101 research outputs found

    Particpants' Proceedings on the Workshop: Types for Program Analysis

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    As a satellite meeting of the TAPSOFT'95 conference we organized a small workshop on program analysis. The title of the workshop, ``Types for Program Analysis´´, was motivated by the recent trend of letting the presentation and development of program analyses be influenced by annotated type systems, effect systems, and more general logical systems. The contents of the workshop was intended to be somewhat broader; consequently the call for participation listed the following areas of interest:- specification of specific analyses for programming languages,- the role of effects, polymorphism, conjunction/disjunction types, dependent types etc.in specification of analyses,- algorithmic tools and methods for solving general classes of type-based analyses,- the role of unification, semi-unification etc. in implementations of analyses,- proof techniques for establishing the safety of analyses,- relationship to other approaches to program analysis, including abstract interpretation and constraint-based methods,- exploitation of analysis results in program optimization and implementation.The submissions were not formally refereed; however each submission was read by several members of the program committee and received detailed comments and suggestions for improvement. We expect that several of the papers, in slightly revised forms, will show up at future conferences. The workshop took place at Aarhus University on May 26 and May 27 and lasted two half days

    Abstract Representation of Music: A Type-Based Knowledge Representation Framework

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    The wholesale efficacy of computer-based music research is contingent on the sharing and reuse of information and analysis methods amongst researchers across the constituent disciplines. However, computer systems for the analysis and manipulation of musical data are generally not interoperable. Knowledge representation has been extensively used in the domain of music to harness the benefits of formal conceptual modelling combined with logic based automated inference. However, the available knowledge representation languages lack sufficient logical expressivity to support sophisticated musicological concepts. In this thesis we present a type-based framework for abstract representation of musical knowledge. The core of the framework is a multiple-hierarchical information model called a constituent structure, which accommodates diverse kinds of musical information. The framework includes a specification logic for expressing formal descriptions of the components of the representation. We give a formal specification for the framework in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, an expressive logical language which lends itself to the abstract specification of data types and information structures. We give an implementation of our framework using Semantic Web ontologies and JavaScript. The ontologies capture the core structural aspects of the representation, while the JavaScript tools implement the functionality of the abstract specification. We describe how our framework supports three music analysis tasks: pattern search and discovery, paradigmatic analysis and hierarchical set-class analysis, detailing how constituent structures are used to represent both the input and output of these analyses including sophisticated structural annotations. We present a simple demonstrator application, built with the JavaScript tools, which performs simple analysis and visualisation of linked data documents structured by the ontologies. We conclude with a summary of the contributions of the thesis and a discussion of the type-based approach to knowledge representation, as well as a number of avenues for future work in this area

    Dependent Object Types

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    A scalable programming language is one in which the same concepts can describe small as well as large parts. Towards this goal, Scala unifies concepts from object and module systems. In particular, objects can contain type members, which can be selected as types, called path-dependent types. Focusing on path-dependent types, we develop a type-theoretic foundation for Scala: the calculus of Dependent Object Types (DOT). We derive DOT from System F, we add a lower bound to each type variable, in addition to its usual upper bound, (2) in System D, we turn each type variable into a regular term variable containing a type, (3) for a full subtyping lattice, we add intersection and union types, (4) for objects, we consolidate all values into records, (5) for objects that close over a self, we introduce a recursive type, binding a self term variable, (6) for recursive types, we first extend the theory in typing and then also in subtyping. Through this bottom-up exploration, we discover a sound, uniform yet powerful design for DOT. We devise strategies and techniques for proving soundness that scale through this iterative step-by-step process: (1) "pushback" of subtyping transitivity or subsumption, to concisely capture inversion of subtyping or typing, (2) distinction between concrete vs. abstract context variables, to resolve tension between preservation of types vs. preservation of type abstractions, (3) and, specifically for big-step semantics, a type that closes over an environment, to relate context-dependent types across closures. While ultimately, we have developed sound models of DOT in both big-step and small-step operational semantics, historically, the shift to big-step semantics has been helpful in focusing the requirements. In particular, by developing a novel big-step soundness proof for System F<:, calculi like System D<: emerge as straightforward generalizations, almost like removing artificial restrictions. Interesting in their own right, our type soundness techniques for definitional interpreters extend to mutable references without use of co-induction. The DOT calculus finally grounds languages like Scala in firm theory. The DOT calculus helps in finding bugs in Scala, and in understanding feature interaction better as well as requirements. The DOT calculus serves as a good basis for future work which studies extensions or encodings on top of the core, bridging the gap from DOT to Dotty / Scala

