283 research outputs found

    Classification of Arrhythmia by Using Deep Learning with 2-D ECG Spectral Image Representation

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    The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most extensively employed signals used in the diagnosis and prediction of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The ECG signals can capture the heart's rhythmic irregularities, commonly known as arrhythmias. A careful study of ECG signals is crucial for precise diagnoses of patients' acute and chronic heart conditions. In this study, we propose a two-dimensional (2-D) convolutional neural network (CNN) model for the classification of ECG signals into eight classes; namely, normal beat, premature ventricular contraction beat, paced beat, right bundle branch block beat, left bundle branch block beat, atrial premature contraction beat, ventricular flutter wave beat, and ventricular escape beat. The one-dimensional ECG time series signals are transformed into 2-D spectrograms through short-time Fourier transform. The 2-D CNN model consisting of four convolutional layers and four pooling layers is designed for extracting robust features from the input spectrograms. Our proposed methodology is evaluated on a publicly available MIT-BIH arrhythmia dataset. We achieved a state-of-the-art average classification accuracy of 99.11\%, which is better than those of recently reported results in classifying similar types of arrhythmias. The performance is significant in other indices as well, including sensitivity and specificity, which indicates the success of the proposed method.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for future publication in Remote Sensing MDPI Journa

    Machine learning techniques for arrhythmic risk stratification: a review of the literature

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    Ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) are significant adverse events that affect the morbidity and mortality of both the general population and patients with predisposing cardiovascular risk factors. Currently, conventional disease-specific scores are used for risk stratification purposes. However, these risk scores have several limitations, including variations among validation cohorts, the inclusion of a limited number of predictors while omitting important variables, as well as hidden relationships between predictors. Machine learning (ML) techniques are based on algorithms that describe intervariable relationships. Recent studies have implemented ML techniques to construct models for the prediction of fatal VAs. However, the application of ML study findings is limited by the absence of established frameworks for its implementation, in addition to clinicians’ unfamiliarity with ML techniques. This review, therefore, aims to provide an accessible and easy-to-understand summary of the existing evidence about the use of ML techniques in the prediction of VAs. Our findings suggest that ML algorithms improve arrhythmic prediction performance in different clinical settings. However, it should be emphasized that prospective studies comparing ML algorithms to conventional risk models are needed while a regulatory framework is required prior to their implementation in clinical practice

    Electrocardiogram pattern recognition and analysis based on artificial neural networks and support vector machines: a review.

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    Computer systems for Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis support the clinician in tedious tasks (e.g., Holter ECG monitored in Intensive Care Units) or in prompt detection of dangerous events (e.g., ventricular fibrillation). Together with clinical applications (arrhythmia detection and heart rate variability analysis), ECG is currently being investigated in biometrics (human identification), an emerging area receiving increasing attention. Methodologies for clinical applications can have both differences and similarities with respect to biometrics. This paper reviews methods of ECG processing from a pattern recognition perspective. In particular, we focus on features commonly used for heartbeat classification. Considering the vast literature in the field and the limited space of this review, we dedicated a detailed discussion only to a few classifiers (Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines) because of their popularity; however, other techniques such as Hidden Markov Models and Kalman Filtering will be also mentioned

    Heart Rate Variability: A possible machine learning biomarker for mechanical circulatory device complications and heart recovery

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    Cardiovascular disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the United States, with heart failure patients expected to increase to \u3e8 million by 2030. Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices are now better able to manage acute and chronic heart failure refractory to medical therapy, both as bridge to transplant or as bridge to destination. Despite significant advances in MCS device design and surgical implantation technique, it remains difficult to predict response to device therapy. Heart rate variability (HRV), measuring the variation in time interval between adjacent heartbeats, is an objective device diagnostic regularly recorded by various MCS devices that has been shown to have significant prognostic value for both sudden cardiac death as well as all-cause mortality in congestive heart failure (CHF) patients. Limited studies have examined HRV indices as promising risk factors and predictors of complication and recovery from left ventricular assist device therapy in end-stage CHF patients. If paired with new advances in machine learning utilization in medicine, HRV represents a potential dynamic biomarker for monitoring and predicting patient status as more patients enter the mechanotrope era of MCS devices for destination therapy

    Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prediction through Heart Rate Variability Analysis

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    The increase in popularity for wearable technologies (see: Apple Watch and Microsoft Band) has opened the door for an Internet of Things solution to healthcare. One of the most prevalent healthcare problems today is the poor survival rate of out-of hospital sudden cardiac arrests (9.5% on 360,000 cases in the USA in 2013). It has been proven that heart rate derived features can give an early indicator of sudden cardiac arrest, and that providing an early warning has the potential to save many lives. Many of these new wearable devices are capable of providing this warning through their heart rate sensors. This thesis paper introduces a prospective dataset of physical activity heart rates collected via Microsoft Band. This dataset is indicative of the heart rates that would be observed in the proposed Internet of Things solution. This dataset is combined with public heart rate datasets to provide a dataset larger than many of the ones used in related works and more indicative of out-of-hospital heart rates. This paper introduces the use of LogitBoost as a classifier for sudden cardiac arrest prediction. Using this technique, a five minute warning of sudden cardiac arrest is provided with 96.36% accuracy and F-score of 0.9375. These results are better than existing solutions that only include in-hospital data

    Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death Using Ensemble Classifiers

