1,227 research outputs found

    Universal lossless source coding with the Burrows Wheeler transform

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    The Burrows Wheeler transform (1994) is a reversible sequence transformation used in a variety of practical lossless source-coding algorithms. In each, the BWT is followed by a lossless source code that attempts to exploit the natural ordering of the BWT coefficients. BWT-based compression schemes are widely touted as low-complexity algorithms giving lossless coding rates better than those of the Ziv-Lempel codes (commonly known as LZ'77 and LZ'78) and almost as good as those achieved by prediction by partial matching (PPM) algorithms. To date, the coding performance claims have been made primarily on the basis of experimental results. This work gives a theoretical evaluation of BWT-based coding. The main results of this theoretical evaluation include: (1) statistical characterizations of the BWT output on both finite strings and sequences of length n → ∞, (2) a variety of very simple new techniques for BWT-based lossless source coding, and (3) proofs of the universality and bounds on the rates of convergence of both new and existing BWT-based codes for finite-memory and stationary ergodic sources. The end result is a theoretical justification and validation of the experimentally derived conclusions: BWT-based lossless source codes achieve universal lossless coding performance that converges to the optimal coding performance more quickly than the rate of convergence observed in Ziv-Lempel style codes and, for some BWT-based codes, within a constant factor of the optimal rate of convergence for finite-memory source

    A Universal Scheme for Wyner–Ziv Coding of Discrete Sources

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    We consider the Wyner–Ziv (WZ) problem of lossy compression where the decompressor observes a noisy version of the source, whose statistics are unknown. A new family of WZ coding algorithms is proposed and their universal optimality is proven. Compression consists of sliding-window processing followed by Lempel–Ziv (LZ) compression, while the decompressor is based on a modification of the discrete universal denoiser (DUDE) algorithm to take advantage of side information. The new algorithms not only universally attain the fundamental limits, but also suggest a paradigm for practical WZ coding. The effectiveness of our approach is illustrated with experiments on binary images, and English text using a low complexity algorithm motivated by our class of universally optimal WZ codes

    Universal quantum information compression and degrees of prior knowledge

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    We describe a universal information compression scheme that compresses any pure quantum i.i.d. source asymptotically to its von Neumann entropy, with no prior knowledge of the structure of the source. We introduce a diagonalisation procedure that enables any classical compression algorithm to be utilised in a quantum context. Our scheme is then based on the corresponding quantum translation of the classical Lempel-Ziv algorithm. Our methods lead to a conceptually simple way of estimating the entropy of a source in terms of the measurement of an associated length parameter while maintaining high fidelity for long blocks. As a by-product we also estimate the eigenbasis of the source. Since our scheme is based on the Lempel-Ziv method, it can be applied also to target sequences that are not i.i.d.Comment: 17 pages, no figures. A preliminary version of this work was presented at EQIS '02, Tokyo, September 200
