40,725 research outputs found

    On the number of NN-free elements with prescribed trace

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    In this paper we derive a formula for the number of NN-free elements over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q with prescribed trace, in particular trace zero, in terms of Gaussian periods. As a consequence, we derive a simple explicit formula for the number of primitive elements, in quartic extensions of Mersenne prime fields, having absolute trace zero. We also give a simple formula in the case when Q=(qm1)/(q1)Q = (q^m-1)/(q-1) is prime. More generally, for a positive integer NN whose prime factors divide QQ and satisfy the so called semi-primitive condition, we give an explicit formula for the number of NN-free elements with arbitrary trace. In addition we show that if all the prime factors of q1q-1 divide mm, then the number of primitive elements in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m}, with prescribed non-zero trace, is uniformly distributed. Finally we explore the related number, Pq,m,N(c)P_{q, m, N}(c), of elements in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m} with multiplicative order NN and having trace cFqc \in \mathbb{F}_q. Let Nqm1N \mid q^m-1 such that LQNL_Q \mid N, where LQL_Q is the largest factor of qm1q^m-1 with the same radical as that of QQ. We show there exists an element in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m}^* of (large) order NN with trace 00 if and only if m2m \neq 2 and (q,m)(4,3)(q,m) \neq (4,3). Moreover we derive an explicit formula for the number of elements in Fp4\mathbb{F}_{p^4} with the corresponding large order LQ=2(p+1)(p2+1)L_Q = 2(p+1)(p^2+1) and having absolute trace zero, where pp is a Mersenne prime

    Primitive normal pairs of elements with one prescribed trace

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    Let q,n,mNq, n, m \in \mathbb{N} such that qq is a prime power, m3m \geq 3 and aFa \in \mathbb{F}. We establish a sufficient condition for the existence of a primitive normal pair (α\alpha, f(α)f(\alpha)) in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m} over Fq\mathbb{F}_{q} such that TrFqm/Fq(α1)=a_{\mathbb{F}_{q^m}/\mathbb{F}_{q}}(\alpha^{-1})=a, where f(x)Fqm(x)f(x) \in \mathbb{F}_{q^m}(x) is a rational function with degree sum nn. In particular, for q=5k, k5q=5^k, ~k \geq 5 and degree sum n=4n=4, we explicitly find at most 11 choices of (q,m)(q, m) where existence of such pairs is not guaranteed.Comment: 19 page

    Primitive elements in finite fields with arbitrary trace

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    Arithmetic of finite fields is not only important for other branches of mathematics but also widely used in applications such as coding and cryptography. A primitive element of a finite field is of particular interest since it enables one to represent all other elements of the field. Therefore an extensive research has been done on primitive elements, especially those satisfying extra conditions. We are interested in the existence of primitive elements in extensions of finite fields with prescribed trace value. This existence problem can be settled by means of two important theories. One is character sums and the other is the theory of algebraic function fields. The aim of this thesis is to introduce some important properties of these two topics and to show how they are used in answering the existence problem mentioned above

    Primitive polynomials with prescribed second coefficient

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    The Hansen-Mullen Primitivity Conjecture (HMPC) (1992) asserts that, with some (mostly obvious) exceptions, there exists a primitive polynomial of degree n over any finite fieldwith any coefficient arbitrarily prescribed. This has recently been provedwhenever n ≥ 9. It is also known to be truewhen n ≤ 3.We showthat there exists a primitive polynomial of any degree n ≥ 4 over any finite field with its second coefficient (i.e., that of xn−2) arbitrarily prescribed. In particular, this establishes the HMPC when n = 4. The lone exception is the absence of a primitive polynomial of the form x4 + a1x3 + x2 + a3x + 1 over the binary field. For n ≥ 6 we prove a stronger result, namely that the primitive polynomialmay also have its constant termprescribed. This implies further cases of the HMPC. When the field has even cardinality 2-adic analysis is required for the proofs

    Primitive free cubics with specified norm and trace

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    The existence of a primitive free (normal) cubic x3 - ax2 + cx - b over a finite field F with arbitrary specified values of a (≠0) and b (primitive) is guaranteed. This is the most delicate case of a general existence theorem whose proof is thereby completed