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    Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is a medical problem that is responsible for over 300,000 deaths per year in the United States and millions worldwide. SCD is defined as death occurring from within one hour of the onset of acute symptoms, an unwitnessed death in the absence of pre-existing progressive circulatory failures or other causes of deaths, or death during attempted resuscitation. Sudden death due to cardiac reasons is a leading cause of death among Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients. The use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems has made a wealth of medical data available for research and analysis. Supervised machine learning methods have been successfully used for medical diagnosis. Ensemble classifiers are known to achieve better prediction accuracy than its constituent base classifiers. In an effort to understand the factors contributing to SCD, data on 2,521 patients were collected for the Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT). The data included 96 features that were gathered over a period of 5 years. The goal of this dissertation was to develop a model that could accurately predict SCD based on available features. The prediction model used the Cox proportional hazards model as a score and then used the ExtraTreesClassifier algorithm as a boosting mechanism to create the ensemble. We tested the system at prediction points of 180 days and 365 days. Our best results were at 180-days with accuracy of 0.9624, specificity of 0.9915, and F1 score of 0.9607

    Exploring ECG Signal Analysis Techniques for Arrhythmia Detection: A Review

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    The heart holds paramount importance in the human body as it serves the crucial function of supplying blood and nutrients to various organs. Thus, maintaining its health is imperative. Arrhythmia, a heart disorder, arises when the heart's rhythm becomes irregular. Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are commonly utilized for analyzing arrhythmia due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The peaks observed in ECG graphs, particularly the R peak, are indicative of heart conditions, facilitating arrhythmia diagnosis. Arrhythmia is broadly categorized into Tachycardia and Bradycardia for identification purposes. This paper explores diverse techniques such as Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Neural Network (NN) classifiers, as well as Wavelet and Time–Frequency Transform (TQWT), which have been employed over the past decade for arrhythmia detection using various datasets. The study delves into the analysis of arrhythmia classification on ECG datasets, highlighting the effectiveness of data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification techniques in achieving superior performance in classifying ECG signals for arrhythmia detection

    Linear and nonlinear analysis of normal and CAD-affected heart rate signals

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    Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the dangerous cardiac disease, often may lead to sudden cardiac death. It is difficult to diagnose CAD by manual inspection of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. To automate this detection task, in this study, we extracted the Heart Rate (HR) from the ECG signals and used them as base signal for further analysis. We then analyzed the HR signals of both normal and CAD subjects using (i) time domain, (ii) frequency domain and (iii) nonlinear techniques. The following are the nonlinear methods that were used in this work: Poincare plots, Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) parameters, Shannon entropy, Approximate Entropy (ApEn), Sample Entropy (SampEn), Higher Order Spectra (HOS) methods, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA), Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Cumulants, and Correlation Dimension. As a result of the analysis, we present unique recurrence, Poincare and HOS plots for normal and CAD subjects. We have also observed significant variations in the range of these features with respect to normal and CAD classes, and have presented the same in this paper. We found that the RQA parameters were higher for CAD subjects indicating more rhythm. Since the activity of CAD subjects is less, similar signal patterns repeat more frequently compared to the normal subjects. The entropy based parameters, ApEn and SampEn, are lower for CAD subjects indicating lower entropy (less activity due to impairment) for CAD. Almost all HOS parameters showed higher values for the CAD group, indicating the presence of higher frequency content in the CAD signals. Thus, our study provides a deep insight into how such nonlinear features could be exploited to effectively and reliably detect the presence of CAD

    ECG classification and prognostic approach towards personalized healthcare

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    A very important aspect of personalized healthcare is to continuously monitor an individual’s health using wearable biomedical devices and essentially to analyse and if possible to predict potential health hazards that may prove fatal if not treated in time. The prediction aspect embedded in the system helps in avoiding delays in providing timely medical treatment, even before an individual reaches a critical condition. Despite of the availability of modern wearable health monitoring devices, the real-time analyses and prediction component seems to be missing with these devices. The research work illustrated in this paper, at an outset, focussed on constantly monitoring an individual's ECG readings using a wearable 3-lead ECG kit and more importantly focussed on performing real-time analyses to detect arrhythmia to be able to identify and predict heart risk. Also, current research shows extensive use of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis and machine learning for arrhythmia classification, which however depends on the morphology of the ECG waveforms and the sensitivity of the ECG equipment. Since a wearable 3-lead ECG kit was used, the accuracy of classification had to be dealt with at the machine learning phase, so a unique feature extraction method was developed to increase the accuracy of classification. As a case study a very widely used Arrhythmia database (MIT-BIH, Physionet) was used to develop learning, classification and prediction models. Neuralnet fitting models on the extracted features showed mean-squared error of as low as 0.0085 and regression value as high as 0.99. Current experiments show 99.4% accuracy using k-NN Classification models and show values of Cross-Entropy Error of 7.6 and misclassification error value of 1.2 on test data using scaled conjugate gradient pattern matching algorithms. Software components were developed for wearable devices that took ECG readings from a 3-Lead ECG data acquisition kit in real time, de-noised, filtered and relayed the sample readings to the tele health analytical server. The analytical server performed the classification and prediction tasks based on the trained classification models and could raise appropriate alarms if ECG abnormalities of V (Premature Ventricular Contraction: PVC), A (Atrial Premature Beat: APB), L (Left bundle branch block beat), R (Right bundle branch block beat) type annotations in MITDB were detected. The instruments were networked using IoT (Internet of Things) devices and abnormal ECG events related to arrhythmia, from analytical server could be logged using an FHIR web service implementation, according to a SNOMED coding system and could be accessed in Electronic Health Record by the concerned medic to take appropriate and timely decisions. The system focused on ‘preventive care rather than remedial cure’ which has become a major focus of all the health care and cure institutions across the globe
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