21 research outputs found

    Applying MAPP Algorithm for Cooperative Path Finding in Urban Environments

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    The paper considers the problem of planning a set of non-conflict trajectories for the coalition of intelligent agents (mobile robots). Two divergent approaches, e.g. centralized and decentralized, are surveyed and analyzed. Decentralized planner - MAPP is described and applied to the task of finding trajectories for dozens UAVs performing nap-of-the-earth flight in urban environments. Results of the experimental studies provide an opportunity to claim that MAPP is a highly efficient planner for solving considered types of tasks

    A Multi-robot System Coordination Design and Analysis on Wall Follower Robot Group

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    In this research, multi-robot formation can be established according to the environment or workspace. Group of robots will move sequently if there is no space for robots to stand side by side. Leader robot will be on the front of all robots and follow the right wall. On the other hand, robots will move side by side if there is a large space between them. Leader robot will be tracked the wall on its right side and follow on it while every follower moves side by side. The leader robot have to broadcast the information to all robots in the group in radius 9 meters. Nevertheless, every robot should be received information from leader robot to define their movements in the area. The error provided by fuzzy output process which is caused by read data from ultrasound sensor will drive to more time process. More sampling can reduce the error but it will drive more execution time. Furthermore, coordination time will need longer time and delay. Formation will not be establisehed if packet error happened in the communication process because robot will execute wrong command

    Prioritized Multi-agent Path Finding for Differential Drive Robots

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    Methods for centralized planning of the collision-free trajectories for a fleet of mobile robots typically solve the discretized version of the problem and rely on numerous simplifying assumptions, e.g. moves of uniform duration, cardinal only translations, equal speed and size of the robots etc., thus the resultant plans can not always be directly executed by the real robotic systems. To mitigate this issue we suggest a set of modifications to the prominent prioritized planner -- AA-SIPP(m) -- aimed at lifting the most restrictive assumptions (syncronized translation only moves, equal size and speed of the robots) and at providing robustness to the solutions. We evaluate the suggested algorithm in simulation and on differential drive robots in typical lab environment (indoor polygon with external video-based navigation system). The results of the evaluation provide a clear evidence that the algorithm scales well to large number of robots (up to hundreds in simulation) and is able to produce solutions that are safely executed by the robots prone to imperfect trajectory following. The video of the experiments can be found at https://youtu.be/Fer_irn4BG0.Comment: This is a pre-print version of the paper accepted to ECMR 2019 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8870957