3 research outputs found

    Practical Supersingular Isogeny Group Key Agreement

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    We present the first quantum-resistant nn-party key agreement scheme based on supersingular elliptic curve isogenies. We show that the scheme is secure against quantum adversaries, by providing a security reduction to an intractable isogeny problem. We describe the communication and computational steps required for nn parties to establish a common shared secret key. Our scheme is the first non-generic quantum-resistant group key agreement protocol, and is more efficient than generic protocols, with near-optimal communication overhead. In addition, our scheme is contributory, which in some settings is a desirable security property: each party applies a function of their own private key to every further transmission. We implement the proposed protocol in portable C for the special case where three parties establish a shared secret. Moreover, we benchmark our software on two generations of Intel processors, highlighting the feasibility and efficiency of using the proposed scheme in practical settings. The proposed software computes the entire group key agreement in 994 and 1,374 millions of clock cycles on Intel Core i7-6500 Skylake and Core i7-2609 Sandy Bridge processors, respectively

    Post-Quantum Group Key Agreement Scheme

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    Progress in quantum technologies forces the development of new cryptographic primitives that are resistant to attacks of an adversary with a quantum computer. A large number of key establishment schemes have been proposed for two participants, but the area of group post-quantum key establishment schemes has not been studied a lot. Not so long ago, an isogeny-based key agreement scheme was proposed for three participants, based on a gradual increase in the degree of the key. We propose another principle for establishing a key for a group of participants using a tree-structure. The proposed key establishment scheme for four participants uses isogeny of elliptic curves as a mathematical tool