21,937 research outputs found

    Representation Discovery for Kernel-Based Reinforcement Learning

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    Recent years have seen increased interest in non-parametric reinforcement learning. There are now practical kernel-based algorithms for approximating value functions; however, kernel regression requires that the underlying function being approximated be smooth on its domain. Few problems of interest satisfy this requirement in their natural representation. In this paper we define Value-Consistent Pseudometric (VCPM), the distance function corresponding to a transformation of the domain into a space where the target function is maximally smooth and thus well-approximated by kernel regression. We then present DKBRL, an iterative batch RL algorithm interleaving steps of Kernel-Based Reinforcement Learning and distance metric adjustment. We evaluate its performance on Acrobot and PinBall, continuous-space reinforcement learning domains with discontinuous value functions

    Value-Aided Conditional Supervised Learning for Offline RL

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    Offline reinforcement learning (RL) has seen notable advancements through return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL) and value-based methods, yet each approach comes with its own set of practical challenges. Addressing these, we propose Value-Aided Conditional Supervised Learning (VCS), a method that effectively synergizes the stability of RCSL with the stitching ability of value-based methods. Based on the Neural Tangent Kernel analysis to discern instances where value function may not lead to stable stitching, VCS injects the value aid into the RCSL's loss function dynamically according to the trajectory return. Our empirical studies reveal that VCS not only significantly outperforms both RCSL and value-based methods but also consistently achieves, or often surpasses, the highest trajectory returns across diverse offline RL benchmarks. This breakthrough in VCS paves new paths in offline RL, pushing the limits of what can be achieved and fostering further innovations
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