188,738 research outputs found

    Wind Technology: A Framework for the Evaluation of Innovations’ Impacts on the Diffusion Potential

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    This paper proposes a framework based on which innovations in wind power technologies can be evaluated from the standpoint of their contribution to diffusion expansion. The framework helps build up a missing link between the technical literature on innovations and policy-oriented contributions concerned with the diffusion potential of wind power in national energy systems. The ideas are applied for the evaluation of wind technology innovations adopted in Spain. The framework can help policy-makers prioritize their innovation objectives and funding, so as to support the adoption of innovations that deserve the highest priority, given the country’s resources and energy system characteristics

    End-to-End Tracking and Semantic Segmentation Using Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In this work we present a novel end-to-end framework for tracking and classifying a robot's surroundings in complex, dynamic and only partially observable real-world environments. The approach deploys a recurrent neural network to filter an input stream of raw laser measurements in order to directly infer object locations, along with their identity in both visible and occluded areas. To achieve this we first train the network using unsupervised Deep Tracking, a recently proposed theoretical framework for end-to-end space occupancy prediction. We show that by learning to track on a large amount of unsupervised data, the network creates a rich internal representation of its environment which we in turn exploit through the principle of inductive transfer of knowledge to perform the task of it's semantic classification. As a result, we show that only a small amount of labelled data suffices to steer the network towards mastering this additional task. Furthermore we propose a novel recurrent neural network architecture specifically tailored to tracking and semantic classification in real-world robotics applications. We demonstrate the tracking and classification performance of the method on real-world data collected at a busy road junction. Our evaluation shows that the proposed end-to-end framework compares favourably to a state-of-the-art, model-free tracking solution and that it outperforms a conventional one-shot training scheme for semantic classification

    Online-Computation Approach to Optimal Control of Noise-Affected Nonlinear Systems with Continuous State and Control Spaces

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    © 2007 EUCA.A novel online-computation approach to optimal control of nonlinear, noise-affected systems with continuous state and control spaces is presented. In the proposed algorithm, system noise is explicitly incorporated into the control decision. This leads to superior results compared to state-of-the-art nonlinear controllers that neglect this influence. The solution of an optimal nonlinear controller for a corresponding deterministic system is employed to find a meaningful state space restriction. This restriction is obtained by means of approximate state prediction using the noisy system equation. Within this constrained state space, an optimal closed-loop solution for a finite decision-making horizon (prediction horizon) is determined within an adaptively restricted optimization space. Interleaving stochastic dynamic programming and value function approximation yields a solution to the considered optimal control problem. The enhanced performance of the proposed discrete-time controller is illustrated by means of a scalar example system. Nonlinear model predictive control is applied to address approximate treatment of infinite-horizon problems by the finite-horizon controller

    Unsupervised ensemble of experts (EoE) framework for automatic binarization of document images

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    In recent years, a large number of binarization methods have been developed, with varying performance generalization and strength against different benchmarks. In this work, to leverage on these methods, an ensemble of experts (EoE) framework is introduced, to efficiently combine the outputs of various methods. The proposed framework offers a new selection process of the binarization methods, which are actually the experts in the ensemble, by introducing three concepts: confidentness, endorsement and schools of experts. The framework, which is highly objective, is built based on two general principles: (i) consolidation of saturated opinions and (ii) identification of schools of experts. After building the endorsement graph of the ensemble for an input document image based on the confidentness of the experts, the saturated opinions are consolidated, and then the schools of experts are identified by thresholding the consolidated endorsement graph. A variation of the framework, in which no selection is made, is also introduced that combines the outputs of all experts using endorsement-dependent weights. The EoE framework is evaluated on the set of participating methods in the H-DIBCO'12 contest and also on an ensemble generated from various instances of grid-based Sauvola method with promising performance.Comment: 6-page version, Accepted to be presented in ICDAR'1

    Managing semantic Grid metadata in S-OGSA

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    Grid resources such as data, services, and equipment, are increasingly being annotated with descriptive metadata that facilitates their discovery and their use in the context of Virtual Organizations (VO). Making such growing body of metadata explicit and available to Grid services is key to the success of the VO paradigm. In this paper we present a model and management architecture for Semantic Bindings, i.e., firstclass Grid entities that encapsulate metadata on the Grid and make it available through predictable access patterns. The model is at the core of the S-OGSA reference architecture for the Semantic Grid

    Scan matching by cross-correlation and differential evolution

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    Scan matching is an important task, solved in the context of many high-level problems including pose estimation, indoor localization, simultaneous localization and mapping and others. Methods that are accurate and adaptive and at the same time computationally efficient are required to enable location-based services in autonomous mobile devices. Such devices usually have a wide range of high-resolution sensors but only a limited processing power and constrained energy supply. This work introduces a novel high-level scan matching strategy that uses a combination of two advanced algorithms recently used in this field: cross-correlation and differential evolution. The cross-correlation between two laser range scans is used as an efficient measure of scan alignment and the differential evolution algorithm is used to search for the parameters of a transformation that aligns the scans. The proposed method was experimentally validated and showed good ability to match laser range scans taken shortly after each other and an excellent ability to match laser range scans taken with longer time intervals between them.Web of Science88art. no. 85

    E-Journals and the Big Deal: A Review of the Literature

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    Faced with shrinking budgets and increased subscription prices, many academic libraries are seeking ways to reduce the cost of e-journal access. A common target for cuts is the “Big Deal,” or large bundled subscription model, a term coined by Kenneth Frazier in a 2001 paper criticizing the effects of the Big Deal on the academic community. The purpose of this literature review is to examine issues related to reducing e-journal costs, including criteria for subscription retention or cancellation, decision-making strategies, impacts of cancellations, and other options for e-journal content provision. Commonly used criteria for decision-making include usage statistics, overlap analysis, and input from subject specialists. The most commonly used strategy for guiding the process and aggregating data is the rubric or decision grid. While the e-journal landscape supports several access models, such as Pay-Per-View, cloud access, and interlibrary loan, the Big Deal continues to dominate. Trends over the past several years point to dwindling support for the Big Deal however, due largely to significant annual rate increases and loss of content control

    Evaluating Centering for Information Ordering Using Corpora

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    In this article we discuss several metrics of coherence defined using centering theory and investigate the usefulness of such metrics for information ordering in automatic text generation. We estimate empirically which is the most promising metric and how useful this metric is using a general methodology applied on several corpora. Our main result is that the simplest metric (which relies exclusively on NOCB transitions) sets a robust baseline that cannot be outperformed by other metrics which make use of additional centering-based features. This baseline can be used for the development of both text-to-text and concept-to-text generation systems. </jats:p