9 research outputs found

    Practical SVBRDF Acquisition of 3D Objects with Unstructured Flash Photography

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    Capturing spatially-varying bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (SVBRDFs) of 3D objects with just a single, hand-held camera (such as an off-the-shelf smartphone or a DSLR camera) is a difficult, open problem. Previous works are either limited to planar geometry, or rely on previously scanned 3D geometry, thus limiting their practicality. There are several technical challenges that need to be overcome: First, the built-in flash of a camera is almost colocated with the lens, and at a fixed position; this severely hampers sampling procedures in the light-view space. Moreover, the near-field flash lights the object partially and unevenly. In terms of geometry, existing multiview stereo techniques assume diffuse reflectance only, which leads to overly smoothed 3D reconstructions, as we show in this paper. We present a simple yet powerful framework that removes the need for expensive, dedicated hardware, enabling practical acquisition of SVBRDF information from real-world, 3D objects with a single, off-the-shelf camera with a built-in flash. In addition, by removing the diffuse reflection assumption and leveraging instead such SVBRDF information, our method outputs high-quality 3D geometry reconstructions, including more accurate high-frequency details than state-of-the-art multiview stereo techniques. We formulate the joint reconstruction of SVBRDFs, shading normals, and 3D geometry as a multi-stage, iterative inverse-rendering reconstruction pipeline. Our method is also directly applicable to any existing multiview 3D reconstruction technique. We present results of captured objects with complex geometry and reflectance; we also validate our method numerically against other existing approaches that rely on dedicated hardware, additional sources of information, or both

    Spatially-Varying Diffuse Reflectance Capture Using Irradiance Map Rendering for Image-Based Modeling Applications

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    Practical Multiple Scattering for Rough Surfaces

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    Microfacet theory concisely models light transport over rough surfaces. Specular reflection is the result of single mirror reflections on each facet, while exact computation of multiple scattering is either neglected, or modeled using costly importance sampling techniques. Practical but accurate simulation of multiple scattering in microfacet theory thus remains an open challenge. In this work, we revisit the traditional V-groove cavity model and derive an analytical, cost-effective solution for multiple scattering in rough surfaces. Our kaleidoscopic model is made up of both real and virtual V-grooves, and allows us to calculate higher-order scattering in the microfacets in an analytical fashion. We then extend our model to include nonsymmetric grooves, allowing for additional degrees of freedom on the surface geometry, improving multiple reflections at grazing angles with backward compatibility to traditional normal distribution functions. We validate the accuracy of our model against ground-truth Monte Carlo simulations, and demonstrate its flexibility on anisotropic and textured materials. Our model is analytical, does not introduce significant cost and variance, can be seamless integrated in any rendering engine, preserves reciprocity and energy conservation, and is suitable for bidirectional methods

    NeRFactor: Neural Factorization of Shape and Reflectance Under an Unknown Illumination

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    We address the problem of recovering the shape and spatially-varying reflectance of an object from multi-view images (and their camera poses) of an object illuminated by one unknown lighting condition. This enables the rendering of novel views of the object under arbitrary environment lighting and editing of the object's material properties. The key to our approach, which we call Neural Radiance Factorization (NeRFactor), is to distill the volumetric geometry of a Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) [Mildenhall et al. 2020] representation of the object into a surface representation and then jointly refine the geometry while solving for the spatially-varying reflectance and environment lighting. Specifically, NeRFactor recovers 3D neural fields of surface normals, light visibility, albedo, and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) without any supervision, using only a re-rendering loss, simple smoothness priors, and a data-driven BRDF prior learned from real-world BRDF measurements. By explicitly modeling light visibility, NeRFactor is able to separate shadows from albedo and synthesize realistic soft or hard shadows under arbitrary lighting conditions. NeRFactor is able to recover convincing 3D models for free-viewpoint relighting in this challenging and underconstrained capture setup for both synthetic and real scenes. Qualitative and quantitative experiments show that NeRFactor outperforms classic and deep learning-based state of the art across various tasks. Our videos, code, and data are available at people.csail.mit.edu/xiuming/projects/nerfactor/.Comment: Camera-ready version for SIGGRAPH Asia 2021. Project Page: https://people.csail.mit.edu/xiuming/projects/nerfactor