1 research outputs found

    Predictable Time-Sharing for DryadLINQ Cluster

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    This paper addresses the scheduling problem that popular data parallel programming systems such as DryadLINQ and MapReduce are facing today. Designing a cluster system in a multi-user environment is challenging because cluster schedulers must satisfy multiple, possibly conflicting, enterprise goals and policies. Particularly for these new types of data-intensive applications, it continues to be a challenge to simultaneously achieve both high throughput and predictable end-to-end performance for jobs (e.g., predictable start/end times). The conventional approach of scheduling these types of jobs is to attempt to determine a best mapping between a task and a node before the job executes, and the scheduling system ceases to be involved for a given job once the job starts executing. Instead, as described in this paper, we define a reactive containment and control mechanism for scheduling and executing distributed tasks, schedule the jobs, and then continually monitor and adjust resources as the job executes. More specifically, a DryadLINQ task in our system is contained in virtual machine and distributed controllers regulate progress of the task at runtime. Using online, feedback-controlled VM CPU scheduling, our system provides a job a capability to speed-up or slow-down progress of concurrent sub-tasks so that the job can make predictable progress while sharing system resources with other jobs. The new capability allows an enterprise to enforce flexible scheduling policies such as fair-share and/or prioritizing jobs. Our evaluation results using five well-known DryadLINQ applications show the implemented distributed controllers achieve high throughput as well as predictable end-to-end performance. 1