1,458 research outputs found

    Analysis and equalization of data-dependent jitter

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    Data-dependent jitter limits the bit-error rate (BER) performance of broadband communication systems and aggravates synchronization in phase- and delay-locked loops used for data recovery. A method for calculating the data-dependent jitter in broadband systems from the pulse response is discussed. The impact of jitter on conventional clock and data recovery circuits is studied in the time and frequency domain. The deterministic nature of data-dependent jitter suggests equalization techniques suitable for high-speed circuits. Two equalizer circuit implementations are presented. The first is a SiGe clock and data recovery circuit modified to incorporate a deterministic jitter equalizer. This circuit demonstrates the reduction of jitter in the recovered clock. The second circuit is a MOS implementation of a jitter equalizer with independent control of the rising and falling edge timing. This equalizer demonstrates improvement of the timing margins that achieve 10/sup -12/ BER from 30 to 52 ps at 10 Gb/s

    Jitter and phase noise in ring oscillators

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    A companion analysis of clock jitter and phase noise of single-ended and differential ring oscillators is presented. The impulse sensitivity functions are used to derive expressions for the jitter and phase noise of ring oscillators. The effect of the number of stages, power dissipation, frequency of oscillation, and short-channel effects on the jitter and phase noise of ring oscillators is analyzed. Jitter and phase noise due to substrate and supply noise is discussed, and the effect of symmetry on the upconversion of 1/f noise is demonstrated. Several new design insights are given for low jitter/phase-noise design. Good agreement between theory and measurements is observed

    Low-Jitter Clock Multiplication: a Comparioson between PLLs and DLLs

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    This paper shows that, for a given power budget, a practical phase-locked loop (PLL)-based clock multiplier generates less jitter than a delay-locked loop (DLL) equivalent. This is due to the fact that the delay cells in a PLL ring-oscillator can consume more power per cell than their counterparts in the DLL. We can show that this effect is stronger than the notorious jitter accumulation effect that occurs in the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) of a PLL. First, an analysis of the stochastic-output jitter of the architectures, due to the most important noise sources, is presented. Then, another important source of jitter in a DLL-based clock multiplier is treated, namely the stochastic mismatch in the delay cells which compose the DLL voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL). An analysis is presented that relates the stochastic spread of the delay of the cells to the output jitter of the clock multiplier. A circuit design technique, called impedance level scaling, is then presented which allows the designer to optimize the noise and mismatch behavior of a circuit, independently from other specifications such as speed and linearity. Applying this technique on a delay cell design yields a direct tradeoff between noise induced jitter and power usage, and between stochastic mismatch induced jitter and power usage

    A Low Noise Sub-Sampling PLL in Which Divider Noise Is Eliminated and PD-CP Noise Is not multiplied by N^2

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    This paper presents a 2.2-GHz low jitter sub-sampling based PLL. It uses a phase-detector/charge-pump (PD/CP)that sub-samples the VCO output with the reference clock. In contrast to what happens in a classical PLL, the PD/CP noise is not multiplied by N2 in this sub-sampling PLL, resulting in a low noise contribution from the PD/CP. Moreover, no frequency divider is needed in the locked state and hence divider noise and power can be eliminated. An added frequency locked loop guarantees correct frequency locking without degenerating jitter performance when in lock. The PLL is implemented in a standard 0.18- m CMOS process. It consumes 4.2 mA from a 1.8 V supply and occupies an active area of 0.4 X 0.45 m

    A general theory of phase noise in electrical oscillators

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    A general model is introduced which is capable of making accurate, quantitative predictions about the phase noise of different types of electrical oscillators by acknowledging the true periodically time-varying nature of all oscillators. This new approach also elucidates several previously unknown design criteria for reducing close-in phase noise by identifying the mechanisms by which intrinsic device noise and external noise sources contribute to the total phase noise. In particular, it explains the details of how 1/f noise in a device upconverts into close-in phase noise and identifies methods to suppress this upconversion. The theory also naturally accommodates cyclostationary noise sources, leading to additional important design insights. The model reduces to previously available phase noise models as special cases. Excellent agreement among theory, simulations, and measurements is observed

