4 research outputs found

    Geographic GReedy routing with ACO recovery strategy GRACO

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    International audienceGeographic routing is an attractive routing strategy in wireless sensor networks. It works well in dense networks, but it may suffer from the void problem. For this purpose, a recovery step is required to guarantee packet delivery. Face routing has widely been used as a recovery strategy since proved to guarantee delivery. However, it relies on a planar graph not always achievable in realistic wireless networks and may generate long paths. In this paper, we propose GRACO, a new geographic routing algorithm that combines a greedy forwarding and a recovery strategy based on swarm intelligence. During recovery, ant packets search for alternative paths and drop pheromone trails to guide next packets within the network. GRACO avoids holes and produces near optimal paths. Simulation results demonstrate that GRACO leads to a significant improvement of routing performance and scalability when compared to the literature algorithms

    GRACO: a geographic GReedy routing with an ACO-based void handling technique

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    Geographic routing has gained much attention as a basic routing primitive inwireless sensor networks due to its memory-less, scalability, efficiency and low overheadfeatures. Greedy forwarding is the simplest geographic routing scheme, it uses the distanceas a forwarding criterion. Nevertheless, it may suffer from communication holes, whereno next hop candidate is closer to the destination than the node currently holding thepacket. For this purpose, a void handling technique is needed to recover from the voidproblem and successfully deliver data packets if a path does exist between source anddestination nodes. Many approaches have been reported to solve this issue at the expenseof extra processing and or overhead. This paper proposes GRACO, an efficient geographicrouting protocol with a novel void recovery strategy based on ant colony optimization(ACO). GRACO is able to adaptively adjust the forwarding mechanism to avoid theblocking situation and effectively deliver data packets. Compared to GFG, one of the bestperforming geographic routing protocols, simulation results demonstrate that GRACOcan successfully find shorter routing paths with higher delivery rate, less control packetoverhead and shorter end-to-end delay

    Energy-efficient multi-criteria packet forwarding in multi-hop wireless networks

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    Reliable multi-hop packet forwarding is an important requirement for the implementation of realistic large-scale wireless ad-hoc networks. However, packet forwarding methods based on a single criterion, such as the traditional greedy geographic forwarding, are not sufficient in most realistic wireless settings because perfect-reception-within-rangecannot be assumed. Furthermore, methods where the selection of intermediate relaying nodes is performed at the transmitter-side do not adapt well to rapidly changing network environments. Although a few link-aware geographic forwarding schemes have been reported in the literature, the tradeoffs between multiple decision criteria and their impact on network metrics such as throughput, delay and energy consumption have not been studied. This dissertation presents a series of strategies aimed at addressing the challenges faced by the choice of relay nodes in error-prone dynamic wireless network environments. First, a single-criterion receiver-side relay election (RSRE) is introduced as a distributed alternative to the traditional transmitter-side relay selection. Contrary to the transmitter- side selection, at each hop, an optimal node is elected among receivers to relay packets toward the destination. Next, a multi-criteria RSRE, which factors multiple decision criteria in the election process at lower overhead cost, is proposed. A general cost metric in the form of a multi-parameter mapping function aggregates decision criteria into a single metric used to rank potential relay candidates. A two-criteria RSRE case study shows that a proper combination of greedy forwarding and link quality leads to higher energy efficiency and substantial improvement in the end-to-end delay. Last, mesh multi-path forwarding methods are examined. A generalized mesh construction algorithm in introduced to show impact of a mesh structure on network performance

    Protocoles de routage sans connaissance de voisinage pour réseaux radio multi-sauts

