731,546 research outputs found

    Finding missing edges in networks based on their community structure

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    Many edge prediction methods have been proposed, based on various local or global properties of the structure of an incomplete network. Community structure is another significant feature of networks: Vertices in a community are more densely connected than average. It is often true that vertices in the same community have "similar" properties, which suggests that missing edges are more likely to be found within communities than elsewhere. We use this insight to propose a strategy for edge prediction that combines existing edge prediction methods with community detection. We show that this method gives better prediction accuracy than existing edge prediction methods alone.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Entropy-based approach to missing-links prediction

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    Link-prediction is an active research field within network theory, aiming at uncovering missing connections or predicting the emergence of future relationships from the observed network structure. This paper represents our contribution to the stream of research concerning missing links prediction. Here, we propose an entropy-based method to predict a given percentage of missing links, by identifying them with the most probable non-observed ones. The probability coefficients are computed by solving opportunely defined null-models over the accessible network structure. Upon comparing our likelihood-based, local method with the most popular algorithms over a set of economic, financial and food networks, we find ours to perform best, as pointed out by a number of statistical indicators (e.g. the precision, the area under the ROC curve, etc.). Moreover, the entropy-based formalism adopted in the present paper allows us to straightforwardly extend the link-prediction exercise to directed networks as well, thus overcoming one of the main limitations of current algorithms. The higher accuracy achievable by employing these methods - together with their larger flexibility - makes them strong competitors of available link-prediction algorithms

    Principled Multilayer Network Embedding

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    Multilayer network analysis has become a vital tool for understanding different relationships and their interactions in a complex system, where each layer in a multilayer network depicts the topological structure of a group of nodes corresponding to a particular relationship. The interactions among different layers imply how the interplay of different relations on the topology of each layer. For a single-layer network, network embedding methods have been proposed to project the nodes in a network into a continuous vector space with a relatively small number of dimensions, where the space embeds the social representations among nodes. These algorithms have been proved to have a better performance on a variety of regular graph analysis tasks, such as link prediction, or multi-label classification. In this paper, by extending a standard graph mining into multilayer network, we have proposed three methods ("network aggregation," "results aggregation" and "layer co-analysis") to project a multilayer network into a continuous vector space. From the evaluation, we have proved that comparing with regular link prediction methods, "layer co-analysis" achieved the best performance on most of the datasets, while "network aggregation" and "results aggregation" also have better performance than regular link prediction methods
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