1,011 research outputs found

    Tempo: Robust and Self-Tuning Resource Management in Multi-tenant Parallel Databases

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    Multi-tenant database systems have a component called the Resource Manager, or RM that is responsible for allocating resources to tenants. RMs today do not provide direct support for performance objectives such as: "Average job response time of tenant A must be less than two minutes", or "No more than 5% of tenant B's jobs can miss the deadline of 1 hour." Thus, DBAs have to tinker with the RM's low-level configuration settings to meet such objectives. We propose a framework called Tempo that brings simplicity, self-tuning, and robustness to existing RMs. Tempo provides a simple interface for DBAs to specify performance objectives declaratively, and optimizes the RM configuration settings to meet these objectives. Tempo has a solid theoretical foundation which gives key robustness guarantees. We report experiments done on Tempo using production traces of data-processing workloads from companies such as Facebook and Cloudera. These experiments demonstrate significant improvements in meeting desired performance objectives over RM configuration settings specified by human experts.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    FECBench: A Holistic Interference-aware Approach for Application Performance Modeling

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    Services hosted in multi-tenant cloud platforms often encounter performance interference due to contention for non-partitionable resources, which in turn causes unpredictable behavior and degradation in application performance. To grapple with these problems and to define effective resource management solutions for their services, providers often must expend significant efforts and incur prohibitive costs in developing performance models of their services under a variety of interference scenarios on different hardware. This is a hard problem due to the wide range of possible co-located services and their workloads, and the growing heterogeneity in the runtime platforms including the use of fog and edge-based resources, not to mention the accidental complexity in performing application profiling under a variety of scenarios. To address these challenges, we present FECBench, a framework to guide providers in building performance interference prediction models for their services without incurring undue costs and efforts. The contributions of the paper are as follows. First, we developed a technique to build resource stressors that can stress multiple system resources all at once in a controlled manner to gain insights about the interference on an application's performance. Second, to overcome the need for exhaustive application profiling, FECBench intelligently uses the design of experiments (DoE) approach to enable users to build surrogate performance models of their services. Third, FECBench maintains an extensible knowledge base of application combinations that create resource stresses across the multi-dimensional resource design space. Empirical results using real-world scenarios to validate the efficacy of FECBench show that the predicted application performance has a median error of only 7.6% across all test cases, with 5.4% in the best case and 13.5% in the worst case

    PerfEnforce: A Dynamic Scaling Engine for Analytics with Performance Guarantees

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    In this paper, we present PerfEnforce, a scaling engine designed to enable cloud providers to sell performance levels for data analytics cloud services. PerfEnforce scales a cluster of virtual machines allocated to a user in a way that minimizes cost while probabilistically meeting the query runtime guarantees offered by a service level agreement. With PerfEnforce, we show how to scale a cluster in a way that minimally disrupts a user's query session. We further show when to scale the cluster using one of three methods: feedback control, reinforcement learning, or perceptron learning. We find that perceptron learning outperforms the other two methods when making cluster scaling decisions

    Identifying the Major Sources of Variance in Transaction Latencies: Towards More Predictable Databases

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    Decades of research have sought to improve transaction processing performance and scalability in database management systems (DBMSs). However, significantly less attention has been dedicated to the predictability of performance: how often individual transactions exhibit execution latency far from the mean? Performance predictability is vital when transaction processing lies on the critical path of a complex enterprise software or an interactive web service, as well as in emerging database-as-a-service markets where customers contract for guaranteed levels of performance. In this paper, we take several steps towards achieving more predictable database systems. First, we propose a profiling framework called VProfiler that, given the source code of a DBMS, is able to identify the dominant sources of variance in transaction latency. VProfiler automatically instruments the DBMS source code to deconstruct the overall variance of transaction latencies into variances and covariances of the execution time of individual functions, which in turn provide insight into the root causes of variance. Second, we use VProfiler to analyze MySQL and Postgres - two of the most popular and complex open-source database systems. Our case studies reveal that the primary causes of variance in MySQL and Postgres are lock scheduling and centralized logging, respectively. Finally, based on VProfiler's findings, we further focus on remedying the performance variance of MySQL by (1) proposing a new lock scheduling algorithm, called Variance-Aware Transaction Scheduling (VATS), (2) enhancing the buffer pool replacement policy, and (3) identifying tuning parameters that can reduce variance significantly. Our experimental results show that our schemes reduce overall transaction latency variance by 37% on average (and up to 64%) without compromising throughput or mean latency

    Multiple Workflows Scheduling in Multi-tenant Distributed Systems: A Taxonomy and Future Directions

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    The workflow is a general notion representing the automated processes along with the flow of data. The automation ensures the processes being executed in the order. Therefore, this feature attracts users from various background to build the workflow. However, the computational requirements are enormous and investing for a dedicated infrastructure for these workflows is not always feasible. To cater to the broader needs, multi-tenant platforms for executing workflows were began to be built. In this paper, we identify the problems and challenges in the multiple workflows scheduling that adhere to the platforms. We present a detailed taxonomy from the existing solutions on scheduling and resource provisioning aspects followed by the survey of relevant works in this area. We open up the problems and challenges to shove up the research on multiple workflows scheduling in multi-tenant distributed systems.Comment: Several changes has been done based on reviewers' comments after first round review. This is a pre-print for paper (currently under second round review) submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    Serifos: Workload Consolidation and Load Balancing for SSD Based Cloud Storage Systems

