105 research outputs found

    Universal State Transfer on Graphs

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    A continuous-time quantum walk on a graph GG is given by the unitary matrix U(t)=exp(itA)U(t) = \exp(-itA), where AA is the Hermitian adjacency matrix of GG. We say GG has pretty good state transfer between vertices aa and bb if for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there is a time tt, where the (a,b)(a,b)-entry of U(t)U(t) satisfies U(t)a,b1ϵ|U(t)_{a,b}| \ge 1-\epsilon. This notion was introduced by Godsil (2011). The state transfer is perfect if the above holds for ϵ=0\epsilon = 0. In this work, we study a natural extension of this notion called universal state transfer. Here, state transfer exists between every pair of vertices of the graph. We prove the following results about graphs with this stronger property: (1) Graphs with universal state transfer have distinct eigenvalues and flat eigenbasis (where each eigenvector has entries which are equal in magnitude). (2) The switching automorphism group of a graph with universal state transfer is abelian and its order divides the size of the graph. Moreover, if the state transfer is perfect, then the switching automorphism group is cyclic. (3) There is a family of prime-length cycles with complex weights which has universal pretty good state transfer. This provides a concrete example of an infinite family of graphs with the universal property. (4) There exists a class of graphs with real symmetric adjacency matrices which has universal pretty good state transfer. In contrast, Kay (2011) proved that no graph with real-valued adjacency matrix can have universal perfect state transfer. We also provide a spectral characterization of universal perfect state transfer graphs that are switching equivalent to circulants.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Fractional revival on Cayley graphs over abelian groups

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    In this paper, we investigate the existence of fractional revival on Cayley graphs over finite abelian groups. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for Cayley graphs over finite abelian groups to have fractional revival. As applications, the existence of fractional revival on circulant graphs and cubelike graphs are characterized