    Low jitter phase-locked loop clock synthesis with wide locking range

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    The fast growing demand of wireless and high speed data communications has driven efforts to increase the levels of integration in many communications applications. Phase noise and timing jitter are important design considerations for these communications applications. The desire for highly complex levels of integration using low cost CMOS technologies works against the minimization of timing jitter and phase noise for communications systems which employ a phase-locked loop for frequency and clock synthesis with on-chip VCO. This dictates an integrated CMOS implementation of the VCO with very low phase noise performance. The ring oscillator VCOs based on differential delay cell chains have been used successfully in communications applications, but thermal noise induced phase noise have to be minimized in order not to limit their applicability to some applications which impose stringent timing jitter and phase noise requirements on the PLL clock synthesizer. Obtaining lower timing jitter and phase noise at the PLL output also requires the minimization of noise in critical circuit design blocks as well as the optimization of the loop bandwidth of the PLL. In this dissertation the fundamental performance limits of CMOS PLL clock synthesizers based on ring oscillator VCOs are investigated. The effect of flicker and thermal noise in MOS transistors on timing jitter and phase noise are explored, with particular emphasis on source coupled NMOS differential delay cells with symmetric load elements. Several new circuit architectures are employed for the charge pump circuit and phase-frequency detector (PFD) to minimize the timing jitter due to the finite dead zone in the PFD and the current mismatch in the charge pump circuit. The selection of the optimum PLL loop bandwidth is critical in determining the phase noise performance at the PLL output. The optimum loop bandwidth and the phase noise performance of the PLL is determined using behavioral simulations. These results are compared with transistor level simulated results and experimental results for the PLL clock synthesizer fabricated in a 0.35 µm CMOS technology with good agreement. To demonstrate the proposed concept, a fully integrated CMOS PLL clock synthesizer utilizing integer-N frequency multiplier technique to synthesize several clock signals in the range of 20-400 MHz with low phase noise was designed. Implemented in a standard 0.35-µm N-well CMOS process technology, the PLL achieves a period jitter of 6.5-ps (rms) and 38-ps (peak-to-peak) at 216 MHz with a phase noise of -120 dBc/Hz at frequency offsets above 10 KHz. The specific research contributions of this work include (1) proposing, designing, and implementing a new charge pump circuit architecture that matches current levels and therefore minimizes one source of phase noise due to fluctuations in the control voltage of the VCO, (2) an improved phase-frequency detector architecture which has improved characteristics in lock condition, (3) an improved ring oscillator VCO with excellent thermal noise induced phase noise characteristics, (4) the application of selfbiased techniques together with fixed bias to CMOS low phase noise PLL clock synthesizer for digital video communications ,and (5) an analytical model that describes the phase noise performance of the proposed VCO and PLL clock synthesizer

    Models predicting the performance of IC component or PCB channel during electromagnetic interference

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    This dissertation is composed of three papers, which cover the prediction of the characteristics of jitter due to crosstalk and due to simultaneous switching noise, and covers susceptibility of delay locked loop (DLL) to electromagnetic interference. In the first paper, an improved tail-fit de-convolution method is proposed for characterizing the impact of deterministic jitter in the presence of random jitter. A Wiener filter de-convolution method is also presented for extracting the characteristics of crosstalk induced jitter from measurements of total jitter made when the crosstalk sources were and were not present. The proposed techniques are shown to work well both in simulations and in measurements of a high-speed link. In the second paper, methods are developed to predict the statistical distribution of timing jitter due to dynamic currents drawn by an integrated circuit (IC) and the resulting power supply noise on the PCB. Distribution of dynamic currents is found through vectorless methods. Results demonstrate the approach can rapidly determine the average and standard deviation of the power supply noise voltage and the peak jitter within 5~15% error, which is more than sufficient for predicting the performance impact on integrated circuits. In the third paper, a model is developed to predict the susceptibility of a DLL to electromagnetic noise on the power supply. With the proposed analytical noise transfer function, peak to peak jitter and cycle to cycle jitter at the DLL output can be estimated, which can be use to predict when soft failures will occur and to better understand how to fix these failures. Simulation and measurement results demonstrate the accuracy of the DLL delay model. --Abstract, page iv

    Timing Signals and Radio Frequency Distribution Using Ethernet Networks for High Energy Physics Applications

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    Timing networks are used around the world in various applications from telecommunications systems to industrial processes, and from radio astronomy to high energy physics. Most timing networks are implemented using proprietary technologies at high operation and maintenance costs. This thesis presents a novel timing network capable of distributed timing with subnanosecond accuracy. The network, developed at CERN and codenamed “White- Rabbit”, uses a non-dedicated Ethernet link to distribute timing and data packets without infringing the sub-nanosecond timing accuracy required for high energy physics applications. The first part of this thesis proposes a new digital circuit capable of measuring time differences between two digital clock signals with sub-picosecond time resolution. The proposed digital circuit measures and compensates for the phase variations between the transmitted and received network clocks required to achieve the sub-nanosecond timing accuracy. Circuit design, implementation and performance verification are reported. The second part of this thesis investigates and proposes a new method to distribute radio frequency (RF) signals over Ethernet networks. The main goal of existing distributed RF schemes, such as Radio-Over-Fibre or Digitised Radio-Over-Fibre, is to increase the bandwidth capacity taking advantage of the higher performance of digital optical links. These schemes tend to employ dedicated and costly technologies, deemed unnecessary for applications with lower bandwidth requirements. This work proposes the distribution of RF signals over the “White-Rabbit” network, to convey phase and frequency information from a reference base node to a large numbers of remote nodes, thus achieving high performance and cost reduction of the timing network. Hence, this thesis reports the design and implementation of a new distributed RF system architecture; analysed and tested using a purpose-built simulation environment, with results used to optimise a new bespoke FPGA implementation. The performance is evaluated through phase-noise spectra, the Allan-Variance, and signalto- noise ratio measurements of the distributed signals

    Jitter and phase noise in ring oscillators

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