1 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithm for the Partial Set Multi-Cover Problem

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    Partial set cover problem and set multi-cover problem are two generalizations of set cover problem. In this paper, we consider the partial set multi-cover problem which is a combination of them: given an element set EE, a collection of sets SβŠ†2E\mathcal S\subseteq 2^E, a total covering ratio qq which is a constant between 0 and 1, each set S∈SS\in\mathcal S is associated with a cost cSc_S, each element e∈Ee\in E is associated with a covering requirement rer_e, the goal is to find a minimum cost sub-collection Sβ€²βŠ†S\mathcal S'\subseteq\mathcal S to fully cover at least q∣E∣q|E| elements, where element ee is fully covered if it belongs to at least rer_e sets of Sβ€²\mathcal S'. Denote by rmax⁑=max⁑{re ⁣:e∈E}r_{\max}=\max\{r_e\colon e\in E\} the maximum covering requirement. We present an (O(rmax⁑log⁑2nΞ΅),1βˆ’Ξ΅)(O(\frac{r_{\max}\log^2n}{\varepsilon}),1-\varepsilon)-bicriteria approximation algorithm, that is, the output of our algorithm has cost at most O(rmax⁑log⁑2nΞ΅)O(\frac{r_{\max}\log^2 n}{\varepsilon}) times of the optimal value while the number of fully covered elements is at least (1βˆ’Ξ΅)q∣E∣(1-\varepsilon)q|E|