7 research outputs found

    Self-stabilization Overhead: an Experimental Case Study on Coded Atomic Storage

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    Shared memory emulation can be used as a fault-tolerant and highly available distributed storage solution or as a low-level synchronization primitive. Attiya, Bar-Noy, and Dolev were the first to propose a single-writer, multi-reader linearizable register emulation where the register is replicated to all servers. Recently, Cadambe et al. proposed the Coded Atomic Storage (CAS) algorithm, which uses erasure coding for achieving data redundancy with much lower communication cost than previous algorithmic solutions. Although CAS can tolerate server crashes, it was not designed to recover from unexpected, transient faults, without the need of external (human) intervention. In this respect, Dolev, Petig, and Schiller have recently developed a self-stabilizing version of CAS, which we call CASSS. As one would expect, self-stabilization does not come as a free lunch; it introduces, mainly, communication overhead for detecting inconsistencies and stale information. So, one would wonder whether the overhead introduced by self-stabilization would nullify the gain of erasure coding. To answer this question, we have implemented and experimentally evaluated the CASSS algorithm on PlanetLab; a planetary scale distributed infrastructure. The evaluation shows that our implementation of CASSS scales very well in terms of the number of servers, the number of concurrent clients, as well as the size of the replicated object. More importantly, it shows (a) to have only a constant overhead compared to the traditional CAS algorithm (which we also implement) and (b) the recovery period (after the last occurrence of a transient fault) is as fast as a few client (read/write) operations. Our results suggest that CASSS does not significantly impact efficiency while dealing with automatic recovery from transient faults and bounded size of needed resources

    Self-Stabilizing and Private Distributed Shared Atomic Memory in Seldomly Fair Message Passing Networks

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    We study the problem of privately emulating shared memory in message-passing networks. The system includes clients that store and retrieve replicated information on N servers, out of which e are data-corrupting malicious. When a client accesses a data-corrupting malicious server, the data field of that server response might be different from the value it originally stored. However, all other control variables in the server reply and protocol actions are according to the server algorithm. For the coded atomic storage algorithms by Cadambe et al., we present an enhancement that ensures no information leakage and data-corrupting malicious fault-tolerance. We also consider recovery after the occurrence of transient faults that violate the assumptions according to which the system was designed to operate. After their last occurrence, transient faults leave the system in an arbitrary state (while the program code stays intact). We present a self-stabilizing algorithm, which recovers after the occurrence of transient faults. This addition to Cadambe et al. considers asynchronous settings as long as no transient faults occur. The recovery from transient faults that bring the system counters (close) to their maximal values may include the use of a global reset procedure, which requires the system run to be controlled by a fair scheduler. After the recovery period, the safety properties are provided for asynchronous system runs that are not necessarily controlled by fair schedulers. Since the recovery period is bounded and the occurrence of transient faults is extremely rare, we call this design criteria self-stabilization in the presence of seldom fairness. Our self-stabilizing algorithm uses a bounded amount of storage during asynchronous executions (that are not necessarily controlled by fair schedulers). To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to address privacy, data-corrupting malicious behavior, and self-stabilization in the context of emulating atomic shared memory in message-passing systems

    Practically-self-stabilizing virtual synchrony

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    The virtual synchrony abstraction was proven to be extremely useful for asynchronous, large-scale, message-passing distributed systems. Self-stabilizing systems can automatically regain consistency after the occurrence of transient faults. We present the first practically-self-stabilizing virtual synchrony algorithm that uses a new counter algorithm that establishes an efficient practically unbounded counter, which in turn can be directly used for emulating a self-stabilizing Multiple-Writer Multiple-Reader (MWMR). Other self-stabilizing services include membership, multicast, and replicated state machine (RSM) emulation. As we base the latter on virtual synchrony, rather than consensus, the system can progress in more extreme asynchronous executions than consensus-based RSM emulations

    Practically Stabilizing Virtual Synchrony

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    Virtual synchrony is an important abstraction that is proven to be extremely useful when implemented over asynchronous, typically large, message-passing distributed systems. Fault tolerant design is a key criterion for the success of such implementations. This is because large distributed systems can be highly available as long as they do not depend on the full operational status of every system participant. That is, when using redundancy in numbers to overcome non-optimal behavior of participants and to gain global robustness and high availability. Self-stabilizing systems can tolerate transient faults that drive the system to an arbitrary unpredicted configuration. Such systems automatically regain consistency from any such arbitrary configuration, and then produce the desired system behavior. Practically self-stabilizing systems ensure the desired system behavior for practically infinite number of successive steps e.g., 264 steps. We present the first practically self-stabilizing virtual synchrony algorithm. The algorithm is a combination of several new techniques that may be of independent interest. In particular, we present a new counter algorithm that establishes an efficient practically unbounded counter, that in turn can be directly used to implement a self-stabilizing Multiple-Writer Multiple-Reader (MWMR) register emulation. Other components include self-stabilizing group membership, self-stabilizing multicast, and self-stabilizing emulation of replicated state machine. As we base the replicated state machine implementation on virtual synchrony, rather than consensus, the system progresses in more extreme asynchronous executions with relation to consensus-based replicated state machine

    Practically Stabilizing Virtual Synchrony

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    Virtual synchrony is an important abstraction that is proven to be extremely useful when implemented over asynchronous, typically large, message-passing distributed systems. Fault tolerant design is a key criterion for the success of such implementations. This is because large distributed systems can be highly available as long as they do not depend on the full operational status of every system participant. That is, when using redundancy in numbers to overcome non-optimal behavior of participants and to gain global robustness and high availability. Self-stabilizing systems can tolerate transient faults that drive the system to an arbitrary unpredicted configuration. Such systems automatically regain consistency from any such arbitrary configuration, and then produce the desired system behavior. Practically self-stabilizing systems ensure the desired system behavior for practically infinite number of successive steps e.g., 264 steps. We present the first practically self-stabilizing virtual synchrony algorithm. The algorithm is a combination of several new techniques that may be of independent interest. In particular, we present a new counter algorithm that establishes an efficient practically unbounded counter, that in turn can be directly used to implement a self-stabilizing Multiple-Writer Multiple-Reader (MWMR) register emulation. Other components include self-stabilizing group membership, self-stabilizing multicast, and self-stabilizing emulation of replicated state machine. As we base the replicated state machine implementation on virtual synchrony, rather than consensus, the system progresses in more extreme asynchronous executions with relation to consensus-based replicated state machine