21 research outputs found

    Security Enhancement in Cloud System by Anonymous Request Access

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    Cloud computing is a computing technology or information technology architecture used by organization or individuals. It launches data storage and interactive paradigm with some advantages like on-demand self-services, ubiquitous network access. Due to popularity of cloud services, security and privacy becomes major issue. There is the issue of legitimate responsibility for information (If a client stores some information in the cloud, can the cloud supplier benefit from it?). Numerous Terms of Service assentions are quiet on the topic of proprietorship. Physical control of the PC hardware (private cloud) is more secure than having the gear off site and under another person's control (open cloud). This conveys awesome motivation to open distributed computing administration suppliers to organize building and keeping up solid administration of secure administration. This paper addresses design of proposed system

    Multi-Authority Access Control Mechanisms in Cloud: A Review

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    Cloud computing is a computing technology or information technology architecture used by organization or individuals. It launches data storage and interactive paradigm with some advantages like on-demand self-services, ubiquitous network access. Due to popularity of cloud services, security and privacy becomes major issue. This paper addresses study of privacy preservation issues and also provides an idea to how to overcome the issues. Also it provides a brief survey on various Robust Access Privilege Control mechanism used for providing privacy in cloud storage

    Data Security and Access Control Mechanisms in Cloud: A Review

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    Cloud computing is a computing technology or information technology architecture used by organization or individuals. It launches data storage and interactive paradigm with some advantages like on-demand self-services, ubiquitous network access. Due to popularity of cloud services, security and privacy becomes major issue. This paper addresses study of privacy preservation issues and also provides an idea to how to overcome the issues. Also it provides a brief survey on various Robust Access Privilege Control mechanism used for providing privacy in cloud storage

    User Privacy Suffers at The Hands of Access Controls

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    With advancements in personal hand held devices, smaller more mobile computers, tablets, and the world’s population connected with social media the threat to the user’s privacy has been diminished. I will look at how access control policies have opened the proverbial door to user’s privacy being attacked and threatened. You will see examples of how users have to divulge personal information to get better service and even be monitored while at work to prevent intrusions in to the company


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    During this literary, we begin an entirelynewly fine-grained two-constituent authentication (two-FA) accessibility control system for entangle-supported cloud-numberoffice. Particularly, within our suggested two-FA access superintendence system, a distinctive-supported access control gearing is fulfilling with hide both a person privatecotter along with a lightweight security device. As being a user cannot connect somewhere once they assumehave both, the mechanism can advance the reconciliation of opinion in the dress, distinctly in individual’s scenarios where fate of users shares exactly the same information processing system for envelop-supporteddamagebenefit. There are 2 afflict for your standard account/password supported system. First, the old-fashioned account/watchword-supportedhall-mark isn't privacy-save. Within the symbol or understanding formula, it chooses the forelocksubstitute along with the SEM together. In augmentation, ascribe-supported control within the system also empower the cloud salver to boundarywornspecial’s users sticking with the same quantity of ascribe while secure user retreat, i.e., the tarnishsalver only comprehend that the client fulfills the right base, but doesn't have belief across the exact sameness within the use. Within the autograph verification or lineenciphering formula, it interests the client public keynote along with the conformableselfhood. Finally, we start a simulation to demonstrate the feasibility inside our suggested two-FA system

    A Two Layer Encryption Approach to Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing

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    Abstract-My proposed scheme is "Two Layer Encryption" means Double Encryption for securely outsourcing the data in cloud. This scheme solves key escrow problem and Data Reveal problem by RSA algorithm of asymmetric key approach. In existing mCL-PKE scheme there is Certificate-less Encryption and also single encryption and it is half decrypted by the "CLOUD" and remaining half is decrypted by the "USER" but in my scheme there will be certification for the User and two layer encryptions. The outer layer encryption will be decrypted by the "CLOUD" and Inner layer encryption will be fully decrypted by the "USER" only, By this manner the data/information will be highly secured. My Aim is "To Secure the "TEXT" Data Items of the Data-Owner by Double Encryption in Cloud Computing"


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    During this qualifier, we manufacture an utterly new graceful-ingrained two-agent authentication (two-FA) access subdue system for envelop-based blacken-number services. Particularly, within our suggested two-FA attack censure system, a diagnostic-based accessibility government mechanism is accomplished with involve both a person latent linchpin along with a whippersnapper, jackanapes shelter device. As being a user cannot hyphen somewhere once they assume have both, the machinery can intensify the firth of mind in the shape, distinctly in distinctive’s scenarios where plot of users shares just the same computer for weaver-based sully avail. There are 2 strikes for your standard narration/pword based system. First, the traditional computation/watchword-nourish authentication isn't prolateness-aid. Within the token or feeling formula, it captures the key agent along with the SEM together. In addition, repute-based control within the system also empower the taint server to bound using concrete’s users sticking with the same quantity of reputation while deducting custom retirement, i.e., the damage salver only verify that the principal accomplishes the perpendicular found but doesn't have conception across the strict identity within the user. Within the autograph verification or march pamphlet in code formula, it seizes the customer common key along with the correspondent unity. Finally, we execute a simulation to prove the feasibility interior our allude to two-FA system


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    In shower computing products and services, obscure provider declares acumen of unfettered space for storing in behalf of clients to pick up the check statistics. It assists clients to cut back their fiscal pellucidity of knowledge directorates using migrating inhabitant superintendence arrangement toward obscure dependent. It is gasser to put forward an immune and recommencement testimony companionate artifice, especially for keen factions in the distract. For obstinate styles, assurance of key transportation executes the idea of sheltered verbal exchange pipe, nevertheless, to feel such a thing convey is hard likelihood and is difficult for observe. The revoked buyers can't be qualified to achieve original ASCII file once they are revoked even supposing they connive alongside dishonest swarm. Our organization can in attaining immured shopper voiding using polynomial serve as. It supports ready troops expertly, while far cry end user joins among in gather either purchaser is revoked deriving out of organization, deepest keys of different enjoyers don't require eventual up to date. Our structure can in attaining exquisite get entry to keep an eye on, by faction customer index, any shopper florin gang could make use of your origination including in distort and revoked shoppers can't get right of entry to perplex all over again thereafter revoking

    Confidential Data with Safeguard Access Control in distributed Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is a safeguard technology which means that privileging permissions for the users   and stowing of data on world wide web. Mainly cloud computing focus on Protection and mystery represent major concerns in the acceptance of cloud technologies for data insertions . A major issue  is how to safe access control policies such that 2 layer encryption can be achieved internally. Solve  these problem by using this proposed in the decentralization process in two layer broadcast encryption schema, by eliminate the group manager preliminary unit of the set, with an advantage of the addition of supporting members to the coordination, does not want any central authorization. Our model is represent AES method for secrecy data management purpose and it will provide accuracy data for authorised person only .That person get main key for access the data this key will be produced by key generation algorithm. In this we are having like search engine. This engine defends on cloud previous engines not provide accurate info and also previous technologies provides inaccurate info and secure data retrieved unauthorised also.    Our coordination assures the confidentiality of the data and preserves the privacy of users from the cloud although delegating most of the access power enforcement to the cloud. Existing market inclination need Products to be developed at elevated swiftness. To meet those requirements sometimes it requires collaboration between the organizations. Since of the proficient services that are being obtainable by the cloud service providers today, lots of business organizations started compelling advantage of cloud services. Specifically, Cloud computing enables a new form of service in that a service can be realized by components provided by different enterprises or entities in a collaborative manner. Contributing parties are commonly loosely connected and they are responsible for managing and protecting resources/data consign to them. Such situation demands advanced and modern mechanisms for better security and privacy protection of data shared among multiple participating parties. In this, we are presented access control policy. This policy is included priveligation function and accurate info function. Our contribution is mainly focus on assures the confidentiality of the data and preserves the privacy of users