4,942 research outputs found

    Recovering Faces from Portraits with Auxiliary Facial Attributes

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    Recovering a photorealistic face from an artistic portrait is a challenging task since crucial facial details are often distorted or completely lost in artistic compositions. To handle this loss, we propose an Attribute-guided Face Recovery from Portraits (AFRP) that utilizes a Face Recovery Network (FRN) and a Discriminative Network (DN). FRN consists of an autoencoder with residual block-embedded skip-connections and incorporates facial attribute vectors into the feature maps of input portraits at the bottleneck of the autoencoder. DN has multiple convolutional and fully-connected layers, and its role is to enforce FRN to generate authentic face images with corresponding facial attributes dictated by the input attribute vectors. %Leveraging on the spatial transformer networks, FRN automatically compensates for misalignments of portraits. % and generates aligned face images. For the preservation of identities, we impose the recovered and ground-truth faces to share similar visual features. Specifically, DN determines whether the recovered image looks like a real face and checks if the facial attributes extracted from the recovered image are consistent with given attributes. %Our method can recover high-quality photorealistic faces from unaligned portraits while preserving the identity of the face images as well as it can reconstruct a photorealistic face image with a desired set of attributes. Our method can recover photorealistic identity-preserving faces with desired attributes from unseen stylized portraits, artistic paintings, and hand-drawn sketches. On large-scale synthesized and sketch datasets, we demonstrate that our face recovery method achieves state-of-the-art results.Comment: 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV

    Context-based Normalization of Histological Stains using Deep Convolutional Features

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    While human observers are able to cope with variations in color and appearance of histological stains, digital pathology algorithms commonly require a well-normalized setting to achieve peak performance, especially when a limited amount of labeled data is available. This work provides a fully automated, end-to-end learning-based setup for normalizing histological stains, which considers the texture context of the tissue. We introduce Feature Aware Normalization, which extends the framework of batch normalization in combination with gating elements from Long Short-Term Memory units for normalization among different spatial regions of interest. By incorporating a pretrained deep neural network as a feature extractor steering a pixelwise processing pipeline, we achieve excellent normalization results and ensure a consistent representation of color and texture. The evaluation comprises a comparison of color histogram deviations, structural similarity and measures the color volume obtained by the different methods.Comment: In: 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis (DLMIA 2017
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