3 research outputs found

    Overview of Data Security Issues in Hospital Information Systems

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    Nowadays, hospital information systems (HIS) provide real-time data and information in order to guide public health organizations especially in decision-making. The hospital information systems are integrated information systems designed to manage the administrative, financial and clinical tasks or aspects of a hospital. It plays an important role in planning, initiating, organizing and controlling the operations of the hospital, and a crucial role in providing quality healthcare services. The aims of this paper are to explore and provide a better understanding of data security aspects in hospital information systems, and add more body of knowledge in information systems (IS) field in the healthcare industry. The views of previous researches are presented and discussed, and new area of interest to the IS and HIS community then are proposed. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol7/iss4/5

    Securely sharing dynamic medical information in e-health

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    This thesis has introduced an infrastructure to share dynamic medical data between mixed health care providers in a secure way, which could benefit the health care system as a whole. The study results of the universally data sharing into a varied patient information system prototypes