    Formal Methods Specification and Analysis Guidebook for the Verification of Software and Computer Systems

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    This guidebook, the second of a two-volume series, is intended to facilitate the transfer of formal methods to the avionics and aerospace community. The 1st volume concentrates on administrative and planning issues [NASA-95a], and the second volume focuses on the technical issues involved in applying formal methods to avionics and aerospace software systems. Hereafter, the term "guidebook" refers exclusively to the second volume of the series. The title of this second volume, A Practitioner's Companion, conveys its intent. The guidebook is written primarily for the nonexpert and requires little or no prior experience with formal methods techniques and tools. However, it does attempt to distill some of the more subtle ingredients in the productive application of formal methods. To the extent that it succeeds, those conversant with formal methods will also nd the guidebook useful. The discussion is illustrated through the development of a realistic example, relevant fragments of which appear in each chapter. The guidebook focuses primarily on the use of formal methods for analysis of requirements and high-level design, the stages at which formal methods have been most productively applied. Although much of the discussion applies to low-level design and implementation, the guidebook does not discuss issues involved in the later life cycle application of formal methods

    Toward a formal theory for computing machines made out of whatever physics offers: extended version

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    Approaching limitations of digital computing technologies have spurred research in neuromorphic and other unconventional approaches to computing. Here we argue that if we want to systematically engineer computing systems that are based on unconventional physical effects, we need guidance from a formal theory that is different from the symbolic-algorithmic theory of today's computer science textbooks. We propose a general strategy for developing such a theory, and within that general view, a specific approach that we call "fluent computing". In contrast to Turing, who modeled computing processes from a top-down perspective as symbolic reasoning, we adopt the scientific paradigm of physics and model physical computing systems bottom-up by formalizing what can ultimately be measured in any physical substrate. This leads to an understanding of computing as the structuring of processes, while classical models of computing systems describe the processing of structures.Comment: 76 pages. This is an extended version of a perspective article with the same title that will appear in Nature Communications soon after this manuscript goes public on arxi

    Automated Deduction – CADE 28

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    This open access book constitutes the proceeding of the 28th International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE 28, held virtually in July 2021. The 29 full papers and 7 system descriptions presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 76 submissions. CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all aspects of automated deduction, including foundations, applications, implementations, and practical experience. The papers are organized in the following topics: Logical foundations; theory and principles; implementation and application; ATP and AI; and system descriptions

    Reasoning about assertions, obligations and causality on a categorical semantics for a logic for pragmatics

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    PhDThe aim of the logic for pragmatics considered in this work is to provide a logical framework that formalises reasoning about the pragmatic forces with which a sentence may be uttered. The concept of pragmatic or illocutionary force comes from speech act theory and plays a crucial role also in certain branches of artificial intelligence, in particular in the development of communication protocols for software agents. Instead of considering the full-blown theory of speech acts, we focus on speech acts that either have the pragmatic force of an assertion or the pragmatic force of an obligation, and on how these speech acts may be related to each other. In particular, we are interested in a principle proposed by Bellin and Dalla Pozza that allows one to promote acts of obligations through causal chains of acts of assertions. The main achievement of this thesis is a sound and complete categorical semantics for a logic for pragmatics incorporating the aforementioned principle. One of the benefits of the proposed semantics is that it allows one to deal with conditional obligations as well, thus extending the framework in a very interesting way. Although the logical framework considered in this work incorporates only two types of speech acts, we hope to be able to show that we have a well-behaved core fragment that can serve as a fruitful basis for further investigations

    Zero-one laws with respect to models of provability logic and two Grzegorczyk logics

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    It has been shown in the late 1960s that each formula of first-order logic without constants and function symbols obeys a zero-one law: As the number of elements of finite models increases, every formula holds either in almost all or in almost no models of that size. Therefore, many properties of models, such as having an even number of elements, cannot be expressed in the language of first-order logic. Halpern and Kapron proved zero-one laws for classes of models corresponding to the modal logics K, T, S4, and S5 and for frames corresponding to S4 and S5. In this paper, we prove zero-one laws for provability logic and its two siblings Grzegorczyk logic and weak Grzegorczyk logic, with respect to model validity. Moreover, we axiomatize validity in almost all relevant finite models, leading to three different axiom systems
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