17,642 research outputs found

    A catalog of stability-associated sequence elements in 3' UTRs of yeast mRNAs

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    BACKGROUND: In recent years, intensive computational efforts have been directed towards the discovery of promoter motifs that correlate with mRNA expression profiles. Nevertheless, it is still not always possible to predict steady-state mRNA expression levels based on promoter signals alone, suggesting that other factors may be involved. Other genic regions, in particular 3' UTRs, which are known to exert regulatory effects especially through controlling RNA stability and localization, were less comprehensively investigated, and deciphering regulatory motifs within them is thus crucial. RESULTS: By analyzing 3' UTR sequences and mRNA decay profiles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes, we derived a catalog of 53 sequence motifs that may be implicated in stabilization or destabilization of mRNAs. Some of the motifs correspond to known RNA-binding protein sites, and one of them may act in destabilization of ribosome biogenesis genes during stress response. In addition, we present for the first time a catalog of 23 motifs associated with subcellular localization. A significant proportion of the 3' UTR motifs is highly conserved in orthologous yeast genes, and some of the motifs are strikingly similar to recently published mammalian 3' UTR motifs. We classified all genes into those regulated only at transcription initiation level, only at degradation level, and those regulated by a combination of both. Interestingly, different biological functionalities and expression patterns correspond to such classification. CONCLUSION: The present motif catalogs are a first step towards the understanding of the regulation of mRNA degradation and subcellular localization, two important processes which - together with transcription regulation - determine the cell transcriptome

    Metabolic and Chaperone Gene Loss Marks the Origin of Animals: Evidence for Hsp104 and Hsp78 Sharing Mitochondrial Clients

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    The evolution of animals involved acquisition of an emergent gene repertoire for gastrulation. Whether loss of genes also co-evolved with this developmental reprogramming has not yet been addressed. Here, we identify twenty-four genetic functions that are retained in fungi and choanoflagellates but undetectable in animals. These lost genes encode: (i) sixteen distinct biosynthetic functions; (ii) the two ancestral eukaryotic ClpB disaggregases, Hsp78 and Hsp104, which function in the mitochondria and cytosol, respectively; and (iii) six other assorted functions. We present computational and experimental data that are consistent with a joint function for the differentially localized ClpB disaggregases, and with the possibility of a shared client/chaperone relationship between the mitochondrial Fe/S homoaconitase encoded by the lost LYS4 gene and the two ClpBs. Our analyses lead to the hypothesis that the evolution of gastrulation-based multicellularity in animals led to efficient extraction of nutrients from dietary sources, loss of natural selection for maintenance of energetically expensive biosynthetic pathways, and subsequent loss of their attendant ClpB chaperones.Comment: This is a reformatted version from the recent official publication in PLoS ONE (2015). This version differs substantially from first three arXiV versions. This version uses a fixed-width font for DNA sequences as was done in the earlier arXiv versions but which is missing in the official PLoS ONE publication. The title has also been shortened slightly from the official publicatio

    Motif Discovery through Predictive Modeling of Gene Regulation

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    We present MEDUSA, an integrative method for learning motif models of transcription factor binding sites by incorporating promoter sequence and gene expression data. We use a modern large-margin machine learning approach, based on boosting, to enable feature selection from the high-dimensional search space of candidate binding sequences while avoiding overfitting. At each iteration of the algorithm, MEDUSA builds a motif model whose presence in the promoter region of a gene, coupled with activity of a regulator in an experiment, is predictive of differential expression. In this way, we learn motifs that are functional and predictive of regulatory response rather than motifs that are simply overrepresented in promoter sequences. Moreover, MEDUSA produces a model of the transcriptional control logic that can predict the expression of any gene in the organism, given the sequence of the promoter region of the target gene and the expression state of a set of known or putative transcription factors and signaling molecules. Each motif model is either a kk-length sequence, a dimer, or a PSSM that is built by agglomerative probabilistic clustering of sequences with similar boosting loss. By applying MEDUSA to a set of environmental stress response expression data in yeast, we learn motifs whose ability to predict differential expression of target genes outperforms motifs from the TRANSFAC dataset and from a previously published candidate set of PSSMs. We also show that MEDUSA retrieves many experimentally confirmed binding sites associated with environmental stress response from the literature.Comment: RECOMB 200

