1 research outputs found

    Precision Downward-Looking 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging with Sparse Linear Array and Platform Motion Parameters Estimation

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    The downward-looking sparse linear array three-dimensional synthetic aperture radar (DLSLA 3D SAR) has attracted a great deal of attention, due to the ability to obtain three-dimensional (3D) images. However, if the velocity and the yaw rate of the platform are not measured with enough accuracy, the azimuth signal cannot be compressed and then the 3D image of the scene cannot be obtained. In this paper, we propose a method for platform motion parameter estimation, and downward-looking 3D SAR imaging. A DLSLA 3D SAR imaging model including yaw rate was established. We then calculated the Doppler frequency modulation, which is related to the cross-track coordinates rather than the azimuth coordinates. Thus, the cross-track signal reconstruction was realized. Furthermore, based on the minimum entropy criterion (MEC), the velocity and yaw rate of the platform were accurately estimated, and the azimuth signal compression was also realized. Moreover, a deformation correction procedure was designed to improve the quality of the image. Simulation results were given to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method