10,806 research outputs found

    An extension of Tamari lattices

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    For any finite path vv on the square grid consisting of north and east unit steps, starting at (0,0), we construct a poset Tam(v)(v) that consists of all the paths weakly above vv with the same number of north and east steps as vv. For particular choices of vv, we recover the traditional Tamari lattice and the mm-Tamari lattice. Let v←\overleftarrow{v} be the path obtained from vv by reading the unit steps of vv in reverse order, replacing the east steps by north steps and vice versa. We show that the poset Tam(v)(v) is isomorphic to the dual of the poset Tam(v←)(\overleftarrow{v}). We do so by showing bijectively that the poset Tam(v)(v) is isomorphic to the poset based on rotation of full binary trees with the fixed canopy vv, from which the duality follows easily. This also shows that Tam(v)(v) is a lattice for any path vv. We also obtain as a corollary of this bijection that the usual Tamari lattice, based on Dyck paths of height nn, is a partition of the (smaller) lattices Tam(v)(v), where the vv are all the paths on the square grid that consist of n−1n-1 unit steps. We explain possible connections between the poset Tam(v)(v) and (the combinatorics of) the generalized diagonal coinvariant spaces of the symmetric group.Comment: 18 page

    Free cumulants, Schr\"oder trees, and operads

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    The functional equation defining the free cumulants in free probability is lifted successively to the noncommutative Fa\`a di Bruno algebra, and then to the group of a free operad over Schr\"oder trees. This leads to new combinatorial expressions, which remain valid for operator-valued free probability. Specializations of these expressions give back Speicher's formula in terms of noncrossing partitions, and its interpretation in terms of characters due to Ebrahimi-Fard and Patras.Comment: 23 page
