2,179 research outputs found

    A note on Z\mathbb{Z} as a direct summand of nonstandard models of weak systems of arithmetic

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    There are nonstandard models of normal open induction (NOINOI) for which Z\mathbb{Z} is a direct summand of their additive group. We show that this is impossible for nonstandard models of IE2IE_2

    F-rational rings and the integral closures of ideals

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    We show in this paper that the Briancon-Skoda theorem holds for all ideals in F-rational rings of positive prime characteristic, and also in rings with rational singularities which are of finite type over a field of characteristic 0. Moreover, in Gorenstein F-rational rings of characteristic p we show that in many cases the bound given in the Briancon-Skoda theorem may be improved by at least one.Comment: This is a pre-galleys version of the paper, but theorem numbers should be the same. 9 page

    A Theorem of Legendre in IΞ”0+Ξ©1I\Delta_0+\Omega_1

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    We prove a classical theorem due to Legendre, about the existence of non trivial solutions of quadratic diophantine equations of the form ax2+by2+cz2=0ax^2+by^2+cz^2=0, in the weak fragment of Peano Arithmetic IΞ”0+Ξ©1I\Delta_0+\Omega_1

    Hierarchies of Subsystems of Weak Arithmetic

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    We completely characterize the logical hierarchy of various subsystems of weak arithmetic, namely: ZR, ZR + N, ZR + GCD, ZR + Bez, OI + N, OI + GCD, OI + Bez.Comment: To appear in Set theory, Arithmetic, Philosophy: Essays in Memory of Stanley Tennenbaum (edited by J. Kennedy and R. Kossak), Cambridge University Press

    Counting points of schemes over finite rings and counting representations of arithmetic lattices

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    We relate the singularities of a scheme XX to the asymptotics of the number of points of XX over finite rings. This gives a partial answer to a question of Mustata. We use this result to count representations of arithmetic lattices. More precisely, if Ξ“\Gamma is an arithmetic lattice whose Q\mathbb{Q}-rank is greater than one, let rn(Ξ“)r_n(\Gamma) be the number of irreducible nn-dimensional representations of Ξ“\Gamma up to isomorphism. We prove that there is a constant CC (for example, C=746C=746 suffices) such that rn(Ξ“)=O(nC)r_n(\Gamma)=O(n^C) for every such Ξ“\Gamma. This answers a question of Larsen and Lubotzky.Comment: version 2: The prove of the main theorem was simplified and a result on arithmetic algebraic geometry was added. 29 page

    Transcendental l-adic Galois representations

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    We consider continuous representations of the Galois group G of a number field K taking values in the completion C of an algebraic closure A of the field of l-adic numbers. We give a construction of irreducible representations of G in GL(2,C) which cannot be conjugated into GL(2,A) but for which there exist density-one sets of primes with Frobenius traces in A. We also show that any such representation must be ramified at infinitely many primes of K.Comment: 21 page

    Geometric proofs of theorems of Ax-Kochen and Ersov

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    We give an algebraic geometric proof of the Theorem of Ax and Kochen on p-adic diophantine equations in many variables. Unlike Ax-Kochen's proof, ours does not use any notions from mathematical logic and is based on weak toroidalization of morphisms. We also show how this geometric approach yields new proofs of the Ax-Kochen-Ersov transfer principle for local fields, and of quantifier elimination theorems of Basarab and Pas.Comment: To appear in a special volume of the American Journal of Mathematics dedicated to the memory of Professor Jun-ichi Igus

    The local Langlands correspondence for GL_n in families

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    Let E be a nonarchimedean local field with residue characteristic l, and suppose we have an n-dimensional representation of the absolute Galois group G_E of E over a reduced complete Noetherian local ring A with finite residue field k of characteristic p different from l. We consider the problem of associating to any such representation an admissible A[GL_n(E)]-module in a manner compatible with the local Langlands correspondence at characteristic zero points of Spec A. In particular we give a set of conditions that uniquely characterise such an A[GL_n(E)]-module if it exists, and show that such an A[GL_n(E)]-module always exists when A is the ring of integers of a finite extension of Q_p. We also use these results to define a "modified mod p local Langlands correspondence" that is more compatible with specialization of Galois representations than the mod p local Langlands correspondence of Vigneras.Comment: 61 paper

    Macaulayfication of Noetherian schemes

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    To reduce to resolving Cohen-Macaulay singularities, Faltings initiated the program of "Macaulayfying" a given Noetherian scheme XX. For a wide class of XX, Kawasaki built the sought Cohen-Macaulay modifications, with a crucial drawback that his blowups did not preserve the locus CM(X)βŠ‚X\mathrm{CM}(X) \subset X where XX is already Cohen-Macaulay. We extend Kawasaki's methods to show that every quasi-excellent, Noetherian scheme XX has a Cohen-Macaulay X~\widetilde{X} with a proper map X~β†’X\widetilde{X} \rightarrow X that is an isomorphism over CM(X)\mathrm{CM}(X). This completes Faltings' program, reduces the conjectural resolution of singularities to the Cohen-Macaulay case, and implies that every proper, smooth scheme over a number field has a proper, flat, Cohen-Macaulay model over the ring of integers.Comment: 24 pages; final version, to appear in Duke Mathematical Journa

    As Easy as Q\mathbb Q: Hilbert's Tenth Problem for Subrings of the Rationals and Number Fields

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    Hilbert's Tenth Problem over the field Q\mathbb Q of rational numbers is one of the biggest open problems in the area of undecidability in number theory. In this paper we construct new, computably presentable subrings RR of Q\mathbb Q having the property that Hilbert's Tenth Problem for RR, denoted HTP(R)HTP(R), is Turing equivalent to HTP(Q)HTP(\mathbb Q). We are able to put several additional constraints on the rings RR that we construct. Given any computable nonnegative real number r≀1r \leq 1 we construct such a ring R=Z[1p:p∈S]R = Z[\frac1p : p \in S] with SS a set of primes of lower density rr. We also construct examples of rings RR for which deciding membership in RR is Turing equivalent to deciding HTP(R)HTP(R) and also equivalent to deciding HTP(Q)HTP(\mathbb Q). Alternatively, we can make HTP(R)HTP(R) have arbitrary computably enumerable degree above HTP(Q)HTP(\mathbb Q). Finally, we show that the same can be done for subrings of number fields and their prime ideals
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