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    L'efficacité énergétique constitue l'objectif clef pour la conception des protocoles de communication pour des réseaux de capteurs radio multi-sauts. Beaucoup d'efforts ont été réalisés à différents niveaux de la pile protocolaire à travers des algorithmes d'agrégation spatiale et temporelle des données, des protocoles de routage efficaces en énergie, et des couches d'accès au médium avec des mécanismes d'ordonnancement permettant de mettre la radio en état d'endormissement afin d'économiser l'énergie. Pour autant, ces protocoles utilisent de façon importante des paquets de contrôle et de découverte du voisinage qui sont coûteux en énergie. En outre, cela se fait très souvent sans aucune interaction entre les différentes couches de la pile. Ces travaux de thèse s'intéressent donc particulièrement à la problématique de l'énergie des réseaux de capteurs à travers des protocoles de routage et d'accès au médium. Les contributions de cette thèse se résument de la manière suivante : Nous nous sommes tout d'abord intéressés à la problématique de l'énergie au niveau routage. Dans cette partie, les contributions se subdivisent en deux parties. Dans un premier temps, nous avons proposé une analyse théorique de la consommation d'énergie des protocoles de routage des réseaux radio multi-sauts d'appréhender au mieux les avantages et les inconvénients des uns et des autres en présence des modèles de trafic variables, un diamètre du réseau variable également et un modèle radio qui permet de modéliser les erreurs de réception des paquets. À l'issue de cette première étude, nous sommes parvenus à la conclusion que pour être économe en énergie, un protocole de routage doit avoir des approches similaires à celle des protocoles de routage géographique sans message hello. Puis, dans un second temps, nous introduisons une étude de l'influence des stratégies de relayage dans un voisinage à 1 saut sur les métriques de performance comme le taux de livraison, le nombre de messages dupliqués et la consommation d'énergie. Cette étude est suivie par une première proposition de protocole de routage géographique sans message hello (Pizza-Forwarding (PF)) exploitant des zones de relayage optimisées et sans aucune hypothèse sur les propriétés du canal radio. Dans le but de réduire considérablement la consommation de PF, nous proposons de le combiner avec une adaptation d'un protocole MAC asynchrone efficace en énergie à travers une approche transversale. La combinaison de ces deux approches montre un gain significatif en terme d'économie d'énergie avec des très bon taux de livraison et cela quels que soient les scénarios et la nature de la topologique.Energy-efficient communication protocol is a primary design goal for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Many efforts have been done to save energy anywhere in the protocol stack through temporal and spatial data aggregation schemes, energy-aware routing protocols, activity scheduling and energy-efficient MAC protocols with duty cycle. However both control packets and beacons remain which induces a huge waste energy. Moreover, their design follows the classical layered approach with the principle of modularity in system development, which can lead to a poor performance in WSNs. This thesis focuses on the issues of energy in WSNs through energy-efficient routing and medium access control protocols. The constributions of this thesis can be summarized as follows: First, we are interested on the energy issues at the routing layer for multihop wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We propose a mathematical framework to model and analyze the energy consumption of routing protocols in multihop WSNs by taking into account the protocol parameters, the traffic pattern and the network characteristics defined by the medium channel properties, the dynamic topology behavior, the network diameter and the node density. In this study, we show that Beacon-less routing protocol should be a best candidate to save energy in WSNs. We investigate the performance of some existing relay selection schemes which are used by Beacon-less routing protocols. Extensive simulations are proposed to evaluate their performance locally in terms of packet delivery ratio, duplicated packet and delay. Then, we extend the work in multihop wiriless networks and develop an optimal solution, Enhanced Nearest Forwarding within Radius, which tries to minimize the per-hop expected number of retranmissions in order to save energy. We present a new beaconless routing protocol called Pizza-Forwarding (PF) without any assumption on the radio environment: neither the radio range nor symmetric radio links nor radio properties (shadowing, etc.) are assumed or restricted. A classical greedy mode is proposed. To overcome the hole problem, packets are forwarded to an optimal node in the two hop neighbor following a reactive and optimized neighborhood discovery. In order to save energy due to idle listening and overhearing, we propose to combine PF's main concepts with an energy-efficient MAC protocol to provide a joint MAC/routing protocol suitable for a real radio environment. Performance results lead to conclude to the powerful behavior of PFMAC.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF