3,018 research outputs found

    A Framework for High-Accuracy Privacy-Preserving Mining

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    To preserve client privacy in the data mining process, a variety of techniques based on random perturbation of data records have been proposed recently. In this paper, we present a generalized matrix-theoretic model of random perturbation, which facilitates a systematic approach to the design of perturbation mechanisms for privacy-preserving mining. Specifically, we demonstrate that (a) the prior techniques differ only in their settings for the model parameters, and (b) through appropriate choice of parameter settings, we can derive new perturbation techniques that provide highly accurate mining results even under strict privacy guarantees. We also propose a novel perturbation mechanism wherein the model parameters are themselves characterized as random variables, and demonstrate that this feature provides significant improvements in privacy at a very marginal cost in accuracy. While our model is valid for random-perturbation-based privacy-preserving mining in general, we specifically evaluate its utility here with regard to frequent-itemset mining on a variety of real datasets. The experimental results indicate that our mechanisms incur substantially lower identity and support errors as compared to the prior techniques

    Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Clustering Based on Secret Sharing

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    In this paper, we propose a privacy preserving distributed clustering protocol for horizontally partitioned data based on a very efficient homomorphic additive secret sharing scheme. The model we use for the protocol is novel in the sense that it utilizes two non-colluding third parties. We provide a brief security analysis of our protocol from information theoretic point of view, which is a stronger security model. We show communication and computation complexity analysis of our protocol along with another protocol previously proposed for the same problem. We also include experimental results for computation and communication overhead of these two protocols. Our protocol not only outperforms the others in execution time and communication overhead on data holders, but also uses a more efficient model for many data mining applications

    Privacy Preserving Multi-Server k-means Computation over Horizontally Partitioned Data

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    The k-means clustering is one of the most popular clustering algorithms in data mining. Recently a lot of research has been concentrated on the algorithm when the dataset is divided into multiple parties or when the dataset is too large to be handled by the data owner. In the latter case, usually some servers are hired to perform the task of clustering. The dataset is divided by the data owner among the servers who together perform the k-means and return the cluster labels to the owner. The major challenge in this method is to prevent the servers from gaining substantial information about the actual data of the owner. Several algorithms have been designed in the past that provide cryptographic solutions to perform privacy preserving k-means. We provide a new method to perform k-means over a large set using multiple servers. Our technique avoids heavy cryptographic computations and instead we use a simple randomization technique to preserve the privacy of the data. The k-means computed has exactly the same efficiency and accuracy as the k-means computed over the original dataset without any randomization. We argue that our algorithm is secure against honest but curious and passive adversary.Comment: 19 pages, 4 tables. International Conference on Information Systems Security. Springer, Cham, 201

    Privacy-Aware Processing of Biometric Templates by Means of Secure Two-Party Computation

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    The use of biometric data for person identification and access control is gaining more and more popularity. Handling biometric data, however, requires particular care, since biometric data is indissolubly tied to the identity of the owner hence raising important security and privacy issues. This chapter focuses on the latter, presenting an innovative approach that, by relying on tools borrowed from Secure Two Party Computation (STPC) theory, permits to process the biometric data in encrypted form, thus eliminating any risk that private biometric information is leaked during an identification process. The basic concepts behind STPC are reviewed together with the basic cryptographic primitives needed to achieve privacy-aware processing of biometric data in a STPC context. The two main approaches proposed so far, namely homomorphic encryption and garbled circuits, are discussed and the way such techniques can be used to develop a full biometric matching protocol described. Some general guidelines to be used in the design of a privacy-aware biometric system are given, so as to allow the reader to choose the most appropriate tools depending on the application at hand

    A Petri Nets Model for Blockchain Analysis

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    A Blockchain is a global shared infrastructure where cryptocurrency transactions among addresses are recorded, validated and made publicly available in a peer- to-peer network. To date the best known and important cryptocurrency is the bitcoin. In this paper we focus on this cryptocurrency and in particular on the modeling of the Bitcoin Blockchain by using the Petri Nets formalism. The proposed model allows us to quickly collect information about identities owning Bitcoin addresses and to recover measures and statistics on the Bitcoin network. By exploiting algebraic formalism, we reconstructed an Entities network associated to Blockchain transactions gathering together Bitcoin addresses into the single entity holding permits to manage Bitcoins held by those addresses. The model allows also to identify a set of behaviours typical of Bitcoin owners, like that of using an address only once, and to reconstruct chains for this behaviour together with the rate of firing. Our model is highly flexible and can easily be adapted to include different features of the Bitcoin crypto-currency system