13 research outputs found

    Learning Tasks for Multitask Learning: Heterogenous Patient Populations in the ICU

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    Machine learning approaches have been effective in predicting adverse outcomes in different clinical settings. These models are often developed and evaluated on datasets with heterogeneous patient populations. However, good predictive performance on the aggregate population does not imply good performance for specific groups. In this work, we present a two-step framework to 1) learn relevant patient subgroups, and 2) predict an outcome for separate patient populations in a multi-task framework, where each population is a separate task. We demonstrate how to discover relevant groups in an unsupervised way with a sequence-to-sequence autoencoder. We show that using these groups in a multi-task framework leads to better predictive performance of in-hospital mortality both across groups and overall. We also highlight the need for more granular evaluation of performance when dealing with heterogeneous populations.Comment: KDD 201

    The on-going challenges of changing transfusion practice and harnessing the potential of data-driven strategies

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    No one doubts the significant variation in the practice of transfusion medicine. Common examples are the variability in transfusion thresholds and the use of tranexamic acid for surgery with likely high blood loss despite evidence-based standards. There is a long history of applying different strategies to address this variation, including education, clinical guidelines, audit and feedback, but the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these initiatives remains unclear. Advances in computerised decision support systems and the application of novel electronic capabilities offer alternative approaches to improving transfusion practice. In England, the National Institute for Health and Care Research funded a Blood and Transplant Research Unit (BTRU) programme focussing on ‘A data-enabled programme of research to improve transfusion practices’. The overarching aim of the BTRU is to accelerate the development of data-driven methods to optimise the use of blood and transfusion alternatives, and to integrate them within routine practice to improve patient outcomes. One particular area of focus is implementation science to address variation in practice

    Continuous and automatic mortality risk prediction using vital signs in the intensive care unit: a hybrid neural network approach

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    Mortality risk prediction can greatly improve the utilization of resources in intensive care units (ICUs). Existing schemes in ICUs today require laborious manual input of many complex parameters. In this work, we present a scheme that uses variations in vital signs over a 24-h period to make mortality risk assessments for 3-day, 7-day, and 14-day windows. We develop a hybrid neural network model that combines convolutional (CNN) layers with bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) to predict mortality from statistics describing the variation of heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood oxygen levels, and temperature. Our scheme performs strongly compared to state-of-the-art schemes in the literature for mortality prediction, with our highest-performing model achieving an area under the receiver-operator curve of 0.884. We conclude that the use of a hybrid CNN-BiLSTM network is highly effective in determining mortality risk for the 3, 7, and 14 day windows from vital signs. As vital signs are routinely recorded, in many cases automatically, our scheme could be implemented such that highly accurate mortality risk could be predicted continuously and automatically, reducing the burden on healthcare providers and improving patient outcomes

    MIMIC-Extract: A Data Extraction, Preprocessing, and Representation Pipeline for MIMIC-III

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    Robust machine learning relies on access to data that can be used with standardized frameworks in important tasks and the ability to develop models whose performance can be reasonably reproduced. In machine learning for healthcare, the community faces reproducibility challenges due to a lack of publicly accessible data and a lack of standardized data processing frameworks. We present MIMIC-Extract, an open-source pipeline for transforming raw electronic health record (EHR) data for critical care patients contained in the publicly-available MIMIC-III database into dataframes that are directly usable in common machine learning pipelines. MIMIC-Extract addresses three primary challenges in making complex health records data accessible to the broader machine learning community. First, it provides standardized data processing functions, including unit conversion, outlier detection, and aggregating semantically equivalent features, thus accounting for duplication and reducing missingness. Second, it preserves the time series nature of clinical data and can be easily integrated into clinically actionable prediction tasks in machine learning for health. Finally, it is highly extensible so that other researchers with related questions can easily use the same pipeline. We demonstrate the utility of this pipeline by showcasing several benchmark tasks and baseline results