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    Achieving high performance in virtualized data centers requires both deploying high throughput storage clusters, i.e. based on Solid State Disks (SSDs), as well as optimally consolidating the workloads across storage nodes. Nowadays, the only practical solution for cloud storage providers to offer guaranteed performance is to grossly over-provision the storage nodes. The current workload scheduling mechanisms used in production do not have the intelligence to optimally allocate block storage volumes based on the performance of SSDs. In this paper, we introduce Serifos, an autonomous performance modeling and load balancing system designed for SSD-based cloud storage. Serifos takes into account the characteristics of the SSD storage units and constructs hardware dependent workload consolidation models. Thus Serifos is able to predict the latency caused by workload interference and the average latency of concurrent workloads. Furthermore, Serifos leverages an I/O load balancing algorithm to dynamically balance the volumes across the cluster. Experimental results indicate that Serifos consolidation model is able to maintain the mean prediction error of around 10% for heterogeneous hardware. As a result of Serifos load balancing, we found that the variance and the maximum average latency are reduced by 82% and 52%, respectively. The supported Service Level Objectives (SLOs) on the testbed improve 43% on average latency, 32% on the maximum read and 63% on the maximum write latency.Comment: 12 page

    IOTune: A G-states Driver for Elastic Performance of Block Storage

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    Imagining a disk which provides baseline performance at a relatively low price during low-load periods, but when workloads demand more resources, the disk performance is automatically promoted in situ and in real time. In a hardware era, this is hardly achievable. However, this imagined disk is becoming reality due to the technical advances of software-defined storage, which enable volume performance to be adjusted on the fly. We propose IOTune, a resource management middleware which employs software-defined storage primitives to implement G-states of virtual block devices. G-states enable virtual block devices to serve at multiple performance gears, getting rid of conflicts between immutable resource reservation and dynamic resource demands, and always achieving resource right-provisioning for workloads. Accompanying G-states, we also propose a new block storage pricing policy for cloud providers. Our case study for applying G-states to cloud block storage verifies the effectiveness of the IOTune framework. Trace-replay based evaluations demonstrate that storage volumes with G-states adapt to workload fluctuations. For tenants, G-states enable volumes to provide much better QoS with a same cost of ownership, comparing with static IOPS provisioning and the I/O credit mechanism. G-states also reduce I/O tail latencies by one to two orders of magnitude. From the standpoint of cloud providers, G-states promote storage utilization, creating values and benefiting competitiveness. G-states supported by IOTune provide a new paradigm for storage resource management and pricing in multi-tenant clouds.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Query2Vec: An Evaluation of NLP Techniques for Generalized Workload Analytics

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    We consider methods for learning vector representations of SQL queries to support generalized workload analytics tasks, including workload summarization for index selection and predicting queries that will trigger memory errors. We consider vector representations of both raw SQL text and optimized query plans, and evaluate these methods on synthetic and real SQL workloads. We find that general algorithms based on vector representations can outperform existing approaches that rely on specialized features. For index recommendation, we cluster the vector representations to compress large workloads with no loss in performance from the recommended index. For error prediction, we train a classifier over learned vectors that can automatically relate subtle syntactic patterns with specific errors raised during query execution. Surprisingly, we also find that these methods enable transfer learning, where a model trained on one SQL corpus can be applied to an unrelated corpus and still enable good performance. We find that these general approaches, when trained on a large corpus of SQL queries, provides a robust foundation for a variety of workload analysis tasks and database features, without requiring application-specific feature engineering

    Database-Agnostic Workload Management

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    We present a system to support generalized SQL workload analysis and management for multi-tenant and multi-database platforms. Workload analysis applications are becoming more sophisticated to support database administration, model user behavior, audit security, and route queries, but the methods rely on specialized feature engineering, and therefore must be carefully implemented and reimplemented for each SQL dialect, database system, and application. Meanwhile, the size and complexity of workloads are increasing as systems centralize in the cloud. We model workload analysis and management tasks as variations on query labeling, and propose a system design that can support general query labeling routines across multiple applications and database backends. The design relies on the use of learned vector embeddings for SQL queries as a replacement for application-specific syntactic features, reducing custom code and allowing the use of off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms for labeling. The key hypothesis, for which we provide evidence in this paper, is that these learned features can outperform conventional feature engineering on representative machine learning tasks. We present the design of a database-agnostic workload management and analytics service, describe potential applications, and show that separating workload representation from labeling tasks affords new capabilities and can outperform existing solutions for representative tasks, including workload sampling for index recommendation and user labeling for security audits

    Learning-based Dynamic Cache Management in a Cloud

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    Caches are an important component of modern computing systems given their significant impact on performance. In particular, caches play a key role in the cloud due to the nature of large-scale, data-intensive processing. One of the key challenges for the cloud providers is how to share the caching capacity among tenants, under the circumstance that each often requires a different degree of quality of service (QoS) with respect to data access performance. The invariant is that the individual tenants' QoS requirements should be satisfied while the cache usage is optimized in a system-wide manner. In this paper, we introduce a learning-based approach for dynamic cache management in a cloud, which is based on the estimation of data access pattern of a tenant and the prediction of cache performance for the access pattern in question. We consider a variety of probability distributions to estimate the data access pattern, and examine a set of learning-based regression techniques to predict the cache hit rate for the access pattern. The predicted cache hit rate is then used to make a decision whether reallocating cache space is needed to meet the QoS requirement for the tenant. Our experimental results with an extensive set of synthetic traces and the YCSB benchmark show that the proposed method consistently optimizes the cache space while satisfying the QoS requirement
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