4 research outputs found

    Presburger Arithmetic with algebraic scalar multiplications

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    We consider Presburger arithmetic (PA) extended by scalar multiplication by an algebraic irrational number α\alpha, and call this extension α\alpha-Presburger arithmetic (α\alpha-PA). We show that the complexity of deciding sentences in α\alpha-PA is substantially harder than in PA. Indeed, when α\alpha is quadratic and r≥4r\geq 4, deciding α\alpha-PA sentences with rr alternating quantifier blocks and at most c rc\ r variables and inequalities requires space at least K2⋅⋅⋅2Cℓ(S)K 2^{\cdot^{\cdot^{\cdot^{2^{C\ell(S)}}}}} (tower of height r−3r-3), where the constants c,K,C>0c, K, C>0 only depend on α\alpha, and ℓ(S)\ell(S) is the length of the given α\alpha-PA sentence SS. Furthermore deciding ∃6∀4∃11\exists^{6}\forall^{4}\exists^{11} α\alpha-PA sentences with at most kk inequalities is PSPACE-hard, where kk is another constant depending only on~α\alpha. When α\alpha is non-quadratic, already four alternating quantifier blocks suffice for undecidability of α\alpha-PA sentences

    Presburger Arithmetic with algebraic scalar multiplications

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    We consider Presburger arithmetic (PA) extended by scalar multiplication by an algebraic irrational number α\alpha, and call this extension α\alpha-Presburger arithmetic (α\alpha-PA). We show that the complexity of deciding sentences in α\alpha-PA is substantially harder than in PA. Indeed, when α\alpha is quadratic and r≥4r\geq 4, deciding α\alpha-PA sentences with rr alternating quantifier blocks and at most c rc\ r variables and inequalities requires space at least K2⋅⋅⋅2Cℓ(S)K 2^{\cdot^{\cdot^{\cdot^{2^{C\ell(S)}}}}} (tower of height r−3r-3), where the constants c,K,C>0c, K, C>0 only depend on α\alpha, and ℓ(S)\ell(S) is the length of the given α\alpha-PA sentence SS. Furthermore deciding ∃6∀4∃11\exists^{6}\forall^{4}\exists^{11} α\alpha-PA sentences with at most kk inequalities is PSPACE-hard, where kk is another constant depending only on~α\alpha. When α\alpha is non-quadratic, already four alternating quantifier blocks suffice for undecidability of α\alpha-PA sentences

    A strong version of Cobham's theorem

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    Let k,ℓ≥2k,\ell\geq 2 be two multiplicatively independent integers. Cobham's famous theorem states that a set X⊆NX\subseteq \mathbb{N} is both kk-recognizable and ℓ\ell-recognizable if and only if it is definable in Presburger arithmetic. Here we show the following strengthening: let X⊆NmX\subseteq \mathbb{N}^m be kk-recognizable, let Y⊆NmY\subseteq \mathbb{N}^m be ℓ\ell-recognizable such that both XX and YY are not definable in Presburger arithmetic. Then the first-order logical theory of (N,+,X,Y)(\mathbb{N},+,X,Y) is undecidable. This is in contrast to a well-known theorem of B\"uchi that the first-order logical theory of (N,+,X)(\mathbb{N},+,X) is decidable