19,306 research outputs found

    On the chain length dependence of local correlations in polymer melts and a perturbation theory of symmetric polymer blends

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    The self-consistent field (SCF) theory of dense polymer liquids assumes that short-range correlations are almost independent of how monomers are connected into polymers. Some limits of this idea are explored in the context of a perturbation theory for mixtures of structurally identical polymer species, A and B, in which the AB pair interaction differs slightly from the AA and BB interaction, and the difference is controlled by a parameter alpha Expanding the free energy to O(\alpha) yields an excess free energy of the form alpha z(N)ϕAϕBz(N)\phi_{A}\phi_{B}, in both lattice and continuum models, where z(N) is a measure of the number of inter-molecular near neighbors of each monomer in a one-component liquid. This quantity decreases slightly with increasing N because the self-concentration of monomers from the same chain is slightly higher for longer chains, creating a deeper correlation hole for longer chains. We analyze the resulting NN-dependence, and predict that z(N)=z∞[1+βNˉ−1/2]z(N) = z^{\infty}[1 + \beta \bar{N}^{-1/2}], where Nˉ\bar{N} is an invariant degree of polymerization, and β=(6/π)3/2\beta=(6/\pi)^{3/2}. This and other predictions are confirmed by comparison to simulations. We also propose a way to estimate the effective interaction parameter appropriate for comparisons of simulation data to SCF theory and to coarse-grained theories of corrections to SCF theory, which is based on an extrapolation of coefficients in this perturbation theory to the limit N→∞N \to \infty. We show that a renormalized one-loop theory contains a quantitatively correct description of the NN-dependence of local structure studied here.Comment: submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Universality of subleading corrections for self-avoiding walks in presence of one dimensional defects

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    We study three-dimensional self-avoiding walks in presence of a one-dimensional excluded region. We show the appearance of a universal sub-leading exponent which is independent of the particular shape and symmetries of the excluded region. A classical argument provides the estimate: Δ=2ν−1≈0.175(1)\Delta = 2 \nu - 1 \approx 0.175(1). The numerical simulation gives Δ=0.18(2)\Delta = 0.18(2).Comment: 29 pages, latex2

    An improved perturbation approach to the 2D Edwards polymer -- corrections to scaling

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    We present the results of a new perturbation calculation in polymer statistics which starts from a ground state that already correctly predicts the long chain length behaviour of the mean square end--to--end distance ⟨RN2⟩ \langle R_N^2 \rangle\ , namely the solution to the 2~dimensional~(2D) Edwards model. The ⟨RN2⟩\langle R_N^2 \rangle thus calculated is shown to be convergent in NN, the number of steps in the chain, in contrast to previous methods which start from the free random walk solution. This allows us to calculate a new value for the leading correction--to--scaling exponent~Δ\Delta. Writing ⟨RN2⟩=AN2ν(1+BN−Δ+CN−1+...)\langle R_N^2 \rangle = AN^{2\nu}(1+BN^{-\Delta} + CN^{-1}+...), where ν=3/4\nu = 3/4 in 2D, our result shows that Δ=1/2\Delta = 1/2. This value is also supported by an analysis of 2D self--avoiding walks on the {\em continuum}.Comment: 17 Pages of Revtex. No figures. Submitted to J. Phys.
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