    Application of regulatory sequence analysis and metabolic network analysis to the interpretation of gene expression data

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    We present two complementary approaches for the interpretation of clusters of co-regulated genes, such as those obtained from DNA chips and related methods. Starting from a cluster of genes with similar expression profiles, two basic questions can be asked: 1. Which mechanism is responsible for the coordinated transcriptional response of the genes? This question is approached by extracting motifs that are shared between the upstream sequences of these genes. The motifs extracted are putative cis-acting regulatory elements. 2. What is the physiological meaning for the cell to express together these genes? One way to answer the question is to search for potential metabolic pathways that could be catalyzed by the products of the genes. This can be done by selecting the genes from the cluster that code for enzymes, and trying to assemble the catalyzed reactions to form metabolic pathways. We present tools to answer these two questions, and we illustrate their use with selected examples in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The tools are available on the web (http://ucmb.ulb.ac.be/bioinformatics/rsa-tools/; http://www.ebi.ac.uk/research/pfbp/; http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~msch/)

    Predicting Genetic Regulatory Response Using Classification

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    We present a novel classification-based method for learning to predict gene regulatory response. Our approach is motivated by the hypothesis that in simple organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we can learn a decision rule for predicting whether a gene is up- or down-regulated in a particular experiment based on (1) the presence of binding site subsequences (``motifs'') in the gene's regulatory region and (2) the expression levels of regulators such as transcription factors in the experiment (``parents''). Thus our learning task integrates two qualitatively different data sources: genome-wide cDNA microarray data across multiple perturbation and mutant experiments along with motif profile data from regulatory sequences. We convert the regression task of predicting real-valued gene expression measurement to a classification task of predicting +1 and -1 labels, corresponding to up- and down-regulation beyond the levels of biological and measurement noise in microarray measurements. The learning algorithm employed is boosting with a margin-based generalization of decision trees, alternating decision trees. This large-margin classifier is sufficiently flexible to allow complex logical functions, yet sufficiently simple to give insight into the combinatorial mechanisms of gene regulation. We observe encouraging prediction accuracy on experiments based on the Gasch S. cerevisiae dataset, and we show that we can accurately predict up- and down-regulation on held-out experiments. Our method thus provides predictive hypotheses, suggests biological experiments, and provides interpretable insight into the structure of genetic regulatory networks.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, presented at Twelfth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2004), supplemental website: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/compbio/geneclas

    Predicting Combinatorial Binding of Transcription Factors to Regulatory Elements in the Human Genome by Association Rule Mining

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    Cis-acting transcriptional regulatory elements in mammalian genomes typically contain specific combinations of binding sites for various transcription factors. Although some cisregulatory elements have been well studied, the combinations of transcription factors that regulate normal expression levels for the vast majority of the 20,000 genes in the human genome are unknown. We hypothesized that it should be possible to discover transcription factor combinations that regulate gene expression in concert by identifying over-represented combinations of sequence motifs that occur together in the genome. In order to detect combinations of transcription factor binding motifs, we developed a data mining approach based on the use of association rules, which are typically used in market basket analysis. We scored each segment of the genome for the presence or absence of each of 83 transcription factor binding motifs, then used association rule mining algorithms to mine this dataset, thus identifying frequently occurring pairs of distinct motifs within a segment. Results: Support for most pairs of transcription factor binding motifs was highly correlated across different chromosomes although pair significance varied. Known true positive motif pairs showed higher association rule support, confidence, and significance than background. Our subsets of high-confidence, high-significance mined pairs of transcription factors showed enrichment for co-citation in PubMed abstracts relative to all pairs, and the predicted associations were often readily verifiable in the literature. Conclusion: Functional elements in the genome where transcription factors bind to regulate expression in a combinatorial manner are more likely to be predicted by identifying statistically and biologically significant combinations of transcription factor binding motifs than by simply scanning the genome for the occurrence of binding sites for a single transcription factor.NIAAA Alcohol Training GrantNational Science FoundationCellular and Molecular Biolog