towards Communication-Efficient Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution

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    Oblivious Transfer, a fundamental problem in the field of secure multi-party computation is defined as follows: A database DB of N bits held by Bob is queried by a user Alice who is interested in the bit DB_b in such a way that (1) Alice learns DB_b and only DB_b and (2) Bob does not learn anything about Alice's choice b. While solutions to this problem in the classical domain rely largely on unproven computational complexity theoretic assumptions, it is also known that perfect solutions that guarantee both database and user privacy are impossible in the quantum domain. Jakobi et al. [Phys. Rev. A, 83(2), 022301, Feb 2011] proposed a protocol for Oblivious Transfer using well known QKD techniques to establish an Oblivious Key to solve this problem. Their solution provided a good degree of database and user privacy (using physical principles like impossibility of perfectly distinguishing non-orthogonal quantum states and the impossibility of superluminal communication) while being loss-resistant and implementable with commercial QKD devices (due to the use of SARG04). However, their Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution (QOKD) protocol requires a communication complexity of O(N log N). Since modern databases can be extremely large, it is important to reduce this communication as much as possible. In this paper, we first suggest a modification of their protocol wherein the number of qubits that need to be exchanged is reduced to O(N). A subsequent generalization reduces the quantum communication complexity even further in such a way that only a few hundred qubits are needed to be transferred even for very large databases.Comment: 7 page

    Quantum private queries

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    We propose a cheat sensitive quantum protocol to perform a private search on a classical database which is efficient in terms of communication complexity. It allows a user to retrieve an item from the server in possession of the database without revealing which item she retrieved: if the server tries to obtain information on the query, the person querying the database can find it out. Furthermore our protocol ensures perfect data privacy of the database, i.e. the information that the user can retrieve in a single queries is bounded and does not depend on the size of the database. With respect to the known (quantum and classical) strategies for private information retrieval, our protocol displays an exponential reduction both in communication complexity and in running-time computational complexity.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Blind quantum machine learning with quantum bipartite correlator

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    Distributed quantum computing is a promising computational paradigm for performing computations that are beyond the reach of individual quantum devices. Privacy in distributed quantum computing is critical for maintaining confidentiality and protecting the data in the presence of untrusted computing nodes. In this work, we introduce novel blind quantum machine learning protocols based on the quantum bipartite correlator algorithm. Our protocols have reduced communication overhead while preserving the privacy of data from untrusted parties. We introduce robust algorithm-specific privacy-preserving mechanisms with low computational overhead that do not require complex cryptographic techniques. We then validate the effectiveness of the proposed protocols through complexity and privacy analysis. Our findings pave the way for advancements in distributed quantum computing, opening up new possibilities for privacy-aware machine learning applications in the era of quantum technologies.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The impossibility of non-signaling privacy amplification

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    Barrett, Hardy, and Kent have shown in 2005 that protocols for quantum key agreement exist the security of which can be proven under the assumption that quantum or relativity theory is correct. More precisely, this is based on the non-local behavior of certain quantum systems, combined with the non-signaling postulate from relativity. An advantage is that the resulting security is independent of what (quantum) systems the legitimate parties' devices operate on: they do not have to be trusted. Unfortunately, the protocol proposed by Barrett et al. cannot tolerate any errors caused by noise in the quantum channel. Furthermore, even in the error-free case it is inefficient: its communication complexity is Theta(1/epsilon) when forcing the attacker's information below epsilon, even if only a single key bit is generated. Potentially, the problem can be solved by privacy amplification of relativistic - or non-signaling - secrecy. We show, however, that such privacy amplification is impossible with respect to the most important form of non-local behavior, and application of arbitrary hash functions.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure