359 research outputs found

    Adaptive visualization of research communities

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    Adaptive visualization approaches attempt to tune the content and the topology of information visualization to various user characteristics. While adapting visualization to user cognitive traits, goals, or knowledge has been relatively well explored, some other user characteristics have received no attention. This paper presents a methodology to adapt a traditional cluster-based visualization of communities to user individual model of community organization. This class of user-adapted visualization is not only achievable, but expected due to real world situation where users cannot be segmented into heterogeneous communities since many users have affinity to more than one group. An interactive clustering and visualization approach presented in the paper allows the user communicate their personal mental models of overlapping communities to the clustering algorithm itself and obtain a community visualization image that more realistically fits their prospects

    Exploratory Analysis of Pairwise Interactions in Online Social Networks

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    In the last few decades sociologists were trying to explain human behaviour by analysing social networks, which requires access to data about interpersonal relationships. This represented a big obstacle in this research field until the emergence of online social networks (OSNs), which vastly facilitated the process of collecting such data. Nowadays, by crawling public profiles on OSNs, it is possible to build a social graph where "friends" on OSN become represented as connected nodes. OSN connection does not necessarily indicate a close real-life relationship, but using OSN interaction records may reveal real-life relationship intensities, a topic which inspired a number of recent researches. Still, published research currently lacks an extensive exploratory analysis of OSN interaction records, i.e. a comprehensive overview of users' interaction via different ways of OSN interaction. In this paper we provide such an overview by leveraging results of conducted extensive social experiment which managed to collect records for over 3,200 Facebook users interacting with over 1,400,000 of their friends. Our exploratory analysis focuses on extracting population distributions and correlation parameters for 13 interaction parameters, providing valuable insight in online social network interaction for future researches aimed at this field of study.Comment: Journal Article published 2 Oct 2017 in Automatika volume 58 issue 4 on pages 422 to 42

    A semi-supervised approach to visualizing and manipulating overlapping communities

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    When evaluating a network topology, occasionally data structures cannot be segmented into absolute, heterogeneous groups. There may be a spectrum to the dataset that does not allow for this hard clustering approach and may need to segment using fuzzy/overlapping communities or cliques. Even to this degree, when group members can belong to multiple cliques, there leaves an ever present layer of doubt, noise, and outliers caused by the overlapping clustering algorithms. These imperfections can either be corrected by an expert user to enhance the clustering algorithm or to preserve their own mental models of the communities. Presented is a visualization that models overlapping community membership and provides an interactive interface to facilitate a quick and efficient means of both sorting through large network topologies and preserving the user's mental model of the structure. © 2013 IEEE

    On Facebook, most ties are weak

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    Pervasive socio-technical networks bring new conceptual and technological challenges to developers and users alike. A central research theme is evaluation of the intensity of relations linking users and how they facilitate communication and the spread of information. These aspects of human relationships have been studied extensively in the social sciences under the framework of the "strength of weak ties" theory proposed by Mark Granovetter.13 Some research has considered whether that theory can be extended to online social networks like Facebook, suggesting interaction data can be used to predict the strength of ties. The approaches being used require handling user-generated data that is often not publicly available due to privacy concerns. Here, we propose an alternative definition of weak and strong ties that requires knowledge of only the topology of the social network (such as who is a friend of whom on Facebook), relying on the fact that online social networks, or OSNs, tend to fragment into communities. We thus suggest classifying as weak ties those edges linking individuals belonging to different communities and strong ties as those connecting users in the same community. We tested this definition on a large network representing part of the Facebook social graph and studied how weak and strong ties affect the information-diffusion process. Our findings suggest individuals in OSNs self-organize to create well-connected communities, while weak ties yield cohesion and optimize the coverage of information spread.Comment: Accepted version of the manuscript before ACM editorial work. Check http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2014/11/179820-on-facebook-most-ties-are-weak/ for the final versio

    Quantifying the Effect of Sentiment on Information Diffusion in Social Media

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    Social media have become the main vehicle of information production and consumption online. Millions of users every day log on their Facebook or Twitter accounts to get updates and news, read about their topics of interest, and become exposed to new opportunities and interactions. Although recent studies suggest that the contents users produce will affect the emotions of their readers, we still lack a rigorous understanding of the role and effects of contents sentiment on the dynamics of information diffusion. This work aims at quantifying the effect of sentiment on information diffusion, to understand: (i) whether positive conversations spread faster and/or broader than negative ones (or vice-versa); (ii) what kind of emotions are more typical of popular conversations on social media; and, (iii) what type of sentiment is expressed in conversations characterized by different temporal dynamics. Our findings show that, at the level of contents, negative messages spread faster than positive ones, but positive ones reach larger audiences, suggesting that people are more inclined to share and favorite positive contents, the so-called positive bias. As for the entire conversations, we highlight how different temporal dynamics exhibit different sentiment patterns: for example, positive sentiment builds up for highly-anticipated events, while unexpected events are mainly characterized by negative sentiment. Our contribution is a milestone to understand how the emotions expressed in short texts affect their spreading in online social ecosystems, and may help to craft effective policies and strategies for content generation and diffusion.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Measuring Emotional Contagion in Social Media

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    Social media are used as main discussion channels by millions of individuals every day. The content individuals produce in daily social-media-based micro-communications, and the emotions therein expressed, may impact the emotional states of others. A recent experiment performed on Facebook hypothesized that emotions spread online, even in absence of non-verbal cues typical of in-person interactions, and that individuals are more likely to adopt positive or negative emotions if these are over-expressed in their social network. Experiments of this type, however, raise ethical concerns, as they require massive-scale content manipulation with unknown consequences for the individuals therein involved. Here, we study the dynamics of emotional contagion using Twitter. Rather than manipulating content, we devise a null model that discounts some confounding factors (including the effect of emotional contagion). We measure the emotional valence of content the users are exposed to before posting their own tweets. We determine that on average a negative post follows an over-exposure to 4.34% more negative content than baseline, while positive posts occur after an average over-exposure to 4.50% more positive contents. We highlight the presence of a linear relationship between the average emotional valence of the stimuli users are exposed to, and that of the responses they produce. We also identify two different classes of individuals: highly and scarcely susceptible to emotional contagion. Highly susceptible users are significantly less inclined to adopt negative emotions than the scarcely susceptible ones, but equally likely to adopt positive emotions. In general, the likelihood of adopting positive emotions is much greater than that of negative emotions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Animating and sustaining niche social networks

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    Within the communicative space online Social Network Sites (SNS) afford, Niche Social Networks Sites (NSNS) have emerged around particular geographic, demographic or topic-based communities to provide what broader SNS do not: specified and targeted content for an engaged and interested community. Drawing on a research project developed at the Queensland University of Technology in conjunction with the Australian Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre that produced an NSNS based around Adventure Travel, this paper outlines the main drivers for community creation and sustainability within NSNS. The paper asks what factors motivate users to join and stay with these sites and what, if any, common patterns can be noted in their formation. It also outlines the main barriers to online participation and content creation in NSNS, and the similarities and differences in SNS and NSNS business models. Having built a community of 100 registered members, the staywild.com.au project was a living laboratory, enabling us to document the steps taken in producing a NSNS and cultivating and retaining active contributors. The paper incorporates observational analysis of user-generated content (UGC) and user profile submissions, statistical analysis of site usage, and findings from a survey of our membership pool in noting areas of success and of failure. In drawing on our project in this way we provide a template for future iterations of NSNS initiation and development across various other social settings: not only niche communities, but also the media and advertising with which they engage and interact. Positioned within the context of online user participation and UGC research, our paper concludes with a discussion of the ways in which the tools afforded by NSNS extend earlier understandings of online ‘communities of interest’. It also outlines the relevance of our research to larger questions about the diversity of the social media ecology

    Determination of Friendship Intensity between Online Social Network Users Based on Their Interaction

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    Online social networks (OSN) are one of the most popular forms of modern communication and among the best known is Facebook. Information about the connection between users on the OSN is often very scarce. It's only known if users are connected, while the intensity of the connection is unknown. The aim of the research described was to determine and quantify friendship intensity between OSN users based on analysis of their interaction. We built a mathematical model, which uses: supervised machine learning algorithm Random Forest, experimentally determined importance of communication parameters and coefficients for every interaction parameter based on answers of research conducted through a survey. Taking user opinion into consideration while designing a model for calculation of friendship intensity is a novel approach in opposition to previous researches from literature. Accuracy of the proposed model was verified on the example of determining a better friend in the offered pair
