3,214 research outputs found


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    With the replacement of old analog control systems with software-based digital control systems, there is an urgent need for developing a method to quantitatively and accurately assess the reliability of safety critical software systems. This research focuses on proposing a systematic software metric-based reliability prediction method. The method starts with the measurement of a metric. Measurement results are then either directly linked to software defects through inspections and peer reviews or indirectly linked to software defects through empirical software engineering models. Three types of defect characteristics can be obtained, namely, 1) the number of defects remaining, 2) the number and the exact location of the defects found, and 3) the number and the exact location of defects found in an earlier version. Three models, Musa's exponential model, the PIE model and a mixed Musa-PIE model, are then used to link each of the three categories of defect characteristics with reliability respectively. In addition, the use of the PIE model requires mapping defects identified to an Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) model. A procedure that can assist in the construction of the EFSM model and increase its repeatability is also provided. This metric-based software reliability prediction method is then applied to a safety-critical software used in the nuclear industry using eleven software metrics. Reliability prediction results are compared with the real reliability assessed by using operational failure data. Experiences and lessons learned from the application are discussed. Based on the results and findings, four software metrics are recommended. This dissertation then focuses on one of the four recommended metrics, Test Coverage. A reliability prediction model based on Test Coverage is discussed in detail and this model is further refined to be able to take into consideration more realistic conditions, such as imperfect debugging and the use of multiple testing phases


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    Recent empirical studies of software have shown a strong correlation between change history of files and their fault-proneness. Statistical data analysis techniques, such as regression analysis, have been applied to validate this finding. While these regression-based models show a correlation between selected software attributes and defect-proneness, in most cases, they are inadequate in terms of demonstrating causality. For this reason, we introduce the Software Development Profile Model (SDPM) as a causal model for identifying defect-prone software artifacts based on their change history and software development activities. The SDPM is based on the assumption that human error during software development is the sole cause for defects leading to software failures. The SDPM assumes that when a software construct is touched, it has a chance to become defective. Software development activities such as inspection, testing, and rework further affect the remaining number of software defects. Under this assumption, the SDPM estimates the defect content of software artifacts based on software change history and software development activities. SDPM is an improvement over existing defect estimation models because it not only uses evidence from current project to estimate defect content, it also allows software managers to manage software projects quantitatively by making risk informed decisions early in software development life cycle. We apply the SDPM in several real life software development projects, showing how it is used and analyzing its accuracy in predicting defect-prone files and compare the results with the Poisson regression model

    An Audience with International Regulators in the Manufacture of Medicines 2018: Quality Risk Management (QRM) and Knowledge Management (KM)

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    A monograph based on a seminar organised by The School of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dublin Institute of Technology, with Regulatory Science Ireland, and with The Health Products Regulatory Authorityhttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/ditpress/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Influence of confirmation biases of developers on software quality: an empirical study

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    The thought processes of people have a significant impact on software quality, as software is designed, developed and tested by people. Cognitive biases, which are defined as patterned deviations of human thought from the laws of logic and mathematics, are a likely cause of software defects. However, there is little empirical evidence to date to substantiate this assertion. In this research, we focus on a specific cognitive bias, confirmation bias, which is defined as the tendency of people to seek evidence that verifies a hypothesis rather than seeking evidence to falsify a hypothesis. Due to this confirmation bias, developers tend to perform unit tests to make their program work rather than to break their code. Therefore, confirmation bias is believed to be one of the factors that lead to an increased software defect density. In this research, we present a metric scheme that explores the impact of developers’ confirmation bias on software defect density. In order to estimate the effectiveness of our metric scheme in the quantification of confirmation bias within the context of software development, we performed an empirical study that addressed the prediction of the defective parts of software. In our empirical study, we used confirmation bias metrics on five datasets obtained from two companies. Our results provide empirical evidence that human thought processes and cognitive aspects deserve further investigation to improve decision making in software development for effective process management and resource allocation

    Integration of Industry 4.0 technologies into Lean Six Sigma DMAIC: a systematic review

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    This review examines which Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies are suitable for improving Lean Six Sigma (LSS) tasks and the benefits of integrating these technologies into improvement projects. Also, it explores existing integration frameworks and discusses their relevance. A quantitative analysis of 692 papers and an in-depth analysis of 41 papers revealed that “Analyse” is by far the best-supported DMAICs phase through techniques such as Data Mining, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things, and Process Mining. This paper also proposes a DMAIC 4.0 framework based on multiple technologies. The mapping of I4.0 related techniques to DMAIC phases and tools is a novelty compared to previous studies regarding the diversity of digital technologies applied. LSS practitioners facing the challenges of increasing complexity and data volumes can benefit from understanding how I4.0 technology can support their DMAIC projects and which of the suggested approaches they can adopt for their context

    Review of Quantitative Software Reliability Methods

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    The current U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing process for digital systems rests on deterministic engineering criteria. In its 1995 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) policy statement, the Commission encouraged the use of PRA technology in all regulatory matters to the extent supported by the state-of-the-art in PRA methods and data. Although many activities have been completed in the area of risk-informed regulation, the risk-informed analysis process for digital systems has not yet been satisfactorily developed. Since digital instrumentation and control (I&C) systems are expected to play an increasingly important role in nuclear power plant (NPP) safety, the NRC established a digital system research plan that defines a coherent set of research programs to support its regulatory needs. One of the research programs included in the NRC's digital system research plan addresses risk assessment methods and data for digital systems. Digital I&C systems have some unique characteristics, such as using software, and may have different failure causes and/or modes than analog I&C systems; hence, their incorporation into NPP PRAs entails special challenges. The objective of the NRC's digital system risk research is to identify and develop methods, analytical tools, and regulatory guidance for (1) including models of digital systems into NPP PRAs, and (2) using information on the risks of digital systems to support the NRC's risk-informed licensing and oversight activities. For several years, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has worked on NRC projects to investigate methods and tools for the probabilistic modeling of digital systems, as documented mainly in NUREG/CR-6962 and NUREG/CR-6997. However, the scope of this research principally focused on hardware failures, with limited reviews of software failure experience and software reliability methods. NRC also sponsored research at the Ohio State University investigating the modeling of digital systems using dynamic PRA methods. These efforts, documented in NUREG/CR-6901, NUREG/CR-6942, and NUREG/CR-6985, included a functional representation of the system's software but did not explicitly address failure modes caused by software defects or by inadequate design requirements. An important identified research need is to establish a commonly accepted basis for incorporating the behavior of software into digital I&C system reliability models for use in PRAs. To address this need, BNL is exploring the inclusion of software failures into the reliability models of digital I&C systems, such that their contribution to the risk of the associated NPP can be assessed


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    The research topic focuses on the characterization of software quality considering the main software elements such as people, process and product. Many attributes (size, language, testing techniques etc.) probably could have an effect on the quality of software. In this thesis we aim to understand the impact of attributes of three P’s (people, product, process) on the quality of software by empirical means. Software quality can be interpreted in many ways, such as customer satisfaction, stability and defects etc. In this thesis we adopt ‘defect density’ as a quality measure. Therefore the research focus on the empirical evidences of the impact of attributes of the three P’s on the software defect density. For this reason empirical research methods (systematic literature reviews, case studies, and interviews) are utilized to collect empirical evidence. Each of this research method helps to extract the empirical evidences of the object under study and for data analysis statistical methods are used. Considering the product attributes, we have studied the size, language, development mode, age, complexity, module structure, module dependency, and module quality and their impact on project quality. Considering the process attributes, we have studied the process maturity and structure, and their impact on the project quality. Considering the people attributes, we have studied the experience and capability, and their impact on the project quality. Moreover, in the process category, we have studied the impact of one testing approach called ‘exploratory testing’ and its impact on the quality of software. Exploratory testing is a widely used software-testing practice and means simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution. We have analyzed the exploratory testing weaknesses, and proposed a hybrid testing approach in an attempt to improve the quality. Concerning the product attributes, we found that there exist a significant difference of quality between open and close source projects, java and C projects, and large and small projects. Very small and defect free modules have impact on the software quality. Different complexity metrics have different impact on the software quality considering the size. Product complexity as defined in Table 53 has partial impact on the software quality. However software age and module dependencies are not factor to characterize the software quality. Concerning the people attributes, we found that platform experience, application experience and language and tool experience have significant impact on the software quality. Regarding the capability we found that programmer capability has partial impact on the software quality where as analyst capability has no impact on the software quality. Concerning process attributes we found that there is no difference of quality between the project developed under CMMI and those that are not developed under CMMI. Regarding the CMMI levels there is difference of software quality particularly between CMMI level 1 and CMMI level 3. Comparing different process types we found that hybrid projects are of better quality than waterfall projects. Process maturity defined by (SEI-CMM) has partial impact on the software quality. Concerning exploratory testing, we found that exploratory testing weaknesses induce the testing technical debt therefore a process is defined in conjunction with the scripted testing in an attempt to reduce the associated technical debt of exploratory testing. The findings are useful for both researchers and practitioners to evaluate their project